Us (2019)

Aychamo BanBan

Absolutely loved every second of this movie. It did run on at the end and could have used a much tighter ending. Nice twist. Really great job with the suspense and comedy. Very original.

I didn't quite understand the part where the shadows are doing the hands across america thing, what was that about?
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
It was alright. Acting was good but it wasn't all that scary.

I didn't really get the "twist" at the end, which despite the initial shock didn't really have any retrospective impact:

So the girls swapped places, making the "evil" one the mom and the "good" one the crazy. So, despite the reveal, what's supposed to be the revelation here?


<Bronze Donator>
I thought this movie was just ok. I didn't feel there was enough explanation about what the evil copies were about. There was some mention of they were created to control people or something, but who created them? Who were they supposed to control (obviously they control their copies)? Maybe I just missed it since there were a bunch of retarded teenagers talking and laughing throughout the movie, but for me there was not enough explanation. The twist was also pretty obvious but reasonably well done.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I don’t get the praise over this guys movies. Interesting concepts poor story telling.
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Molten Core Raider
Not really sure what the message was supposed to be... So the shadows would be the have nots and the regular people are the haves? Which means that the main chick would be someone pulled up by their bootstraps, and the shadows were those stuck in the struggle and resent her? Shes not black enough so they hate her?

The movie was alright. Glad I saw it, didnt feel like it was a waste of time or money, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I thought this movie was just ok. I didn't feel there was enough explanation about what the evil copies were about. There was some mention of they were created to control people or something, but who created them? Who were they supposed to control (obviously they control their copies)? Maybe I just missed it since there were a bunch of retarded teenagers talking and laughing throughout the movie, but for me there was not enough explanation. The twist was also pretty obvious but reasonably well done.

The lack of explanation makes it better in my opinion. Imagination runs wild filling in all the gaps you mentioned. Just like movie monsters are scarier before you actually see them fully.

I agree with most that this was good but not quite as good as get out. Could have been a bit shorter and tighter, and the twist at the end seems kind of pointless.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
visually impressive.

Family could be white... doesn't have to be. It's the same movie either way. Some of the specific jokes and situations will be different.

Seems all good to me.

I don't know that there are any "black" movies in the genre at all, really. A few blacksploitation ones. By all means, add some.

Just watched this on a flight and liked 8t a ton.

Maybe this is because I spend too much time I the politics thread, but one of the things I really liked about it was exactly what you pointed out. They were an average upper middle class family that happened to be black. Outside of playing rap music in some scenes their lives and even the flashbacks were just typical middle America.

I know that Peele is mixed and was raised by his white mom in the suburbs; I wonder if he is trying to show the world what his and his close black friends' lives were like if your parents never bought into the blacks as victims mentality and raised their kids colorblind.

It also gets a ton of points in my book because it is wholly original and not a remake or sequel.

They should have made the underground creepier, less clean. And the twist should have only been hinted.
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Just watched it.

It was ok. I couldn’t believe the praise it got on this thread and elsewhere. I did like the music. Glad he’s a Hitchcock fan.

It also gets a ton of points in my book because it is wholly original and not a remake or sequel.

Good point

Maybe raise it to 6.5
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Just a Nurse
It was alright. Acting was good but it wasn't all that scary.

I didn't really get the "twist" at the end, which despite the initial shock didn't really have any retrospective impact:

So the girls swapped places, making the "evil" one the mom and the "good" one the crazy. So, despite the reveal, what's supposed to be the revelation here?

I believe it's supposed to mean that we all have evil within ourselves - a counterpart. The evil (shadow/clone) became a good person while the good person became an evil person. However, the thing that made me confused was that the son at the end looked at the mother in a strange way. Did he know the mother was the clone?

I thought it was a marvelous movie. Peele has some incredibly dark undertone themes to his movies in which they don't have to be clearly spelled out to the viewer - but more up to interpretation. I watched this on a plane and thought, "My God, what a fucked up movie." lol.


<Gold Donor>
I've felt the opposite about both of his movies so far, he seems about as subtle as a sledgehammer and doesn't really know how to tell a story. He makes incredibly beautiful and dark films but they are so scatter shot with execution that it always feels like it takes too much away for the film to be good and for me to believe that he isn't just following along the same Key & Peele writing process of just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks. That show was about 75% miss and that's the same ratio that I've gotten from his movies so far.

He's got the same vibe, albeit more refined, as Rob Zombie where he's just aping off of great directors. This is just a shitty Hitchcockian version of Halloween with class struggle.

He had to spell out his direction, in text, before the movie started then he just fucking beats us over the head with that for the last 10 minutes. "Hey, remember that text I showed you about tunnels but haven't figured out how to bring into the story using cinematic devices because I don't know how, well that's the climax." Some duality of man tale loosely held together by a line about tunnels with nostalgia sprinkled in and a hamfisted twist tacked onto it.

His career so far seems to be based on the summation of guilt for not experiencing the cultural issues that he tries to discuss and in him trying to discuss them as an outsider it becomes very apparent that the movies aren't coming from a place of understanding but from an observer only being able to paint a facade of what he is trying to convey
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I finally got around to watching this on HBO Go, and I thought it was great, if for Lupita Nyong’o’s excellent acting alone. The voice and fluid movements of the shadow were crazy! As others have mentioned, there were tons of plot holes, but I still thought this was fun, creepy, and hilarious. When the clone dad is screaming from the boat and you hear a response from the shore, my wife and I gave each other the WTF look, and then started cracking up.

Better than I expected, would watch again!