Until Dawn



Didn't see a thread on this. Comes out towards the end of this month.

Survival horror/Slasher

**Video does have spoilers. Watch at your own risk.**


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Really hope this doesn't suck, I've been looking forward to it since it was first announced.


Lord Nagafen Raider

Here you go. Use the full youtube link, not the shortened one.

Also, agree with Vorph. I want this game so bad and I hope it turns out great. I purposely haven't been watching too many of the videos because I feel they have been showing off quite a bit. It's also going to be tough because I might force myself to only play this game at night.

Turn up my surround sound, turn off every single light...should be a blast!



Here you go. Use the full youtube link, not the shortened one.

Turn up my surround sound, turn off every single light...should be a blast!
Awesome! Thanks for the long link tip. Didn't even think about using the long link.

I plan on doing the exact same thing. Night, lights off, dogs upstairs and rum and coke.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Awesome! Thanks for the long link tip. Didn't even think about using the long link.

I plan on doing the exact same thing. Night, lights off, dogs upstairs and rum and coke.
Yeah I have been waiting for this since it was announced. Can't wait. I hope they didn't fuck it up too.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
With that said, I hope it is more than just a click this or that option style of game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd imagine overall that's how it's going to be, mainly just watching a movie while you make some choices. Seems like there are some places you can control the character yourself and move around a map, but not sure how linear / open world it will be. I'm hoping the whole butterfly effect thing is huge in this game. I keep hearing about certain choices you make with your characters have a pretty big effect on others aka, lock a door with one character, it might fuck over another one, throw an object here and then a later character won't have that object etc etc.

I just hope the overall story (and characters) are good enough that it'll make me want to do multiple play throughs just to see different ending options.


From the wiki.

Until Dawn is designed to be replayed multiple times as players will not be able to understand the full version with only just one playthrough. Each playthrough will last about nine hours in length and the game mechanics will utilize a new in-game system called the "Butterfly Effect" in which any choice of action by the player may cause major unforeseen consequences later on. Throughout the game players will make difficult decisions during ethical or moral dilemmas such as to sacrifice one character in order to save another as one example. The "Butterfly Effect" system blurs the line between right and wrong decisions and it is possible for players to keep all eight characters alive through to having them all killed, allowing for many different paths and scenarios players can take and seemingly endless multiple endings. Until Dawn will have a strict auto-save system to prevent players from reloading a previous save file to an earlier point in the game if they regret an in-game decision that they have made.[2][6]
It's a 3rd person game. Very much like The Last of Us... Atleast the quick clip I saw of game play. It utilizes the PS4 controller a lot, especially movement. Not sure about voice/sound like Alien did.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
TLoU was like Uncharted crossed with survival-horror; Until Dawn seems more like Heavy Rain crossed with survival-horror.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
They embargoed the shit out of this. From what I have seen it looks right up my alley, but I want to see reviews first.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Reviews are out today, so it's not a full embargo. So far it's 80ish average, with a few really high and one 40 that looks like it was written by someone who doesn't even like this type of horror or games like Heavy Rain and was predisposed to hate it. Polygon gave it a 65, so it must be good.

GameFly failed me, so I guess I'm going to buy it and get the preorder bonus content.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wife is anxious for midnight tonight... well I guess edit that to 1pm EST tonight now in light of the D&D game technically, once she wakes up.

Definitely curious to see how it plays and might try it some, but doesn't appear my normal type of game personally.


FPS noob
really weird they didn't release this around halloween, seems like the perfect casual halloween party game

totally not my kind of game though, just gonna watch someone play on twitch. preferably a hot chick with big boobs


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Reviews are out today, so it's not a full embargo. So far it's 80ish average, with a few really high and one 40 that looks like it was written by someone who doesn't even like this type of horror or games like Heavy Rain and was predisposed to hate it. Polygon gave it a 65, so it must be good.

GameFly failed me, so I guess I'm going to buy it and get the preorder bonus content.
Oops ok good. I checked earlier and didn't see any. I'll read up on a few.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just placed my pre-order, should receive it Thursday, which is actually great because I don't really have time to sit down and play it til thursday night anyway. Thinking I'll get some rum and stay up quite late playing it thursday night. Take a shot for every character that dies maybe? Not sure if that'll be enough though, we'll see haha.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I did my digital pre-order just now as well, am a sucker for this type of genre or idea that Quantic Dream-style stuff has been out in the past and of survival horror. Will probably regret it, but meh.


FPS noob
theres a few people streaming it already on twitch, no hot chicks with big titties yet tho. visually it looks pretty good on face closeups but the environments don't seem as impressive although the dynamic lighting is pretty good. some of the light stuff doesn't look "right" though

also why do all the "teenagers" look like 40 year olds


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Wife is anxious for midnight tonight... well I guess edit that to 1pm EST tonight now in light of the D&D game technically, once she wakes up.

Definitely curious to see how it plays and might try it some, but doesn't appear my normal type of game personally.
What DnD game?