I do, yesYou can exist.
Already do. I'd love you to explain why the people who are most knowledgeable about a subject should be mum on said subject. That's some illogical reasoning there Nevergone.You should not have power, authority, or influence over others. Especially children.
As far as children... I've said many times in the past that I find the notion of forcing transsexualism on children who are not legitimately trans deplorable. THAT is child abuse and I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone else who condemns that behavior and the adults who would do this as needing the death penalty. Some of you are, I'm sure, familiar with this anti-trans activist:
Walt Heyer: guy who claimed he was trans but saw the error of his ways and is now an activist warning of the dangers of transsexualism.
However, the FACT of the matter is: His grandmother forced him, a non-transsexual, to cross dress when Walt was only like 3 years old, mentally damaging the poor thing for the rest of his life. It's a testament NOT to the dangers of transsexualism, but for FORCING children who aren't trans into this. Look it up if you don't believe me
This doesn't, however, acknowledge that actual transsexuals realize ON THEIR OWN that something is wrong with them, and they make it known to their parents that something is out of whack with their gender identity. I'm transgender and always have been. My parents never once forced it on me and never even imagined the concept of transsexualism.
What happens, sadly, is that loving parents who simply want to help their kids no matter what will help their kids be what is comfortable and happy to them which is better than them eating buckshot because their parents WON'T help them, then ignorant fucks will blame the parents of forcing this ideology on their kids. That's fucking evil.
Transsexualism is who we -are- and Gender Dysphoria is medical diagnosis... it simply -is- . You don't wish it away or pretend it can just disappear. Perhaps what you mean is that social transition is not a desired outcome and guess what? I agree. However, it is, right now currently in 2021 the best treatment for transsexuals and Gender Dysphoria and science, research, and reality dictate that as true. Until we can figure out A) better medication that mitigates/eliminates dysphoria without altering the body via changing the body into the opposite sex (appearance wise at least) via hormones and surgical means B) eliminating gender dysphoria via advance gene therapy or other newer, radical means ... then we're all stuck with trannies transitioning.Transsexualism and gender dysphoria is not a desired outcome and should not be encouraged, the same way any other mental disorder or delusion should not be encouraged or facilitated by dominant culture norms and social services.
My obsessive gimp still being obsessed with me.
That you assume I care is both hilarious and pathetic too.anyway, I'm not going to use any Tuco items on you
Awww what's wrong? Run out of money? It dawn on you what a gimp you are being so obsessed over me? It dawn on you you're just a censorship loving shithead? It dawn on you how pathetic it was to deplete RL money on one person on an internet forum?
All the above perhaps?
They don't. If you hate me this much, may I suggest the ignore feature? Oh wait... you actually can't get enough of me... you're just a virtue signaling rere.if the community wants you gone they should ask for it and I'll support it in any way possible
Fascinating: In both of my threads, you are the 3rd place in participation. Gimptastic!
I could ask you the same thing: When is the next time you're gonna spend RL money to try and "own" me due to YOU having a meltdown of me destroying you? Gimp, gimp, gimp.The question isn't if this thread is going to the shaw, or if fempenis will have a meltdown, the question is only in which order these events will happen.
Jealous Punko owned yet again by ol Vanessa... what else is new?