Ad male infant circumcision: it’s a very common misconception, that it, the cutting of the foreskin, protects against hiv. This is shown only in africa, adult males, with a HIV prevalence many times higher than western world. How that translates to non-endemic countries’ infants (!) is beyond doctors here. Aka it’s only done in the US because of a massive lobby for it - it’s a big dollar industry, and your doctors have vast student debts. We, physicians, in europe don’t circumcise outside the very few treatment resistant phimosis or stenosis in europe. Phimosis is treated almost exclusively with hormone creme, extension of the skin. We have lower hiv numbers than say the us. Penile cancer is all but extinct here too. HPV is prevented by vaccines, not cutting of skin. To me, circumcision is like cutting of your nose in fear of rhinitis, or an earlobe in fear of ear wax. You do the math. Our national doctor union is working hard on equating girls and boys, it should be illegal to cut of anything for non-medical reasons in healthy boys (as it is in girls), especially in individuals unable to consent, here children. Speaking for my specialty, anaesthesia and acute, sugar water does not reduce pain in infants, it merely dulls the expression of it - every objective meassurement says it does not reduce neuronal pain. It’s attrocious to even do this procedure outsite general anaestesia and analgesia.
The debate here in denmark, is, sadly, generally reduced to fear of insulting arabs and jews - otherwise this, circumcision would be illegal. It’s already deemed
ethically unaccaptable our doctors union as it is - the strongest possible disdain we can express - politicians suck though.. It’s my hope we can pioneed a ban on this silly, superstitious, malign treatment of our most precious ressource.
Here is a little reading on this ‘benign’ procedure, I suspect you can get it cheap, no?
Amazon product ASIN B00L5FPF2C
Don’t bother with the paper you think to educate me on / cling to. Like I said, unless you think africa aids epidemics and african male adults can be generalized to non-endemic infants, it’s a mute point.
Ourfinest professor on the subject, Morten Frisch, has written seveal fine articles with your bioethicist Brian Earp. Here is the abstract for one of the latest, I encourage you to search for more of their work if you have access to scientific journals:
In December of 2014, an anonymous working group under the United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a draft of the first-ever federal recommendations regarding male circumcision. In accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics' circumcision policy from 2012 -...