Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)



Design Update - December 2012

Discussion in 'Developer Roundtable' started by Moorgard, Yesterday at 5:34 PM.

Hello Telonians,

It's been almost three months since I joined the Vanguard team, and I've really enjoyed my time here. As I mentioned when I came on board, I had been an occasional players since the days of beta, but this is the first time I've delved so deeply into the game. There is a lot of depth in Vanguard, and it's easy to see why so many of you have stayed so passionate about it for the nearly six years of its existence.

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays, I'd like to go over some of the initiatives we have planned that we think will improve the game as we go forward. Change doesn't happen overnight, but our team loves Vanguard and is committed to making it more stable, polished, and fun.

It's no secret that one of the big issues that has plagued the game since its launch is performance. While today's PCs allow Vanguard to run pretty well on modern hardware, server performance--especially in raid situations--remains a problem.

Hobart has made many fixes and optimizations that have improved performance in the last few months, but it became clear that more drastic steps were required. As he mentioned in his own thread, Hobart has begun ripping out the old network layers of the game and is incorporating modern tech that is used in other SOE titles. This should bring a lot more stability, and will give us better tools and information to isolate problem areas. It's a huge undertaking, but it's worth the investment. You should see the fruits of these efforts arrive early next year.

I'd be willing to bet that Vanguard had more content at its launch than any other major MMO had at its release. Even today, after a number of smaller content updates but no major expansions, Vanguard still has more places to go and things to do than many other games.

Unfortunately, it's not quantity alone that holds an audience over the long term, but quality of content. And quality is one of the places that Vanguard has always been most lacking. Bugs, poor implementation, and overcomplicated design have hindered wider acceptance of the game.

We can't change the past. What we can do is make our best effort to improve things going forward.

The main point I've tried to emphasize since joining the team is improving the quality of content in Vanguard. We've squashed a ton of longstanding bugs, and made tweaks both major and minor to the game that have improved the overall experience. We're certainly not perfect; we have a team that works really hard, but we make our share of mistakes. An additional factor is that our tools and tech often pose challenges when it comes to reliably and predictably getting content into the game. I know you've heard that a lot, and it may seem like we're making excuses, but please believe me when I say that we're as frustrated as you are when things unexpectedly go wrong. This team is able to achieve more with stone knives and bearskins than many other teams with much more robust and reliable tools. We'll keep doing our best and hopefully we will get better and better as we go forward.

We will continue to fix and polish existing content in an effort to make it as smooth as possible for new players to come into the game.

New Content
Even after the recent launch of City of Brass, our veteran players need more new content. The next zone we will roll out for high-end players is Pankor Zhi, which begins a storyline that will carry forward into future content. The team is really enthused about revisiting this under-utilized area and adding a compelling new experience to the game.

Pankor Zhi will feature content for soloers, groups, and raids. Obviously this is an ambitious undertaking, but we feel we have a realistic scope that can be achieved with our team.

?Solo - We want to add a new path for post-50 players working toward the level cap. Solo content won't be the focus of this zone, but we have space to add enough of it to help players along who have found their options limited. The intent is to make this content rich and rewarding, centered around the story of what's going on in this zone.
?Group - Group content will make up the bulk of this release, since the interior of Pankor Zhi is well suited for this style of play. Our goal is to offer group encounters that help gear up players who haven't completed Pantheon content, while also providing a new path for those who have. (I'll go into this more in a bit.)
?Raid - For those who master the group content, Pankor Zhi will offer multiple raid encounters. We really want to push the level of challenge here, giving guilds fun fights that reward perseverance.

Obviously this is a lot of content. Rather than hold it back until every bit is complete and tested, we'll be rolling it out in phases. The solo and some group content will come first, which will set the stage for what's going on in the storyline. Later we'll roll out more group content and introduce raid targets.

But as much as we love our veteran players, we need content geared toward lower-level players as well. We've been working on a revamp to the Lomshir area, polishing existing content and adding new stuff to do starting at level 10. This progression will take players through Lomshir Plain and Hag's Coastline, freshening up some classic content. We plan to makeover other former starting areas, perhaps targeting other level ranges that could use a burst of new content. Look for the Lomshir revamp to hit Test server in January.

Character Progression
Those of you who have been at the level cap for some time, or who will be reaching it shortly, obviously want new goals to achieve.

Unfortunately, character progression in Vanguard has been haphazardly designed and inconsistently implemented. Players reached stat caps far too quickly, and rather than address the core issues, new systems were piled atop old ones. What this amounts to is that, in the current implementation, we have very little headroom to offer improved item rewards that make sense, and the only option some players have to improve their characters is to ignore core stats and chase off-stats for marginal improvements.

While a complete overhaul of stats and gear would be wonderful, we don't have the bandwidth to do that. So we're targeting some achievable changes that should open up the game going forward.

First off, we will be changing or removing certain stat caps and combat formulas so that we can open up item progression that makes sense. We want you to once again benefit from improving the key stats of your class, and we want to be able to get a tighter rein on how certain parts of combat work--giving us all some much-needed breathing space. I won't rule out reducing the potency of a few overpowered elements of the game, but we'll do our best to keep such impact minimal. We're not out to nerf the game or take away anyone's fun, but some sacrifices may need to be made for the overall health of the game.

Secondly, we will offer new strata of gear for players to acquire. Solo, small group, and group players who have not obtained Pantheon gear and other desirable items will have paths toward equipment that, while not at the potency of Pantheon rewards in all respects, will prepare them for the more challenging content that well-geared players are already suited for. Then those players will, in turn, have new goals to achieve with gear obtained through grouping that will prepare them for new raid content.

The intent is that all players, even the most decked-out of our veterans, will need to acquire new gear to be successful at the top end of Pankor Zhi. We'll roll out details on how we plan to do that as we get further into development, but I can say that it will not be through increasing the level cap.

The Pantheon line will remain desirable, especially as the way to achieve your epic weapon enhancement. We just don't want PotA to be the only path to awesome gear.

(continued below)

Crafting and Diplomacy
Diplomacy and crafting are two spheres of advancement that make Vanguard unique, and I don't want anyone to think we've turned our back on these very important facets of the game. Unfortunately these are very complex systems with a myriad of intertwined elements, and we don't have as much experience on the team making these types of content as we do in creating new adventuring content.

Nevertheless, we remain committed to these styles of gameplay. An important step is improving the introduction to both these spheres. On the Isle of Dawn and in our other starting areas, the first exposure to both crafting and diplomacy is overwhelming and a bit confusing. We want to streamline the introduction to these spheres and hopefully get more players to stick with them.

Long term, we'd like to continue the saga quests for both crafters and diplomats so that there is compelling content for them all the way to max level. This would be an ambitious undertaking, and we don't have the resources for it right now. But hopefully if we can polish the core systems and get more players interested in them, we'll be able to make an investment worthy of these unique aspects of the game.

Crafting content for City of Brass will be in testing soon. Realistically with the staff we have, this method of rolling out crafting and diplomacy into new or revised zones after we work on the adventuring content is the path we'll take for the foreseeable future.

Free to Play
Coinciding with Vanguard's sixth anniversary at the end of January, you'll be seeing some pretty substantial improvements to our free-to-play model. Our marketing folks don't want me to go into specifics just yet so that we can maximize the amount of exposure we get around the time of the anniversary, so you'll just have to take my word for it that these changes are very exciting.

Our goal is simple: Make the full depth and breadth of Vanguard as open as possible to our free players, while rewarding members with compelling incentives that make membership a great value. Instead of looking at the game and saying "What should we take away from free players?" we ask "How can we make the game truly free yet even more fun and awesome for our members?" I think this is a much healthier approach for Vanguard's future.

I realize this treatise is getting a bit wordy (okay, so it passed "wordy" about a thousand words ago), but I'd like to close by talking about the philosophy behind the current team's work on Vanguard.

I specify "the current team" because I can only speak for us. There have been a number of creative teams working on the game throughout its development and after its launch, and each of those groups had differing approaches to solving problems. Most of the time those philosophies weren't documented well, if at all, and I want to do that here so you can understand the decisions we make in Vanguard's development.

When approaching game design, it's useful to boil down your philosophies into a few key elements that are easily digested by new people coming onto the team. A mission statement, for example, is a useful way to distill the core ideas of what the design is trying to achieve.

Another such tool is a group of design razors, concepts that are foundational to the spirit of the project. When you need to make a decision about the game, you use these razors to cut to the heart of the problem and guide yourself down the path you feel most stays true to the essence of the game.

After joining the Vanguard team, I spent a lot of time studying and reading about the game--both the reality of what it is as well as the original goal of what it was intended to be. I distilled all this down into four razors:

? Fun - This one is pretty self-explanatory. First and foremost, the game needs to be fun to play. People tend to invest time and money in games that are fun.
? Quality - I touched on this earlier. We need to hold Vanguard's content to a higher standard of quality. This doesn't mean it's perfect, but it has to meet a certain bar.
? Challenge - One of the things that sets Vanguard apart from other MMOs is the level of challenge required to play it. We shouldn't be afraid of making content that demands more of our players than other games of this type--and we should emphasize challenge which requires cooperation.
? Accessibility - The content we make should not be gated by bugs, poor interface design, and other inscrutable barriers. The path to enjoying fun, quality, and challenging content should be clear of needless roadblocks.

If you consider these razors, you see they don't always align. Fun and quality get along well, but challenge and accessibility soon get into conflict. This is the intent. Game design isn't about having a clear and obvious answer; it's about considering your goals and making the best judgment you can about how to proceed.

Challenge and accessibility often compete. Even the terms themselves--all four terms, really--are subjective and thus open to interpretation. This is what makes game design an art rather than a science.

One particular player's definition of challenge will likely be different from another's, and will often be different from my own. Take, for example, recent changes we've made to certain high-end faction gains and item costs. When we reduced them, some players argued that we were taking away challenge from Vanguard.

My belief is that grinds which serve only as barriers to core content are not a viable substitute for fun or challenging gameplay. They represented a certain investment of time, to be sure, and that investment has been perceived by some players as a rite of passage to separate the dedicated from the less so. If everyone got through that content the same way, I'd be more likely to sympathize; however, the number who sat AFK while someone else kited, or who exploited dupes and other unintended shortcuts, is not insignificant. Another factor in our decision was the age of the content; I think it's simply time to let newer players progress through older content at a faster rate so that we have a larger population of players at the high end who are geared up to experience the game's most challenging content--including that which is to come.

(One other point I want to clarify: I am not against optional grinds for non-essential rewards. Someone willing to grind faction to achieve a rare set of clothing, or to become friendly with a certain NPC population--those are fun optional paths that are interesting to have in the game. I'm mostly targeting grinds that block off the game's core content progression.)

My point is that each design decision requires a different application of the razors. Sometimes challenge wins out; other times accessibility. That may seem inconsistent to some, but it's about considering the options. Your razors only help you reach a conclusion, they don't make the conclusion for you.

I've mentioned before that I was charged with maintaining the "old school RPG feel" of Vanguard. Some of you have asked how I define that. Well, the concept wasn't defined for me, either--something else open to interpretation. I won't bother trying to write out an iron-clad definition, because I think that it--like the design razors--has different weight depending on the circumstances.

To me, that old-school feel is about challenge, first and foremost. Content that pushes you, that doesn't have all the conveniences of newer MMOs. And it's okay if time is part of that equation, so long as that time is spent trying to overcome a challenge that's really, really hard (as opposed to mindlessly killing the same mobs over and over and over and over trying to reach some ghastly quota or find some stingy quest drop).

That old-school feel is about experiencing butt-kicking content that's fun to play, delivered in a polished fashion, and free from needless complexity that gets in the way of enjoyment. That's the kind of game I want to make, and hopefully the type of game you want to play.

And Speaking of Conclusions.
Okay, that's it--I promise! Thanks for reading. (Can you believe I made it all the way through without referencing "The Vision" even once?)

I hope you have a safe and prosperous conclusion to 2012, and may we all enjoy a healthy and happy 2013.



I had an account that I hadn't logged in for 5 years and my characters were still on there.
Wow, it really boggles my mind that this game has been out 5 years now. Here and at FoH are the only two places I've ever even heard Vanguard mentioned. I doubt more than 1-2 of my friends have ever even heard of it, and I doubt they could even say more about it other than its name.

How large is the player base for this game? I just find it kind of odd a game that I can't recall ever hearing about anywhere else is pulling enough subs/players/RMT to keep going when a lot of well known MMOs have been getting the plug pulled.


Silver Knight of the Realm
SOE is much slower to completely pull the plug on a game due to beefing up its whole Station Pass option. They keep a few games on life support with one server.
Wow, it really boggles my mind that this game has been out 5 years now.
I think it's actually 6 years now, this month. That reminds me, I should log in and look for anniversary gifts. There was an NPC giving away cool backpacks last year.

Here and at FoH are the only two places I've ever even heard Vanguard mentioned. I doubt more than 1-2 of my friends have ever even heard of it, and I doubt they could even say more about it other than its name.
Yeah it's SOE's best kept secret. I can't really blame them though, they bought a messed up unfinished game, I'm not sure why, maybe to reverse engineer or something. But there was no real marketing so it really only reached former EQ players and a few others.

How large is the player base for this game? I just find it kind of odd a game that I can't recall ever hearing about anywhere else is pulling enough subs/players/RMT to keep going when a lot of well known MMOs have been getting the plug pulled.
It's on death's door. Before the F2P it was really dead, like 100 players at peak hour dead. There are only 2 servers left, one is Euro and is totally empty (like 15 players at peak hour). I think they only keep that going because of some kind of contractual obligation. The other server has been dead all this time but picked a bit since F2P. It's hard to know exactly what the figures are but if it was about 100 people at peak before f2p, it feels more like 500 people now. But I could be off by a long shot.

Really though, it's a sad situation. It was such a promising game and yet it has less players than some of the EQ Emulators I've played. You can still play it because if you can struggle your way through the 50 levels, the final 5 levels are where most of the players are, so you can get in a guild and do stuff. And from 1-50, there are some kool dude areas where all the new kids go, so if you stick to those areas you have a decent chance of getting in a group. If you like to forge your own path though, then be prepared to solo all the way - or multi box to help yourself.

I was playing it the past few months and I still have it installed, but for the past 3 weeks or so I've moved to EQ Mac instead and I gotta say, I am having FAR more fun with that. There are just so many things I prefer about it. And the best thing of all, is that there is shiiiit loads of content. I have been playing seriously hardcore for 3 weeks, like 6 hours a night, sometimes more. And yet I haven't even scratched the surface. I've hunted in about 5 zones, and that leaves about 20 more zones in the old world alone. Then there is all of kunark, all of velious, all of luclin, and all of PoP. If I do what I'm planning and trying to see all of it, I'll be playing it in over a year and still have plenty to do. That was the main thing that bugged me in Vanguard, it has 'some' content at the higher levels, but it just can't compete with something like EQ Mac with its 4 big expansions.

As for not pulling the plug, I'm sure they will once EQ Next comes out. But for now they have just put in a TON of RMT options in to Vanguard for the first time. And I think they are going to be making a lot of money from that. Because no matter how strong you are against the idea of it.... when you have played a game for 6 years like me and still never done and seen a few things (like having your own flying mount etc), then it's too hard to resist just buying stuff. So you spend 10 bucks here and 10 bucks there and it all adds up. So I think SOE will enjoy raking in all that cash from people over the next 12 months or so, until plug pulling time.



Here is the list of changes that were made with today's update:

Festival of Gloriann

? The Festival of Gloriann has drawn to a close. We hope you had fun!

? In Gloriann's absence, Randolph can no longer fly. He will remain a usable ground mount until next year's festival.


? Check out these new items:

o Flying mount: Putrid Swampphibian - Bred in the foulest swamps of Telon!

o Ground mount: Gershire's Okami - An armored, light gray wolf.

o Visage of the Anubis - Take on the appearance of an Anubis.

o Vanity Pet: Anubi - Summon a little Anubis as your sidekick.

o Faction Gain Potion: 2x - Doubles the rate at which you gain faction!

? Flying mounts sold in the Marketplace can now be used at level 40 instead of level 50.

? Buffs gained from bonus XP potions, faction potions, and runspeed potions are no longer stripped by death or mentoring.


? Your experience bar now displays the amount of XP loss you suffer from death as a purple line. You can adventure normally to repay this debt and once again gain forward progress, or you can use the XP Debt Removal potion to instantly repay the debt.

? Items that cost 1 plat should now display properly in the UI.

? Fixed an issue that caused items without charges to sometimes appear in the loot window as if they did.

? The riftway to Shores of Darkness can now be used at level 40.

? The Arena Master in City of Brass now uses certain abilities less frequently, but they have been made more potent.


? All mounts are now summoned instantly instead of having a cast time.

? Crafted slate mauls are now flagged as uncommon.

? Mounts dropped from lockboxes are now flagged as bind on equip.

? Finch's Rod of Magic no longer casts a spell when it is equipped.

? Wind of Ages will now properly provide run speed, spell haste, and melee haste.

? The Haversack of Telon's History no longer affects the entire group.

? The cost of KDQ reins has been reduced to 50 gold.

? Cogwound Rivets, Interpolator Cell and Mechanized Strapping now cost 1 plat.

? The Imperial Warhammer of Might is now possessed by Shendu himself.

? Blood Soaked Blade, Detestable Blade, and Fallen Noble's Shortsword now have appearances.

? Tharridon's Mighty Maul now has a two-handed appearance.

? The KDQ gnomes have left the recipe to craft one of their favorite weapons inside their crates.


? The Energy Surge set bonus now correctly has the chance to proc mana regen.

? Druid - Hierophant's Blessing stance is now spelled correctly.

? Disciple - Pantheon set bonus now correctly applies AoE mitigation.

? Monk - Level 30 version of Eternal Stone Dragon now provides the appropriate amount of health regen.

? Monk - Aum Liat now gives 10% runspeed both in and out of combat.

? Bloodmage - Shadow Vein is now flagged as Shadow Evocation.

? Vanity: Call Mumbles no longer requires energy to cast. Monks may now mumble.


? The illusion potion used in "Infiltrating the Rats" should now function properly.

? Talking to Torkald will now properly advance "Torkald's Tale".

? Stonehorns now drop correctly for the quest "Stonehorn".

? Gnoot Gnooblet is once again offering quests.

? "Tainted Knowledge" can now be turned in.

? The quest "The End of Innocence" now only requires players to collect 10 of each flower in order to summon Zar.

? Lord Tsang's Tomb back door entrance should now function properly, allowing players in and out who have completed the access quest.

UI Files Updated

? VGUIPlayerStatus.xml


Hey qwerty, how did you box in VG, did you box on one comp? What software do you recommend? I saw you posting earlier you were 6 boxing heh.

I'm trying to setup something. Got VG running in a vmware because 2 launchers wouldn't open. Right now i'm alt-tabbing, but it feels kind of uncomfortable.
6 boxed on one PC. Had to lower the graphics settings to the one below medium, I think a SSD really helps. The launcher is a bit tricky, I had to load 6 launchers and spread them out on my desktop. Then change the drop down on each one to have each account ready, then I clicked and logged all 6 in at the same time.

In game I had a macro on my tank to /invite each of my other characters, and then on each character I have a macro that targets my tank and auto follows him. Also the first ability on everyones hotbar is to both target the tank (to set him as defensive target) and then assist him.

Then the software I use is Setpoint which comes with Logitech mice. I have a low to mid end mouse called a G500 which isn't very expensive, but it's really good. It has 7 extra buttons and you can set up macros and assign them to any of the buttons. I also have a Microsoft keyboard which now has software that does the same thing, but I just used the ones on my mouse. My secret weapon is to have 2 macros just for moving through the clients. The first one is a simple alt tab, and I have this on the thumb button which makes it nice and easy and saves having to press Alt and Tab on your left hand every 2 seconds.

But the second macro is more advanced. It basically holds alt, then presses Tab 5 times, then releases alt (And then spams alt a few times to get rid of stick alt issues). This happens instantly, so one press of the button will instantly switch to the next character. And because it's 5 it will cycle through the clients one by one and then go back to the first one. So basically I engage with my tank and hit taunt or whatever, then press and I'm on the second character and I just press 1,2,3 to engage a few instant abilities, then press and I'm on the third character and I do 1,2,3 and just keep going like that. After just 5 seconds or so, I have engaged all the other characters and then it just loops back to the tank and I taunt again, then repeat the process a second time to go through all the characters again and activate different things.

It takes some practice but you can get very fast with it. So say you are on the tank and you quickly need to heal, you just spam the button to cycle through the characters and it quickly blasts through. And you will get a feel for how many clicks your healer is after the tank. (It doesn't always stay in the same order but you get a feel each time you log in). And the best thing is that the normal single alt tab button goes back to the previous one in the list. So if you quickly spam to find your healer and then go too far, you just press the other button and jump back to the right guy.

One other trick is to press the alt tab, then cycle, then alt tab again, and you can rearrange the order like this. So basically you can have your tank and healer next to each other so you can just tab instantly between them with the normal alt tab macro. Or if you are pulling with your druid or something, make it so he is in the order next to the tank so that if something goes wrong, you can instantly switch to the tank to grab aggro.

And in the higher levels when you have a sequence down that doesn't change much, you can just macro the whole thing. It takes a good 15 minutes or something to make the macro, but once you've done it you can use it forever and it makes life easy. It's best to not have the macro do too much because if something bad happens you will be stuck waiting for the macro to end which could be very bad. So I just have a simple macro that tabs through each character very quickly and engages auto attack on all of them, and one or two instant abilities. So its not much risk because it blasts through and is all done and back on my tank in about 5 seconds.

Hope that makes sense. It sounds complicated but it's quite simple once you get it up and running and then practice with it. I'm currently playing EQ Mac and I use the exact same set of macros, and it works great.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I checked this out and I have to say, It is ugly as fuck still and the combat feels sluggish even after all of these years. But the class design is still pretty interesting.


Thanks qwerty i will check that out. I also got the G500 which is a great mouse for those type of games.

The game would be so much better if it had the population to support the size of the world.
I'm grouped 90% of the time with my bard and i checked out some really nice dungeons. Theres a lot of more content in the world which some people never do, but those are often smaller dungeons or not well itemized dungeons / content.
Theres always enough players around to start a group or to fill up open spots in your group.

One thing i like about VG is that there are people that like to group. In recent MMOs everyone can solo anything, run around in a meaningless safety world, till they are lvl 60, or 80 or whatever in 1 week.


I checked this out and I have to say, It is ugly as fuck still and the combat feels sluggish even after all of these years. But the class design is still pretty interesting.
It's strange but i thought the excact opposite. I play everything on maxed out on 1900x1200 with activated AA through Nvidia Control Panel. The colors are nice and realistic, textures could be a bit sharper but ok and I like to see many kilometers distance. Also the many different attack animation of my halfling bard fucking own :p

Theres a lot of great architecture and artwoirk around the world whch is interesting to explore. Sometimes i find myself just flying around a bit and holding, oh what was that again??
I prefer VG graphics over GW2 for example which are to bloomy, colorful and childish to me. But i guess everyone has different tastes!
Also keep in mind that VG is based off Unreal Engine 2.5 and the game is 6 years now. I might post some screenshots the other day.


WTF is a Raider?
<Gold Donor>
I hadn't played since a couple months after launch. I had high expectations for the game until I got into Beta (still have the letter from September 1, 2006!). Anyway, I decided to give it a try again for giggles. Installed and discovered - to my surprise - that my 43 Ranger was still available. I logged into an area surrounded by aggro mobs and immediately died since all my weapons had disappeared. Swords, bow, arrows ... all vanished. (Rest of my gear seemed OK.) I ran to the nearest town and couldn't find the AH NPC, so I had no way to acquire new weapons. I also noticed I had not run into a single PC while I had run around. Not one warm body.

I just laughed and un-installed. Good old Vanguard.
Thanks qwerty i will check that out. I also got the G500 which is a great mouse for those type of games.
You're welcome, and good luck with Setpoint! It's really useful. The only thing I forgot to mention is that I have to run every client in windowed mode otherwise they take too long to alt tab between. But you can make their resolution so that they fill your screen almost entirely (just a small bar at the top) so it doesn't harm immersion. And yeah grouping is still possible if you find where there other people congregate.

I hadn't played since a couple months after launch. I had high expectations for the game until I got into Beta (still have the letter from September 1, 2006!). Anyway, I decided to give it a try again for giggles. Installed and discovered - to my surprise - that my 43 Ranger was still available. I logged into an area surrounded by aggro mobs and immediately died since all my weapons had disappeared. Swords, bow, arrows ... all vanished. (Rest of my gear seemed OK.) I ran to the nearest town and couldn't find the AH NPC, so I had no way to acquire new weapons. I also noticed I had not run into a single PC while I had run around. Not one warm body.

I just laughed and un-installed. Good old Vanguard.
Stories like this are pretty pathetic to be honest. If you put zero effort in to the game then don't blame it for not giving something back. All your gear would probably be on the Escrow at an altar. And there are auction houses in every town and you can teleport instantly to any town if you find a rift stone. Had you spent 5 minutes in the game you would have found this or you could have just asked the players and they would have helped.

The game has its fair share of problems but not handing everything on a plate to some fool who rage quit 6 years ago only to log back in now and rage quit again after 2 minutes, is not something this game needs to worry about.


I checked this out and I have to say, It is ugly as fuck still and the combat feels sluggish even after all of these years. But the class design is still pretty interesting.
Not gonna advertise the game in any way, i just think its wrong to say this game is ugly as fuck.
Maybe get a better PC?
