Thanks for proving that you are exactly who I said you are. (and for not taking my offer... what a surprise)
An NPC with no individualism and self-agency who believed insane lies at face value due to following the status quo. You toss up that study as some 'evidence' of something? Bud, I
AGREE with that study and literally talked my endo 3 days ago about that... the
very real facts about other mental illness comorbidities that seem to plague the transgender community are significant.
But then again... peer reviewed studies only fly here when they say stuff that supports what you
feel is true. Mention GnRH analogues and they suddenly become
not true, regardless of who studied it and who put it out. I assure you...
someone here is rational and fact-based about things. I'll let you figure out who, champ. Facts don't care about your feelings, didn't you get the memo?
Lauren Southern made a super long, brilliant video of her calling out the rot in her own community.
I can relate, and loved that she liked my comment on Twitter about it all (Being active on Twitter actually gave me SOOOO much more perspective about THIS place).
You guys are just liars (the worst kind) and I'm done trying to "play nice" with people who thrive on lies.
Because his strange "fix" for his muscles doesn't negate his opinions and thoughts on literally EVERYTHING else out there in the universe. What if this guy has a cool idea for fixing a broken gutter so that the rain doesn't erode the cement in one spot?
I'm capable of separating some personal "issue" with someone and still value them as people. It's a shame many of you do
Please post his post where he said that what he did was the way 99% of the world should do it too?
Or the fact that it's not 100% to indicate that a comorbidity MUST be attached to GD (Hurr durr... Vanessa MUST be XXXX thing I *want* her to be because study say 58%!). Retards think 58% = 100%. Intelligent people think 58% = 58%.
You're smarter than most here Izo. You're just a perv