My Gender Dysphoria is cured, essentially and there's nothing I'm doing in my life to work toward a further endgoal of my transition. That's how I rationalize this as "done". I never had genital dysphoria as many transsexuals have. My penis doesn't "trigger me" in other words. Just like Blaire White's penis doesn't trigger her and she is basically "done" too. I've told you many times I relate to her on soooo many issues... she's like my younger, more beautiful, more popular self.Curious, considering you’ll need HRT for the rest of your life,Vanessa . Even if you decide to have your testes removed, albeit less suppressors. How do you rationalize this as ‘done’ ? I get this is not the focus of your essay above, just me pondering.
There is nothing in the literature that states you need to chop off your dick to be DONE as a transsexual. This is your own odd projection on me. You're not the one with Gender Dysphoria Izo. I was. I don't feel that feeling anymore... GD is curbed, thank God.
So again, you guys can lulz at the statement: "I didn't transition for attention" all you want... it is NOT true. Do I need to remind you for the billionth time that I'm a Christian and that blatant lying is an offense to my God so I don't do it? So you can call me a liar all you want... My God knows the truth, as do I.
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