union healthcare


Vyemm Raider
Heya guys. So I'm sorta just venting.

So I'm a county union employee. And we finally after 15yrs got a contract. Then last week our county executive decided to back us out of our health insurance.

Currently we have no deductible and we don't contribute. He wants to break our contract and move us to one with a 5k deductible and a 2.5% contribution.

So we started a potion in change.org to get our state union involved.

If any of yous want to sign it please feel more than welcome to.

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Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
To be as polite as I possibly can be about this, you are probably not going to find too much sympathy for public sector unions on this forum. A 2.5% employee contribution is basically nothing compared with most of us in the private sector who are cost-sharing at least 15-20% of the premium with similar deductibles for employee-only coverage (more if you want spousal/family).

But good luck, I guess.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Yeah... I have an $8k deductible right now... and this is more advantageous than I've had it in the past.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
*cries in self-employment*

Before complaining too hard I'd want to be very sure about what the entire compensation space looks like. You were 100% paying for your previous health plan one way or another, even if through depressed salary. There's no free lunch. Is this new health care change offset by other pay increases?

In my experience, the highest-deductible plans + HSA are always the most cost-efficient. The low-deductible plans pretty much universally have higher premiums, worse coverage/care, higher coinsurance, etc, and are inferior on net. While it feels nice to get "free" health care, what you're really doing is paying your insurance company to outsource your cash flow management.
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what Suineg set it to
I'm pretty lucky we get ours for free with a $1000 annual deductible for family plan and no coinsurance.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty lucky we get ours for free with a $1000 annual deductible for family plan and no coinsurance.
I did select this option explicitly so I could get the HSA though. Which is dope by itself.
  • 1Solidarity
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Vyemm Raider
Nah I get it. Im just pissed and needed to vent a bit. But we also have way lower pay cause we get a premium insurance. I mean we only start at 35k.


Vyemm Raider
Just strike. Fuck 'em, I say.
Yo I wish. But ny has these dumb ass Taylor laws.


Tranny Chaser
I can't hear you over social-liberal free medicare. Sure it sucks. But it's' free. Kinda wonder why 1 in 2 has private insurance. Oh, sheeeeyaaaaat.
  • 1Worf
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Vyemm Raider

You come in here, on the day of my daughter's wedding, with some referral linked petition you want me to sign? This forum used to have a currency for such requests...
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yo I wish. But ny has these dumb ass Taylor laws. View attachment 553289

Don't see anything in that law about a slow down. Have everyone start writing fewer parking tickets or whateverthefuckitisyoudo. Sorry boss, gotta go to the doctor but I can't afford the deductible for another 3 months.

In seriousness, if they will offer an HSA this might be a good opportunity.

I glanced at the petition and I can't even tell what it's petitioning for. Sounds like what you really need is to replace the union president. There's a good way to do it right there in that taylor law. If you guys go on strike, he will get arrested. Yeah, I know that's not how it works. Whatever, just go to his house with a bag of feathers and a cauldron of tar and give him 2 choices.


<Prior Amod>
I can't hear you over social-liberal free medicare. Sure it sucks. But it's' free. Kinda wonder why 1 in 2 has private insurance. Oh, sheeeeyaaaaat.
you only have social liberal free medicare b/c of my taxes paying for my army to have the big stick, and why we are protecting you, i have no idea.
  • 1Worf
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Tranny Chaser
you only have social liberal free medicare b/c of my taxes paying for my army to have the big stick, and why we are protecting you, i have no idea.

I think your countrymen are already in Europe fighting for the Zar. Your stick is in the your own wheel, my yellow friend. Soon I'll have to move to the states and charge you for what I do for pennies over here. SHeeeyaaat.
  • 2Worf
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<Prior Amod>
Wait, wait, wait, this is a serious subforum thread, Lanx Lanx - we can't shitpost here.
naw fuck that, i can shit on unions if i want, actually i have to shit on unions, i remember my wife interned at domino sugar, and the factory floor striked, they ended up yelling and harrassing a college student, who doesn't even work in the factory, shes wearing a lab coat and theyre calling her a scab. you really think a 19yr old girl is lifting bags of sugar?

so naw, fuck unions and everyone that is in them
  • 1Mother of God
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