It was destined to be bumped at some point... might as well embrace it. I 100% blame the mods who took this out of the RRHOF and made this a thread again. It was good there! But nooooooo~
Anyway... here we go, for better or worse.
SuperStraight means you are only attracted to the opposite sex and not trannies.
Yes, concur. I think SuperStraight was a brilliant label when it was trending. Anything that triggers the left is gold in my book. But it also literally describes my sexuality (
more on that below).
You think you're a woman.
No. I think I am what I am: a transgender female, which is a biological male.
Correct. Not a fan.
What are you attracted to then?
What I've always been attracted to: biological females
So to
try to keep this succinct AND rational AND honest... I'm a biological male who was (for lack of better words)
cursed with
genius Gender Dysphoria at birth. Grew up loving girls exclusively (hence, straight) like normal. This lasted for the better part of 33 years and was good... Sinful (fornication), but good. Then my Gender Dysphoria got worse and I realized if I don't transition NOW when I have the resources and means, then I will eventually be 40 and *still* have Gender Dysphoria, and if not then, I'd turn 45 and *still* have Gender Dysphoria, and if not then, turn 50 and *still* ... you get the picture. It never goes away.
So I try to therapy my way out of it (unsuccessfully) and in fact my psychologist says he had never written a recommendation letter that quick in that short of time (3 months) and I went to him
because he specialized in transgenderism... so he had seen many cases. Ironic huh? I wanted to be told "
gtfo, you're not trans you're just a weirdo" and I was one of the worst cases he'd dealt with. God has a sense of humor, rest assured.
So my transition was a success and I felt good... like, really GREAT... like I was finally in my appropriate skin so to speak. But hormones are powerful... not just what they do biologically to the body, but what they did to the mind too. I was, blood-level-wise, a ripe 22 year old female. As straight as I was (quite straight, promise), I started noticing... men. Like the way a woman would notice men. I didn't like it. I fought it. But it made sense... especially socially (being out and about with a guy was like being a straight couple... duh). So I (easily) engaged in degeneracy. This is around when most of you "met" me.
But God, in His infinite wisdom, always has other plans. He tapped me on the shoulder, reminded me who was boss, and reminded me of the rules. So I repent. Happily.
With fealty toward Him came a journey back to where it sorta all started... biological females. Love them. Never stopped loving them (even as the above degeneracy was taking place... hence my old
'16 post at the beginning of this thread: "pansexual; give to all"). Biological males
should love them, and I do. No men (gross... I've learned from my ways, and repented). No trannies either... because that would still be a biological male; peen or frankenpussy... it's of no matter... still a male. Transmen are even worse as far as being a sexually compatible mate. Imagine sleeping with an ultra masculine chick but she/he/it has a beard and deep voice and muscles... no thanks x1,000,000.
I'm SuperStraight.
( <--- TL;DR )