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Really Sevens, is it painful being such a clueless, obsessive gimp with such a distorted, hateful view of the world like you have? This was sent to me via IM on FB after she moved out and took herself and her daughter away. She's with her family now, moved away. Yes, the tranny thing made her uneasy because she didn't understand it (A testament to how well I pass IRL and up close I suppose), but Foler making that fake pedo sign and her seeing that made her wig out and leave. So ironically, due to a slanderous lie originating from this forum, it affected my RL in a very nasty negative way. That's what you guys are... evil, hateful, bigoted people. But I never wanted vindication upon Foler because, unlike y'all, I'm not a monster. Yet after it's all said and done, as you can see above, she was in good hands with me and admitted so.
Does the above text sound like it's coming from an individual who was leaving a "fucked up situation" to text that back to her oppressor or what have you? You only think that way because you're a transphobic, low IQ individual, and I take pleasure in proving you both wrong and clueless.
Here's the funny thing... even in light of this shattering proof to back up my point, you'll still try to wriggle some way in to attack me because you're THAT evil and hateful.
HUUUURRRR VANESSA IS A LIAR!!! ...grade A clown world reject is you, and this post is what it looks like to get destroyed by evidence.
More lies from a nobody who dumps actual cash into negging someone online. We've been through this before... find the quote mongoloid... dig dig dig so people can see how baseline dumb you truly are.
Here's the funny thing... even in light of this shattering proof to back up my point, you'll still try to wriggle some way in to attack me because you're THAT evil and hateful.
HUUUURRRR VANESSA IS A LIAR!!! ...grade A clown world reject is you, and this post is what it looks like to get destroyed by evidence.
You got wrecked clown, then came back for seconds as I literally predicted you would.She forgave you, good on her...doesnt change the fact that you LIED to her.
You got wrecked clown, then came back for seconds as I literally predicted you would.
Didn't you get the memo?
Good. Always. Triumphs. Over. Evil.
v Sevens and Punko v
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That you think a tranny merely fence-sitting on the subject of their genitals is tantamount LYING is what I wish every single decent human being on this planet could witness, and that you would be exposed like a bug under a magnifying glass of the sunlight of truth.
Y'all are horrible, hateful people, and eternity is a long time to be.... uncomfortable.
Y'all are horrible, hateful people, and eternity is a long time to be.... uncomfortable.
Hey Booze. Out of respect for Vanessa I stopped visiting this thread months ago hoping he would do the same in regards to mine. Also I don't engage with him in hopes is would deescalate the any tension. Not worth it. Unfortunately he's shown his true colors as a troll and recently purposely posted in my thread to antagonize after I've asked him many times to please vacate.I like how you try and blameFoler for you being a sick demented basket case loony. If anything he did that poor woman and child a favor if that was the warning sign she needed to get out of a clown demons fucking trailerpark.
Hey Booze. Out of respect for Vanessa I stopped visiting this thread months ago hoping he would do the same in regards to mine.
Catholics are Catholics. I'm not a Catholic. More strawmen for an ignorant moron.This is the catholic stance on transgenders:
Pope Benedict XVI has denounced gender theory, warning that it blurs the distinction between male and female and could thus lead to the "self-destruction" of the human species.[47] He warned against alteration of the term "gender": "What is often expressed and understood by the term 'gender,' is definitively resolved in the self-emancipation of the human being from creation and the Creator," he warned. "Man wants to create himself, and to decide always and exclusively on his own about what concerns him." The Pontiff said this is humanity living "against truth, against the creating Spirit."
I guess you created your own religion, like you determine your own gender.
The whole thing is pretty laughable.
Apparently its also the christian way to lie to people, insult them and call them names. I mean, every christian I have ever known (and that is a lot of them) were nothing but judgemental, hypocritical, holier than thou pieces of shit. They can do no wrong cause they have god on their side...even if it is something directly against what is written in their "good" book. Dude, I must say you are a shining beacon of the christian movement and shit like you is the reason the faith is losing its congregation in record numbers. I have become bored with you and your attention whoring ways. I will no longer respond to you in this want to continue this then take it back to the AvT thread.
I reject it too. I don't believe in Christ out of fear... I believe and trust Him out of love. That is the fundamental difference between someone who adopts Pascal's Wager and someone who genuinely is Christian.It feel swell to reject pascals wager.
How do you love something that does not exist?I reject it too. I don't believe in Christ out of fear... I believe and trust Him out of love. That is the fundamental difference between someone who adopts Pascal's Wager and someone who genuinely is Christian.
How do you love something that does not exist?