Great story.
Remember when this thread had tits and not a Endocrinology 1010 course?

Great story.
Remember when this thread had tits and not a Endocrinology 1010 course?
those are actually real biological tits! you ppl love tits n dik so much?
those are actually real biological tits! you ppl love tits n dik so much?
Didn't read
Don't care
The fact that you actually take all this seriously enough to think I'd give a fuck about you in real life really says it all about how much of an obnoxious self centered attention whore you are, which has, if you'll recall correctly, always been my core problem with trannies on the internet.
Literally no one here ever needed to know you're a tranny. The strength of your arguments, thoughts, and opinions should stand on their own. But yours are facile, vapid, and irrelevant, hence why you rely on fake tits and basic male sexual stupidity to get by. Its sad, pathetic, and worthy only of public ridicule.
How much did you patreonBrad's nosePantheon? Will you make a shrine for Pantheon too? Have you thought about detransitioning? What's for lunch today?
Vanessa might be an attention whore, but you, sir, are the far bigger attention whore.
those are actually real biological tits! you ppl love tits n dik so much?
Now that I've seen those tits and ass I don't mind you as much. Guess just need to know how feminine your penis is next?Read Hodj... READ. Words and definitions are important. This is what I said. IF. WANT. I never said you doxxed me. I never said you were going to. I said IF you WANTed to. I used you as an example of the possibility of doxxing because, like blue-avatar-guy (he actually DID doxx me via PM), you both have a dislike toward me.
Zzzyyzzyzyzz doesn't like me either. But you don't see him in here being an insufferable shit biscuit like you. His dislike toward me and frequency of posts in this thread is rational. Yours is irrational.
Let's make it a serious poll then. Let's make it have binding power. Prove this "sad, pathetic, attention whore" to be the second rate, stupid, useless poster you claim I am. Everything in quotes here are your words, so stand behind them. Say "Let's Do This" or kindly shut the fuck up and find another thread to piss in.
Also, everyone in this thread makes humanity look terrible. Shame on you all
The only posts in this thread I've read in the past two pages were by Phazael.
Heyhodj , since you're "not reading" Vanessa's posts, it has been suggested that a poll with binding power be created asking the community who should be banned. You or Vanessa. Vanessa will abide by the results of the poll, will you?
I've got no stake in this, just getting information out.
I know you aren't new here, but, are you new here?Feminine penis?