I don't mind the strife. I'm a big girl ^_^ It's wild to go back to say, page 80 and see the change of how I was perceived versus now, yeah. It's palpable. ...and I understand why.I feel like a lot of strife coming your wayVanessa comes from you sort of changing over time since you started posting here.
I want to say I haven't changed, but I guess I did from y'alls vantage point. Long story, and I'll try to keep it as short as possible (that always goes smoothly).Could you take a moment to enlighten everyone that might have not been here since you started posting about who you were and what you believed before and how that changed since?
I've always been a child of God. Since I was 7 years old. See, the thing is, what we ARE... our identity... is how the world perceives us. Some folks may put a foundational identity in being a painter. Bob Ross for example. Some people may put their identity into what they do. Some... into what they are. Some people put their entire identity into their skin color. ...and some, some may even pour their identity into their sexuality.
Point is... we are who we are. My identity of a transsexual to YOU guys supersedes anything else here. But in reality... real life... me being a transsexual is just an unfortunate inconvenience. A biological fact that something wonky happened in my mom's womb... not sure what but I am who I am. My primary identity, as it were, whether I LOOK male or female is a Christian. I know God is real. I know Jesus is real. He was here. It all happened.
With many posters here, once that fact came to light, their perception of me changed. You'll have evil people stating that it's because I want to give puberty blockers to kids but no... that's not what it's about. That's a lie that trolls have used against me for years now. Want proof? Ask them to find the quote of me saying that that's my goal. But tell them to quote the WHOLE post with context and not just the edited snippets that they use to weaponize hate against me.
Fact is, there's evil in this world, and there's lots of evil here on this forum. I digress though... you should, since I can tell you're being earnest, be able to figure out the rest.
Not sure what you mean. To just pretend reality doesn't exist and be a leftist and be all WOOOHOOOO pride is great!? No...And if I could ask a follow up question... do you ever feel like it would be better to just be "on the other side"? and just drop into all that acceptance movement.
I shit you not... you will not find a more rational, sensible transsexual in this world than me. I love reality. I won't break it.