union healthcare


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
i was in amsterdam for a week is that where Izo Izo is?
Well, not positive, but I'm sure it's in biking distance. Their countries are small, like baby hands.
zach galifianakis small hands GIF


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
naw fuck that, i can shit on unions if i want, actually i have to shit on unions, i remember my wife interned at domino sugar, and the factory floor striked, they ended up yelling and harrassing a college student, who doesn't even work in the factory, shes wearing a lab coat and theyre calling her a scab. you really think a 19yr old girl is lifting bags of sugar?

so naw, fuck unions and everyone that is in them
Animated GIF


Blackwing Lair Raider
Don't see anything in that law about a slow down. Have everyone start writing fewer parking tickets or whateverthefuckitisyoudo. Sorry boss, gotta go to the doctor but I can't afford the deductible for another 3 months.

In seriousness, if they will offer an HSA this might be a good opportunity.

I glanced at the petition and I can't even tell what it's petitioning for. Sounds like what you really need is to replace the union president. There's a good way to do it right there in that taylor law. If you guys go on strike, he will get arrested. Yeah, I know that's not how it works. Whatever, just go to his house with a bag of feathers and a cauldron of tar and give him 2 choices.
Brother they’re government workers they’re already in a persistent state of “slow down”

(sorry OP couldn’t resist)
  • 1Worf
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