So if you're rickshawed you can't post pics, gifs or even QUOTES? Fuck you BlitzHauptRegel, you fucking suck ass.
Wellp, since I can't even quote now:
This is the original post. This is the quote from that post (amazing how prophetic the last line is, but hey... it really just goes to show how long this moron has been peddling this twisted narrative that I abuse children... it's a sick form of projection I think. I'd be willing to bet he has a police record, and it would be......... telling.
"I hadn't read the complete research at that time. The research I read indicated puberty blockers were relatively safe for adolescents sans bone mineral issues, and hormones were quite effective for adolescents. Adolescents =/= children. Adolescents =/= kids. This is the narrative that is pushed by ignorant people like Booze and his ilk.
Since reading the research I realized the crux of ALL of this is accurate diagnosis and have since refined my philosophy of psychotherapy until better means of diagnosis is available. Once these people are adults (18+) then it's their choice of what they want to do with their bodies. The only exception to that is if said adolescents are Gender Dysphoric to the point that NOT getting these drugs may cause them to commit self-harm or commit suicide. I don't think evil, bigoted people like my hatertots would care one iota about that (therefore proving that their agenda isn't about OMG THINK OF THE KIDS) but eliminating any and all trans folk from existence.
I changed my mind based on more data than when I initially made the quote Chaos had to do extensive backtracking to quote me saying "I support the use of puberty blockers". I mean I technically do, but under VERY specific situations where the harm of the adolescent becomes an issue. As one parent of a trans-teen has said: I'd rather support my child being transgender than risk my child being dead.
See how much effective that explanation is when you (Lend) don't come at me with vile rhetoric and simply and calmly address me?
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
On that note, I'm out. Getting rickshawed out of bias is complete bullshit and LLR has been called out for shifting goalposts just to have me rickshawed. There was NEVER any rule for reposting a moved mod post.... and that post was completely and utterly on topic before the perceived derail happened. Oblio was just either clueless or operating on pure fucking bias.
You atheists enjoy your echo-chamber... oh wait... that's right... that thread will just as soon sink to the bottom of the forum list because it's completely boring without me. #facts
Hmmm, what else? Oh yes... I said I'd never make an alt here and you can bet your ass on it; so any new members whom you may want to witchhunt and say "Is that you Vanessa? We know it's you!" will be pathetic. The paranoia here over alts is colossal and I know for a fact you guys have banned legit new members for thinking they were just alts. Way to keep fresh blood coming here you rerees.
Again, y'all don't deserve me... this is as clear as ever after tonight's actions.
Well done LLR, you lost the most entertaining and unique poster you ever had in this forum's existence. Buh-bye!!!
It wasn't out of bias, I've warned you many times in the past. In fact, the last time I warned you in the amod thread about derailing threads with your bullshit I specified 3 months in the shaw rather than 2 as a punishment, so I'm actually being lenient on you.
Oblio was just doing his job. Period. Something you make as difficult as possible. Unintentionally, I'm sure.
If you can't handle a little disciplinary action because you're just so righteous and pure, well, we'll just have to try to soldier on without you. Life's struggle's aren't always easy, but dealing with difficulties with steadfast determination in the face of adversity is what makes one a man.
Godspeed in your journeys, and should you ever return to us:
Putting Vanessa on ignore was the smartest decision I made. The ultimate display of his intentions was when, after months of leaving him alone, not even mentioning his name nor posting in his thread, he continuously tried to bait me in my own thread thus resulting in my ignoring him.Ah the old ragequit. Vanity mirror thread @Tanoomba transformation complete.
How many fohbros been in the clink without throwing a fit?FolgersI mean @Alasliasolonik I meanFoler is ten times the fohbro this unique foh goat snowflake was.
In @hodj's memory
View attachment 268571
Last fucking word, bitch.
What a fucking drama king faggot. You fucking pissy bitch faggot tranny. When I got shawed over something I didn't agree with you didn't see me rage quit like a fucking faggot motherfucker. I took my lashings and did some self reflection. I've spent more time in the shaw over the past year than out of the shaw and you don't see me rage quitting or bitching. I was built in the fucking Shaw and you can't even handle one day in here you fucking faggot.
You're such a fucking disingenuous genetic man. I hadn't bothered you in months and you dive-bombed me. You're the literal definition of mentally insane. Fuck you. You got your shit pushed in and you couldn't even make it to 1k pages in your pathetic thread. Good riddance.
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