So when master looting did you ever have trouble spelling a characters name or maybe the person forgot they had that unique item and it became soulbound to them even though they couldn't accept it or just tired of going /giveplayerlootitem Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff {item link} well we here at VGOEmu think you deserve better so I'm proud to announce Master Loot System 2.0. This new system will be on by default but you can swap back to the old system by typing .masterloot but I'm not sure why you would since this is something that should have been in the live game from day one. Here is the basic rundown when you right click a item while being master looter you will get a list of names in your chat window of all eligible loot recipients. Figure out who you want to give the item too and click that name and you will get a confirmation box with the item name and rarity color along with the player's name you have chosen. Now all you need to do is click yes or no and you are done. We hope you enjoy this new system and thanks for playing.