So why do you go by Vanessa? Did your parents think you were female when you were born because your dick was so tiny?But to get my head out of the clouds of Gender Dysphoria or whatever and answer that question as down to earth as possible:
I'm likely not getting it done. Ever.
Why are you so lazy with the nail polish?![]()
What Is Echolalia?
Echolalia is repeating words and sounds. It’s common before age 3 and is also a feature of autism. Learn more about its types, causes, symptoms, Diagnosis and
The good news for you is that there IS treatment that can help! See, here's a quote from the article:
"Speech therapy is an effective way to treat autism-related echolalia."
Btw, @Punko I actually thought of you while I was at Kroger shopping. I took this pic so that you could get an EXACT idea of what to order. These type of smoosh balls have been around for decades really... nothing new here, but THIS smoosh ball... my friend, this smoosh ball is honestly different from other types of smoosh balls. It's consistency took me out of the,
"This is a fun, tactile ball to toss back and forth with a friend" zone
"This feels just like a boob" zone LoL. Have a look:
View attachment 399472
As a person who has tons of experience with touching boobs (me) to someone who has no experience whatsoever with touching a female breast (you), you should invest in this (easy peasy considering your post history of being wealthy) just to get... you know...acquainted with the feeling of it before you die.
Trust me. I wouldn't lead you astray on this topic just because you're a lying, transphobic, gimp virgin. I have standards.
Why'd you get bolt ons then? Seems you chose the safer, easier kills and didn't want to grind (hah) for the epic mount.I PROMISE I hate to sound like a boring, vanilla, broken record but... look at Blaire White.
She's likely not getting it done too for the same reasons and reservations that I share and harbor.
Let's go on an exploration.... an infinity gauntlet type of exploration. Snapping shit into existence with the reality stone:
View attachment 399487
If reality were this easy, yeah, I'd probably snap myself to be a biological female. NOT to snap myself a vagina. Why? Because snapping myself a vagina is pointless if you have the power to snap at all. I ask anyone... who would WANT to be a tranny? Not a single person.
What I mean, is that no one would want to be a tranny itself with that power. They'd just want to be biological female or male. Not this in between thing. It's like Pinocchio... no one would want to be a wooden doll... that's just the unfortunate reality of a puppet trying to be a real boy.
Think about it.
You'd either be the puppet or the real boy with that level of reality, not the in-between thing. The in-between thing is just a crude step to be because we lack the true ability to snap reality as we see fit to be the other "biological" sex.
Out of this thread's 450 pages, this is the most difficult to grasp concept I've presented about Gender Dysphoria and how it manifests itself.
You know exactly why and the irony is... that's precisely how I feel about your PM. It's still like... k... so what do you want me to do here?Why are you summoning me to this thread?
Stop shitting up threads. Do what you want in your Shaw thread. The end.You know exactly why and the irony is... that's precisely how I feel about your PM. It's still like... k... so what do you want me to do here?
That time LLR said "If you say fix your shit you'll get shawed" and I said "fix your shit" then got shawed, was really cut and dry and very easy to understand.
That group PM was not that. Nebulous is the word of the day.
So why do you go by Vanessa?
So Vanessa... why are you transgender?Why'd you get bolt ons then?
I'm just lazy period. I have a lot of energy, actually (my job basically requires an individual with lots of energy), but I get lazy with certain things for looking my best 24/7.Why are you so lazy with the nail polish?
"Hey Vanessa, can you please control how people react to you outside of your thread?"Stop shitting up threads. Do what you want in your Shaw thread. The end.
This. That looks like meth hooker level of nail polish application.Why are you so lazy with the nail polish?
News flash, so are you. And if you are not going to cross dress worth a shit, why bother with the nail polish at all? Half assed like your Christianity, Dick-Chopping, musical hobby, and just about everything else in your life.You're guys.
You really think highly of yourself. This thread wouldn't even have double the numbers if it was in screenshots. It would be buried from other threads within a few weeks.What's really funny is that this thread would have had (possibly) triple its numbers and interactions had leadership not rickshawed it and kept it in screenshots where it stood for years.
Gabe: Vanessa is Vanessa, who cares who or what is going on in that thread.
LLR: This must be contained and put in the corner.
That's how I know, even if I get banned (which can happen... because some people don't have skin as thick as mine) I've forever "won". ...and if you have to ask "won what"?
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HOLY SHIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?News flash, so are you.
I'm not going to be drawn into a back and forth with you but I don't want to ignore you either. Moderation action is overwhelmingly (high 90s%) are in response reports by fellow forum goers. We respond to reports, neither Den or I are heavy on moderation the majority of those reports are rejected and people are told they need to tolerate or ignore the activities disgruntling them. We look at each case and just do our best to make a judgement call on if it needs action with a strong bias towards less moderation. Amod does not go seeking you or anyone else out. The majority of reports against you Vanessa are rejected, sometimes we determine that it's gone on enough that it has become a detriment to the flow of an area of the forum and we ask for you to tone it down. Every time you take it as us taking a position on whatever the hell you are going on about at the time. We don't give a shit I don't think either of us even read your posts outside of our duties."Hey Vanessa, can you please control how people react to you outside of your thread?"
This is how this reads to me IN PRACTICE. That's why we have an issue here. Shitting up threads to YOU is literally what this forum talks about seemingly on the regular (hence my post above). Trannies.
If you don't GET the fact that I can post anything, normally, in a thread, and some jackoff can chime in and focus on my identity then I get blamed for it when it devolves into a tranny thread, then I'd just say: trust me when I say I want the EXACT same goal as you do. It's not me doing the shitting of threads up and why I get so pissed at you guys. You either don't get it due to ignorance, or you don't give a shit because you need someone to blame and you pick me.
SOME people have seen how this actually works. Most people just think it's me. Tell you what: Ask Pharmakos. One person. Ask him how "Vanessa" derails go and whose fault it actually is. He sees it the way it is versus the way the bias sees it.