That opened in 97. She was kidnapped in 98I just started the first season of this show. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. She knows way too much about pop culture to have been locked away for 15 years. Like.. why the hell does she understand The Lion King? Much less understand that there's now a Lion King on Broadway.
EDIT: Ok, looks like Lion King was made in 94. Damn, I'm getting old. But that doesn't change the Broadway angle.
im finding season 2 tough to watch
feels very SJeWy this time around idk
Season was ok. I'd actually prefer *less* Titus though. Landlady's schtick is getting old at this point too. Next season I'd really love for them to introduce some new characters for Kimmy to play off of. Preferably more normal people, because everyone in the world around her being an utter moron makes it so that her shenanigans have much less impact.