Agreed. It's like the sluts on Reddit, "If this post gets 1000 upvotes, I'll show my butthole". Bitch, I will not be bribed!
Meh... well I
upvoted ol'
myself. Even if LLR made it a forum announcement and let that run for a week I doubt he'd get 200 likes in a single post. There's just not enough users here methinks... but hey, wouldn't be the first time this forum proved me wrong LoL~
Again, all fun and games
I do think a good portion of it is that they are literally obsessed with you, but I also think a good portion of it is them getting kicks from getting under your skin. It has long since been about the debate aspect of it all, and is in schadenfreude territory now, and you're feeding into it and I'm not sure if you recognize that this will never end at this rate. This isn't about winning or losing an argument because it's not an actual argument.
I can't appeal to their sensibilities because they have no reason to give this up, and I'm not sure I would in their case either. You on the other hand seem to be on a course that leads you right out of the community either by your own frustration, or by just ostracizing yourself from everyone in your efforts to defend yourself/prove a point.
Sometimes the only way to win the game is to not play.
Keep up the "good fight" if you want to, but I doubt it's going to be worth even a tiny fraction of the effort.
One correction to this: When I say I don't lie here and never have (I mean, when I'm NOT shitposting myself but I
HOPE it's obvious when I'm trying to be serious vs. when I'm shitposting), I don't bluff LoL. Believe me when I say: The morons like wormie, Foler, Hodj, Zyyz, Ridas etc don't get under my skin. I had to block some spammers for a bit because at one point here it was literally difficult to wade through the sea of shit just to quote the users like
that seemed to want to actually engage in real dialogue. At one point I was very very close to just starting a new thread in the Grown Up section because I was told behind the scenes by
that that would be the better option if I wanted to filter the retards out instead of having to have this thread moderated to any degree worth mods time. That's not deflection, clown-world trolling where opposite day is the norm, or a pile of horseshit I'm trying to feed you guys... just a fact. If you or others don't believe that though, that's fine too
Blazin is right though... ultimately this thread is in Screenshots where the rule of the land is [
No limits, post away! (18+)] It's part and parcel the nature of the beast, and I accept that.
As far as the "good fight" ; y'all haven't seen the PMs I get... I'll leave it at that, heh.
I love this forum because I love free speech (and the humor that that offers). You have no idea how stifled I feel posting on other forums... it's like every fucking post I make is walking through a minefield of eggshells because the "tranny issue" is chock full of over-sensitive, illogical leftists that will ban your ass for stepping out of line of the "
narrative" quicker than you can spell "P R O N O U N S".
The ability to take some shit to the face from hateful rubes is a fair trade-off to being able to speak freely and openly about a subject as socially controversial as transgenderism and everything that that topic encompasses.