yeah theres not really any gay shit in this movie, Venom goes to a rave and talks about being himself and why won't people accept him but in his context its "i'm an alien symbiote and everyone rejects me" but all the dancing retards take it as IM QUEER IM HERE kinda stuff. Its pretty funny though, I think Hardy and Serkis talking about Venom being queer got it banned in China even though the movie doesn't really have anything to say about it.
movie is boring as fuuuuuck, it was such a huge idiotic move to make a goddamn PG-13 Carnage movie. No blood, no real violence, just cartoony shit that looks goofy. No real stakes at all, I was never concerned about a single character.
First movie is better I think, I don't really remember too much but I wasn't bored like this one. Actors are fine, but story is weak, pacing is slow, characters aren't great, just disappointing all around.
Some real bad CGI moments too, a couple of scenes it looking like 80s claymation, super weird. I guess its only 90 mins long so its got that going for it
Post credits scene has to do with next MCU movie