Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Uncle Tanya

She's sooooo lefty though, but hell... most actors are. Really, most ARTISTS are. In every field. I think I saw a research article that delved into the creativity of right and left people and the left won.

I know I talk about politics too much but politics is everything. But my point was: I'm obviously skewed far right both socially and fiscally, but the left have their uses in art. That is something I cannot rationally hand-wave away... most right-wing folks are artistically and creatively bankrupt. It's true. But that's completely balanced by logic, rationality, reason, and truth.

We all need each other, really... though some may not think so.


Uncle Tanya
'Terms they've been using for *us*'
Yes, there is the left and the right in this nation. I didn't write the rules or reality, Rob. ...and the further along we go, it seems the more those party lines get delineated instead of blurred.

There it is again, the us, we...them, the other people.
That's reality. Women & Men is a we / us thing and there's not a single thing happening there except biology on the most fundamental level.

I'll assume 'us' means the general conservative leanings of the board.
With the post that I pulled this quote from, yes, 100%.

But where does that 'us' line begin and end?
I legitimately can answer that, but you may or may not like my answer. If you want it, I'll be happy to share in a followup. If not, okay. You'll have to specifically ask for it.

For instance, I'm all about your right to dress/act as a woman if that's your thing, have sex with whatever gender / leanings as long as it's a consenting adult. But I draw the line at trannies in women's sports, or people in drag reading 'Walking the catwalk' to a bunch of kids who should have no idea what sexy means.
I'm with you so far!

Am I part of the Us here?
Well political nuance is where it all boils down to. The left AND the right want happiness, freedom, stability, success etc. It's the nuanced ways in which we get there and define those things where people separate... and boy do we separate! I'm not going to sit here and grill you on every single issue, talking point, but just know (as I assume you already do) that the right/left paradigm isn't just an arbitrary thing folks made up... it's based on very real differences in philosophies of how people live their lives and in the real world, just looking at someone it's hard to tell their political appointment but it's when they start expressing their views... that's when you can start to put people in boxes.

...and ultimately the biggest boxes are the right and the left.

So are you part of the "Us" here?

You tell me.

No doubt the extremely vocal 0.5% of the twitter idiots would call me a bigot, but so what?
What's funny about this... is that that 0.5% makes the most noise on both sides it seems, and the other side thinks that that comprises most of the other side's side! It's hilarious. This is why people can waltz into a thing on twitter so unassuming and instantly be called either a nazi or a commie.

Why do we care what they think?
I don't... it's how I retain my sanity.

Those morons are dividing us even more than the actual right wing racist crazies.
See, that right there is a sort of dividing line of your "blueish" nature imo.

Have you seen how racially divisive the left truly is? It's not the racism that's overt and hatemonger-fied like you typically associate with far right groups... I'm talking about how they literally divide us up racially under the mask of social justice? I could write an entire thesis on this alone, but I *think* you have an idea of what I'm talking about.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall sounds cliche these days, but it still rings true.
I wish! I truly, truly wish. If God Himself came down and granted me a wish for peace among the right and the left, I would absolutely take it. But (like above), I didn't write the rules or reality, Rob. We are divided, and wishing it not so doesn't make it so, unfortunately.

Anyway, please continue, but I suspect this thread will die quicker than a suicidal pedo-reddit mod.
Yeah, that was one of the worst threads I've ever, EVER made, I totally admit it (and I have made some stinkers... yikes). Haha.


Log Wizard
View attachment 395644

You weren't here in the beginning, so you wouldn't understand, but you are my new Hodj. This is a terrible thing to be for several reasons, y'know.

You have sunk so low you're now just going to baseless slander like Fucker and Kirun. Seriously, let that marinate about what you're actually doing here Sevens... you're literally so out of options when dealing with me, that you feel your only way to "trigger" someone (Imagine thinking you can trigger the tranny who has been at FoH more than 22 years now) is to just straight up say insane lies about them.

That's the point where a person with any type of self-awareness should give pause and give up, but we're dealing with a special type of low-IQ individual here with this one.

You are the bargain bin Hodj. An intellectual can appreciate another intellectual. Not a single person here who knew Hodj would say he was stupid. That's part of his evil charm. He was actually intelligent.

I hate to break the news to you Sevens, but you're not even that. It's one thing to be the alt-right hateful atheist guy who is here to scream to the clouds over the tranny here, but to then be DUMB in the role?

I'm so disappointed right now. You are so pointless and ineffectual I actually want Hodj back. I at least respect the intellect that was on my level that he possessed.
Once again crying about the negs, little bitch
And yes, I am quite happy being in the same camp as Fucker Fucker and Kirun Kirun
Basically fuck you, you kid diddling tranny


Uncle Tanya
Once again crying about the negs, little bitch
It's amusing that your IQ is so low you think it's about negs instead of obsessive tendencies. LoL

And yes, I am quite happy being in the same camp as Fucker Fucker and Kirun Kirun
"Hey guys, I'm Sevens and I'm happy being a low IQ guy that is similar to other low IQ guys."

I mean, hey... you're happy at least. I fully support this.

Basically fuck you, you kid diddling tranny
You should PM LLR about this pedophilia that you just *must* have evidence of me doing! I'm pretty sure that the boss wouldn't tolerate such wretched behavior on his land.

Or (and it's a wild theory here, but I've been known to shoot from the hip):


You're just a lying, Godless, atheist dunce who is bored.

But hey!!! Clearly, just a theory here. Obviously no other evidence here, no sir!


Log Wizard
It's amusing that your IQ is so low you think it's about negs instead of obsessive tendencies. LoL

"Hey guys, I'm Sevens and I'm happy being a low IQ guy that is similar to other low IQ guys."

I mean, hey... you're happy at least. I fully support this.

You should PM LLR about this pedophilia that you just *must* have evidence of me doing! I'm pretty sure that the boss wouldn't tolerate such wretched behavior on his land.

Or (and it's a wild theory here, but I've been known to shoot from the hip):

View attachment 395775

You're just a lying, Godless, atheist dunce who is bored.

But hey!!! Clearly, just a theory here. Obviously no other evidence here, no sir!
Right, its clearly obsessive that it takes me 1 sec (or less) to click faggot (or other neg emoji) when I see your name on a post when I am scrolling in the forums. News flash for ya, 90% of the time I dont even read what you post. And it's a well known fact that if you are a tranny than you want to diddle kids. No Idea if you ever have but Im 100% sure you want to. And to call me a godless are a man who has fake tits and pretends to be a woman, Clearly you believe god is too stupid to even get your gender right so you had to fix it your damn self


Uncle Tanya
Right, its clearly obsessive
Ya... 2 completely different threads with 2 reactions less than a minute a part is weird. It's not like this is the first time this has ever happened either. This is your standard MO. Again, you weren't around for me and Hodj going at each other and seeing his behavior. It was... creepy and obsessive. You're a mini-version of him. Again: nowhere near as intelligent though... or interesting... or... anything close to him really.

that it takes me 1 sec (or less) to click
"Hey guys, I'm Sevens and I can react to 5 posts in a row in ONE SECOND (or less *wink*) because reality denial is my forte!"

And it's a well known fact that if you are a tranny than you want to diddle kids.

Alternate realities and low IQ. Who knew that was a mixture that worked well together?

And to call me a godless dunce
Atheists are Godless.

You are an atheist.

You are Godless.

You are literally unintelligent.

Unintelligent people are stupid.

Stupid people are dunces.

You are a Godless dunce. It's just a fact sir. are a man who has fake tits
True. This has nothing to do with being a Godless dunce though.

and pretends to be a woman

Clearly you believe god is too stupid to even get your gender right

so you had to fix it your damn self
How does one fix one's own gender, batshit crazy guy? What are you... some radical leftist? Yikes.


Potato del Grande
Ya... 2 completely different threads with 2 reactions less than a minute a part is weird. It's not like this is the first time this has ever happened either. This is your standard MO. Again, you weren't around for me and Hodj going at each other and seeing his behavior. It was... creepy and obsessive. You're a mini-version of him. Again: nowhere near as intelligent though... or interesting... or... anything close to him really.

"Hey guys, I'm Sevens and I can react to 5 posts in a row in ONE SECOND (or less *wink*) because reality denial is my forte!"


Alternate realities and low IQ. Who knew that was a mixture that worked well together?

Atheists are Godless.

You are an atheist.

You are Godless.

You are literally unintelligent.

Unintelligent people are stupid.

Stupid people are dunces.

You are a Godless dunce. It's just a fact sir.

True. This has nothing to do with being a Godless dunce though.



How does one fix one's own gender, batshit crazy guy? What are you... some radical leftist? Yikes.
Stop It Michael Jordan GIF


Tranny Chaser

She's sooooo lefty though, but hell... most actors are. Really, most ARTISTS are. In every field. I think I saw a research article that delved into the creativity of right and left people and the left won.

I know I talk about politics too much but politics is everything. But my point was: I'm obviously skewed far right both socially and fiscally, but the left have their uses in art. That is something I cannot rationally hand-wave away... most right-wing folks are artistically and creatively bankrupt. It's true. But that's completely balanced by logic, rationality, reason, and truth.

We all need each other, really... though some may not think so.

So, is this just a bunch of clips, montage or is there some point to it?


Uncle Tanya
So, is this just a bunch of clips, montage or is there some point to it?
The ending has a humorous sorta "twist" to it, but yeah... it's just a montage of clips about her. She's amazing, no?
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Uncle Tanya

"Jabreel's parents were wondering why he was so misguided to get mixed up with a white girl.
Meanwhile, Tiffany's parents were proud of her daughter for choosing such a wonderful, loving man"

Does this narrative cause any cognitive discomfort with any of you? Talk about it if so. LoL

Also LoL at Sevens WTF'ing Punkos post that takes like 4 clicks of a mouse to produce.

Hey Sevens Sevens I want a simple 1 number answer to a simple question: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being literally mentally retarded, and 10 being Newton level of genius, how would you rate yourself?


Uncle Tanya
I haven't heard any of those used. They just skip to racist
Ya, I get it, honestly... you guys don't "go into" the left-wing spaces like I do. Everyone knows I have a way with words (for better or worse) so imagine the kinda stuff that I produce that drives this forum nuts being used exactly in the same manner in their spaces. LoL It's trigger-central.

But yes, it's fun. I'm pulling you here because that thread is an abortion and I don't want to bump it. Very bad thread I made, I admit it, but yes... that's the names they come up with.


Uncle Tanya
Haus Haus

Read above, LoL. I like ya; you and Ms. Haus are good peeps.

But yeah, I've been called every single one of those things by the left. It's great. I think I've just heard it all by being so active across many different platforms on the internet and the places I go. I literally go where there is the most chance I will get dogpiled while simultaneously fighting irrationality. That's my entire schtick if I could sum it up.

Some would call that kind of behavior sadistic... it's nothing like that in my mind, it's just funny to me to see one person drop a truth bomb in an echo chamber and see the hornet's nest get so riled up with the comments gotten in return.

Maybe that's just a long-winded explanation of saying I'm a huge troll LoL, but I hate that term because the exact definition doesn't define what I do... I legit believe what I put out there if I'm being serious and 'serious me' gets people's panties in a huge twist sometimes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, that chick doesn't have a penis? She's got a cute face, but that's about it. Her boobs are fake and she's shallow.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
The ending has a humorous sorta "twist" to it, but yeah... it's just a montage of clips about her. She's amazing, no?
She got a career because she had amazing actually real tits. She could not handle that this was her only value to the public and went full toxic lefty depression spiral. The End.
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Uncle Tanya
Her entire body was super amazing. Look at my vid when she's smashing the plates with the other girl. Look at the difference. She's my bae.



. Zaara.
200 (1).gif

Oh hey, what's going on guys?
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>

Also LoL at Sevens WTF'ing Punkos post that takes like 4 clicks of a mouse to produce.

I'm not very good at such things so it could have been 6 clicks.

Your long winded posts are a form of art in a certain way, it doesn't matter if they upside down when it comes to the amount of people reading them.
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