Yeah, she looks great... with a shit ton of makeup. Reoccurring theme here.
But she doesn't actually look great. That shit is overkill but I'm only judging off that one video.
Trannies love their makeup, idk what to say. Just like a lot of women
love their makeup.
Makeup is a skill and most women I've spoken to when actually getting close enough to them for them to open up about the issue revealed stuff; I started to discover a pattern: A lot of women who don't wear makeup at all were literally never taught and/or they don't know how to apply it very well. Now I'm not saying this is a 100% fool-proof, across the board pattern but just like a lot of things humans do, you can infer majority commonalities with certain behavioral tendencies.
The girl in the vid (Nikki) is just a top-tier makeup person... regardless of their transgender status or not. As she stated in the vid, she wanted to not have THAT as her identity and I can relate to that a lot. I DON'T discuss it or tell people IRL hardly
ever and if you haven't figured it out yet, outside this thread I'm trying to NOT discuss it at all unless it's a topic already in the convo but there again, due to LLR's directive, I'll just drag it in here because I have no intention on getting people's feathers bristled.
As far as her not actually looking great... c'mon. She's not a VS model but she looks
really good for a tranny; you gotta give her solid cred for that.
I feel like the transgender issue is waning in attention across society little by little anyway and that's a good thing. I'm looking forward to it being discussed just as much as being gay is (which isn't much these days, and that's fine).
i.e. just... 3301 posting.
^ Terrible posting.