Now we know the answer for how they intend to make bank off of buying Yahoo as well. It was such an obvious thing and completely worth another $4bn.
One article I read stated that Yahoo had the chance to buy Google for $1 million in 1997. And Facebook for $1 billion around 2006. Also that Meyer had something like 53 company acquisitions during her tenure as CEO, ~41 of which have since been shut down (in fairness, it's possible Yahoo just wanted whatever tech/IP/Patents those companies had).
Yahoo's stake in Alibaba is estimate to be worth $28 Billion. This would have been included in the purchase by Microsoft I think.
So we are looking at a rough loss of 7 Billion. It's not as wide as all these pictures seem to make it out to be. Not sure how much Yahoo's other holdings are worth the gap may be even smaller.