Erronius is great; he just goes on hiatus for way too long and makes me sad.
I mean, to be serious for just one moment...I PUT MYSELF IN THERE. Just like I threw in with the Jugs in the 'Shaw back in the day, even though I knew for a fact that Kentucky was a Southern State.Yes we rehab the retarded and salty butthurts such as yourself quite effectively
The forum is boring nowadays. Too much salt from the wrong people, not enough creativity, too many endless/pointless arguments.
Also not enough people like Sam da Man to poke with sticks. And too many of our resident lulcows make their beds and then refuse to lie in them, instead of growing thicker skin and just rolling with it.
Dude brings up my postcount like 1) I care, and 2) I don't mostly post 1-liners before moving on like some sort of forum vulture. I mean, FFS, I've probably spent more time making shitty 'shoops for games I'm playing, or for the forums, then it took to make 99% of my posts.
And don't think I don't know what you're after...some high quality frottage. Our dicks sharing the same fleshlight...throbbing, pulsating, slick from lube and...yes, YES! ...just like this...
Welp, ok, I've been drinking, might want to SS this...
I concede, good sir. I will allow your argument that Kentucky is a Northern State.
Good day!
Yes a high post count is more indicative of someone either lacking a social life and/or attention whoring
Where’d you pull that one out from? How’dVanessa get brought into this lol
Just took two triple strength Osteo BiFlex, hope that works for you.Start taking lots of pills too while you drink
Well its his thread for starters you mongoloid retard
Consider rereading what you wrote in the context of our conversation and ask yourself who the retard is.
We were arguing amongst eachother
Just took two triple strength Osteo BiFlex, hope that works for you.
You self-motile snail trail of salty, fetid afterbirth
Shut up you dumb cuntAmod time to take this thread home to the rickshaw, it hasn’t been fun but all unfun things must come to an end.