People are nasty Coleslaw; welcome to FoH?
why do you worry so much about and take pride in passability?
Integration amongst society. We want to be able to go to the store, the mall, the workplace etc and not stand out. We don't want to be seen or thought about as "the tranny" in situations. It's called
blending in. It makes us feel normal to combat our apparent and obvious (to us) un-normalcy. Ideally, many of us would just want to BE the opposite sex and be cis-gender and that's that but that's not living in reality. The best we can do is uncanny valley ourselves to as near close as possible. This curbs dysphoria and also helps society not be too wigged out by our existence, especially when we go somewhere and just want to piss.
This is reason #1,028 why non-binary trannies are NOT real trannies; they CHOOSE to stand out in society for attention... they want to simply fuck with people's perception of them and WANT to be transgender. The mere fact the real trannies don't want to be trans and just want to be cis-gender should show A) they are the real deal holyfields and B) they have a mental illness to feel the need to be the opposite gender but not *want* to be transgender.
Yes yes, I realize some of you will say "But on
here!?! You
CHOSE to shove that in our faces!!!"
As a humorous joke I did and here we are years later. The AMA was immediately made and it's now my forum identity. I try to minimize it to nothing OUTSIDE this thread anymore but people want to keep bringing it up out outside this thread. Which, it's their freedom and everything but it annoys me frankly, and it annoys others. Come to this thread to bash me and we can keep hashing out bullshit till we're all blue in the face; that part is fine but really... when I'm just talking about a movie and people want to make jokes about my tranniness... c'mon fellas it's just old and played out and that's not me being a sensitive person over it... it's me saying "it's fucking old", no different than someone telling
me when I bring it up outside my thread and it's not already a topic; "it's fucking old".
Just realize that at work and in society and with everything that I do "in real life" I keep my identity within unless it is 100% necessary to be on the table to talk about it to people close to me.
if you could go back and witness 1 major event in history, what would it be?
I'd love to see Christ in the flesh; that is my one "time-travel" fantasy. Anything else is just pale in comparison to what I'd like to see.
I don't think time travel will
EVER be a reality. We can bend space/time so it's theoretically possible to slow down future time in a sense but that's not the same as going "backwards" and I don't think there are alternate dimensions so to speak. I believe God created this reality for a purpose and that's that. We have one life, one soul, one universe, and one chance to live with the Father and Son forever, or reject Them and live in eternal darkness.
Just to add;
What I think would be the most hysterical cosmic joke of all time... the true Divine Comedy of it all is if there really was a Pantheon of Gods all immortal and all fighting for domination just like there are in the world.
i.e. it's not that the Christian God is the ONLY God out there, but ALL the Gods are out there and every believer gets the souls of the God they worshipped.
So every Christian goes with Jesus eternally and is happy and every Islamist goes to Allah and is happy and every Hindi gets to be reincarnated and some live as cows and every Buddhist just lives in Nirvana forever and every atheist just goes completely dark like before they were born and every Nietzscheist gets their eternal Noon of man, and every Jediist goes and hangs out with those freaks at the Mos Eisley Cantina, and every ancient Norseman IS in Valhalla with Odin etc etc etc.
Do I really think that's what happens? No, but it's an entertaining thought