Let me make this simple for you low-IQers like Sevens, Phaz, Erro, Joz, etc etc.
No one is trying to fit in here. No one is trying to burn the place down. No one (at this point) is even fighting for fairness or non-biased behavior from leadership because that's beyond mending. My gold was removed, my /pol access was removed, and my ability to post in certain threads under the threat of rickshaw has been forced. This isn't me "being a victim", this is what happened.
You people are the exact type of leftist SJWs who tell conservatives, "Stop crying over being censored" on Twitter... as if conservatives getting censored just because they are conservatives is "fake" or that they are "snowflake". It's pure injustice, and yes, it's pure injustice to me. I'd hash it out with LLR (or ANY one of you) in PERSON, on Discord, or on any thread here. The issue isn't that I'm scared and trying to be a victim... I'm perfectly happy to keep stepping up to you illogicals any place, any time, on any platform... the ISSUE here is being grinded down to where any self-expression here is utterly stunted, so no... I'm not quitting and never did (lern 2 reed, thx) but this is the MO of this place: Reality isn't what's important... it's the status quo. To this place, Ossoi sucked a dogs dick, because he's unpopular.
You can't break someone's toy, and when they get upset and say, "you broke my toy", THEN say, "stop being a victim!". That's illogical, but... well... illogicalness is this forum's MO. Took me waaaay too long to see it.