So this show seems to have fizzled out completely. There was initial hype due to the popularity of Stephen King, and the show got that weird kind of automatic praise that some things get before people have even seen it, like reviewers had written their "this is great" reviews before it even premiered. Then it did, and while the pilot was alright, the two subsequent episodes were so awful that forum discussions everywhere are awash with boo-hiss criticism. I had to dig this thread up from halfway down page two, and it's supposed to have been the big summer feature. So much for that, because hardly anybody even talks about it anymore, and when they do, they have nothing flattering to say.
Episode 4 was a little less horrendously written than the previous, but only a little. It didn't have quite as corny and unbelievable writing or acting, but it had more of these pointless, senseless scenes and shallow, uninteresting characters. Add to this the fact that, once again, literally not a single scene of the episode actually took place in the book and you have to wonder if the writers cared only about making it differ from the novel. They certainly didn't seem to pay much mind to whether or not the story was interesting and made sense, because it isn't and doesn't. A particularly cringeworthy moment from last night's episode was when half the population caught meningitis and the baldie reverend promptly went to burn the town's supply of antibiotics because, quote, "they deserve to die!" -- for absolutely no reason and no context other than 'look at this evil religious guy, isn't that topical?'
Once more the episode was bogged down by three or four dull and lengthy scenes of Angie being locked in a bunker. I wonder if the amount of Angie-in-bunker screentime will reach a full hour before it gets more complex than "she has been locked in a bunker and is unhappy about it." Scarecrow Joe continues to appear to be some random kid they pulled in off the street and told to read directly from the script because they forgot to cast an actor, and his girlfriend with the ample forehead continues to try jarringly hard to be an irritating little bitch, so much so that it's clear that 75% of her role's content consists of 'okay, now act like an intolerable bitch." And four episodes in, we still haven't had more than maybe half a dozen very fleeting and superficial scenes related to the actual dome itself.
This show is bad and the writers should feel bad.