Did you see this week's episode? Furlong at the restaurant was so goddamn funny I had to re-watch the scene several times because I laughed too hard and missed parts of it.The Grimace joke had me crying. Just like the woman.
This episode was epic. "I can't stop smiling." "Me neither." As Marjorie is completely stone faced as always.Unbelievably great episode. Jonah going off the rails on people was awesome. Apparently the episode was directed by Brad Hall, JLD's husband.
I don't think he gets to choose his VP.I don't get the Tom James thing either, he is scheming... to become a lobbyist? wat? The only thing I can see is him working the lobbyists so he gets voted in as President, but it really wouldn't make any sense for him to keep Selena on as Veep so I don't see where that storyline would go.