Up and coming competitive game to look forward to?


Molten Core Raider
In sort of an odd place at the moment;

I recently hung up the MMO reigns after a pretty intense 13 year career of hardcore raiding. Main reason being the career is just too demanding while trying to raid & actually work out and play ball. I thought single games on the ps3/ps4 and occasional computer game would satisfy my appetite but for the most part games seem so void of accomplishment. I'm an extremely competitive individual in about everything I do in real life but for the most part in the gaming world I stuck with MMO's instead of FPS etc. Part of the reason being that even though you know you are going to quit an MMO at some point, its alot easier to invest the time knowing it "could" be something you continue to build on for years so its a more rewarding and a better investment.

I also hate playing catch up to people that have been playing games significantly longer then I have (lil issue surrounding failure...never did learn to accept it and having a 12 yr fucktard talk shit while I'm learning a game he played for a year gets agitating). I played LoL briefly before I gave FFXIV a go and there was some enjoyment there but its abit too mature game for my liking. I missed the DOTA2 train as well.

The last 3-4 weeks I jumped into Might & Magic cardgame which is a new genre for me and I actually enjoy that. I've got up to 1350 or so elo learning and have plenty to learn but part of my problem is its abit too depedant on draw luck and lacks real response to give you that rush and challenge. Still fun but not sure I want to spend the next year focusing on that. Heartstone is abit simplified for my tastes after playing Might and Magic.

I've been pretty busy outside of gaming so I haven't done the best staying on top of whats in the pipeline. Any of you smart guys who really keep up to speed on the gaming world have any suggestions that I could start following and try to get involved with in beta etc early on. Something to really scratch the competitive itch that has some staying power? Something you need to spend some significant time to learn and become an expert but success isn't quite as tied to time invested as an MMO and doesn't have as stringent time requirements (i've had more < 3 hours of sleep nights due to late raids then I can even begin to count and i'm too much of addict to just leave a raid early hah).

I'm open to any genre's but definitely like abit more of the fantasy based games that have some sort of minor reward for winning and time invested as well as provide a competitive gaming scene that isn't strictly tied to how fast you reaction time is (IE; fps's are abit too far on that front where a MOBA tends to have gear selection, class selection, team play, strategic and tactical decisions, etc as well as being a quick thinker). Just want something new to look forward to and plan on playing on.

Appreciate any feedback and suggestions.


Trump's Staff
Everquest Next: Landmark

MMORPG + Minecraft put together. Won't be a huge twitch/skill learning curve. The limiting factor will be your own creativity. As far as the competitive part, you can place your creations on a marketplace in-game, and split the (real money) revenue with SOE.

I'm also super stoked for Titanfall... But that game is gonna attract some serious FPS pros. Expect to get roflstomped and tea bagged even on release day.


Molten Core Raider
Sorry wasn't a well constructed post; i'm not remotely afraid of competion or anything of that nature. Just looking for something new compared to existing competitive player base preferably with a meta-game and cooperative play. Not strictly a FPS. I'll look into titanfall, sorry just haven't paid much attention to anything but the MMO scene.

More I think of it, a LOL type game really might be the best mix of things I'm interested in. Is there similar games that are in the works that people are starting to look forward to? Obviously pro's are going to be pro's no matter what game they play, I just want something that I start on equal footing. PvP for instance I didn't touch in WoW until many years in and it just wasn't enjoyable as you got past all the complete idiots but then just got slaughtered by people that really knew the in's and outs of the classes since they had been playing for so long. I went to TOR pvp and completely dominated (yes apples to oranges but just the experience of starting at the ground level is very appealing).


Sorry wasn't a well constructed post; i'm not remotely afraid of competion or anything of that nature. Just looking for something new compared to existing competitive player base preferably with a meta-game and cooperative play. Not strictly a FPS. I'll look into titanfall, sorry just haven't paid much attention to anything but the MMO scene.

More I think of it, a LOL type game really might be the best mix of things I'm interested in. Is there similar games that are in the works that people are starting to look forward to? Obviously pro's are going to be pro's no matter what game they play, I just want something that I start on equal footing. PvP for instance I didn't touch in WoW until many years in and it just wasn't enjoyable as you got past all the complete idiots but then just got slaughtered by people that really knew the in's and outs of the classes since they had been playing for so long. I went to TOR pvp and completely dominated (yes apples to oranges but just the experience of starting at the ground level is very appealing).
Still confused how you missed the MOBA train, as the circle-jerk never leaves the station until you go semi-pro or change games. Man up and get back on Dota 2. They unlocked ranked matches in the most recent patch. Here's your chance to "catch up".


Golden Knight of the Realm
Missed a train with dota 2? No, just get in there and play. Not like everyone is a super pro.


2 Minutes Hate
The only competitive game that is worth playing these days are MOBAs unless you want to go the FPS/Fighter route. Either go with LOL which has more players, more exposure and is pretty much the biggest game out there. Or go with DOTA2 that has some more challenging gameplay but a smaller playerbase (which is still quite large).

Or if you want a brand new game, you can always play the kiddy MOBA which is the upcoming Blizzard moba.

I only really follow LOL, but there is always room for new players and I wouldn't worry about "catching up". Season 4 is about to start up again. I also think that LOL has a better footprint for esports right now so it's easier to follow as a "sport". I'm sure DOTA2 peeps are going to bash me now.

an accordion_sl

Or if you want a brand new game, you can always play the kiddy MOBA which is the upcoming Blizzard moba.
That's a very dumb way to put it.

Heroes of the Storm is the only upcoming game that is guaranteed to have a competitive scene (at least Blizzcon + small online tourneys). It'll be different enough from LoL/Dota2 to attract both groups of players.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I find it hilarious a LoL player is trying to get on his high horse calling any game kiddie

If you want a 1v1 competitive game you can look into Starcraft 2. If you want a group/social competitive game look into either DOTA2 or LoL.


<Silver Donator>
That's a very dumb way to put it.

Heroes of the Storm is the only upcoming game that is guaranteed to have a competitive scene (at least Blizzcon + small online tourneys). It'll be different enough from LoL/Dota2 to attract both groups of players.
Well we'll need to wait and see, Hearthstone could have a competitive scene, kinda does even, and they have done nothing to help facilitate it or promote it. It's literally designed as anything but a competitive game. Maybe for HotS they'll actually put some focus on making it competitive friendly or maybe they'll just ride the "casual moba" wave to the end.

As for OP, don't know why you don't play lol or dota, yes both have fairly old competitive scene, dota especially, but it's not like it makes it impossible to do relatively well and compete at a smaller level. If you want to compete at a real high level, then you'd need massive dedication and training to catch up, but it's not impossible. Regardless of your goals though, they're the thing to look forward to, maybe HotS might become big enough so you could look into that, but there's a fairly solid chance previous knowledge and mastery of current generation dota/lol would help a fuckton in learning a game that utilize similar mechanics.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
MOBAs are fucking garbage. How did 'Single Unit RPG using RTS interface' become a genre?

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I can't speak for LoL but I've been getting into Dota 2 in the last couple months and have been loving it. Competitive play is a blast to watch as well. No reason I would let just starting now be a negative.


I like dota 2 because you constantly feel yourself getting better and surviving things you would never have before.

I also hate dota2 because it relies on 4 strangers who more then likely are ass hats.


2 Minutes Hate
High horse? Nah. LOL already Blizzard'd DOTA. DOTA2 has some additional mechanics that give the game some extra strategies and depth to it. LOL came around and simplified a lot of things. So it kiddied up DOTA essentially. It made it more accessible and casual on the low end.

HOTS goes another step further and eliminates the laning phase and gives you a bunch of maps and different objectives to play on. It's a game that's going to be pretty fun to play with for sure, but it's essentially like WOW BGs and there isn't a singular map mode to center around from what I know.

The thing DOTA and LOL have in common at the highest level is the map, map shape etc. It's like the AL and the NL. They both play on a baseball diamond but in the NL pitchers have to swing a bat.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I like dota 2 because you constantly feel yourself getting better and surviving things you would never have before.

I also hate dota2 because it relies on 4 strangers who more then likely are ass hats.
The last statement is pretty much why I stopped playing MOBA. To a lesser extent competitive FPS like CS:GO has the same issue. Also the fact that matches lasting 45m+ it felt like I had to block off way too much time simply to play a game.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
The last statement is pretty much why I stopped playing MOBA. To a lesser extent competitive FPS like CS:GO has the same issue. Also the fact that matches lasting 45m+ it felt like I had to block off way too much time simply to play a game.
Have you tried the rerolled guild shit? Dota 2 seems like it would be fun as shit as long you have a rerolled bro or two.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You could also try out competitive chess online if you don't want a twitchy game -- which most competitive PC games have to one degree or another.


Honestly, from your description, I would go with Dota 2. It's pretty much impossible to "miss the train" since the game is static and there's no gear accumulation or anything. Within one month of hard play (ie, multiple games daily) you will probably be at 50-75% of your "final" performance. Final is in quotes because in Dota you never stop improving, and it's satisfying to play a game for years and still find ways to improve your game. If you are an experienced gamer and have a competitive nature, you will probably end up in the higher portion of the bracket and most of your games will be hard-fought. Just be prepared to lose often, and don't quit when you hit a losing streak. It happens to everyone. I think I am a similar type of gamer to you, and Dota was my game of choice back when it was a WC3 mod and remains my choice today.