Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
But, I've said here before, more and more I don't think anyone truly believes. Or such a small number as to be kind of absurd. I know people make claims, and people participate in religious events, and people are raised to believe things and not question things. But I've never met anyone who lives their life as if they were being judged and their eternity relies on how well they adhere to the tenets of their religion.
I think then maybe you are too biased to see clearly. There are a lot of true believers. I have seen plenty of people suffer and sacrifice for their beliefs and for no other reason. But not being perfect is completely built in to their understanding of Christ ("we're all sinners"). And most sects of Christianity don't rely on works but belief in Christ for the ticket to Heaven -- hence why adhering at all times is hardly the metric to go by. Mediocre adherence but fervent belief is much less work.
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