Vermintide 2


A nice asshole.
Dunno what changed but I've crashed 3 times today. First ones in 24 hours and only since the patch yesterday. Horrid timing; I just got 2 RL buddies to get the game and was trying to run stuff to show them the ropes. Every single game crashed within 10 mins of start.

Sheeeeeet haven't tried it yet, these guys aren't opposed to roll backs so post up on their boards with as much info as you can.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Against the Grain got me to crash a couple of times but I did a data check and replaced a couple of files, hope that fixed it.

I also like shield and axe on Ironbreaker, this dwarf is almost unkillable and I love it. I just shield smash for days and still outdamage other people with my drakefire pistols, those things are fucking beast.

Ratsmash 2 game of the year so far, it's the pinnacle in the kill 300 ratmen and vikings per map game genre.
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Trump's Staff
Against the Grain got me to crash a couple of times but I did a data check and replaced a couple of files, hope that fixed it.

Hm Against the Grain was the one we were crashing at too. Will give the integrity check a go.

That's exactly how I play my Bardin on Recruit/Vet too, haha. Shield smash CC with axe/shield and shoot shot with pistols.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sad. I didn't think that even on the lowest settings that my laptop would chug. Plays Witcher 3 and other games just fine. Gonna return it for now, as I'm on the road so much that's when I'd play it, not when at home on my Desktop.


Trump's Staff
Wait, you mean people actually play Bardin with something other than a KBN/Reg 1h hammer?

I dont know what a KBN is. Im using axe/shield and drakefire pistols. Drakefire will probably be nerfed, it's pretty strong in the damage/killing hordes department. I'm not a Champ/Legend elite tho.

Sad. I didn't think that even on the lowest settings that my laptop would chug. Plays Witcher 3 and other games just fine. Gonna return it for now, as I'm on the road so much that's when I'd play it, not when at home on my Desktop.

I'm actually surprised it runs as well as it does for me. Built my PC in late 2011 and put a 970 GTX in it in 2014. I run Extreme with a pretty solid 70-75 FPS.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I dont know what a KBN is. Im using axe/shield and drakefire pistols. Drakefire will probably be nerfed, it's pretty strong in the damage/killing hordes department. I'm not a Champ/Legend elite tho.

I don't even have VT2 yet. KBN stands for Killing Blow Normal, a weapon trait from the original. I'm guessing the original style of weapon traits don't even exist in the sequel anyway.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I dont know what a KBN is. Im using axe/shield and drakefire pistols. Drakefire will probably be nerfed, it's pretty strong in the damage/killing hordes department. I'm not a Champ/Legend elite tho.

I'm actually surprised it runs as well as it does for me. Built my PC in late 2011 and put a 970 GTX in it in 2014. I run Extreme with a pretty solid 70-75 FPS.
Yea, my Desktop with a i5-2500k and GTX 970 runs it great! Not the case for my laptop from 2012 or something.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah don't get caught up in the who did what, the biggest thing is who took the most damage. If that is you block more. All that really matters though is did you win? When I play the dwarf I always go shield and axe/hammer with added stamina/regen and mainly just block and knockdown, get use to doing this with Bardin/Kruber because that is really the only way to beat harder difficulties.

All games in order of priority:
Stay together
Stay together
Don't get hit
Kill shit
Ping the big bads
Problem of damage is it counts temp health losses as damage taken too, and if you're venting, that counts as damage, so if you're chain venting on Sienna and virtually taking no damage due to temp health, you'll still get a shit score there. I believe it also counts friendly fire, so that's kinda out of your control.

Overall the score screen is kinda whatever, I do like when I have a bunch of greens like everyone I think, but I don't feel it's particularily important for me to have them. If I'm in a good team and I only get one or two or even none I'm ok with it, it means the other guys were pulling their weight. If anything when I get like everything which happens every now and then as Kerillian or Sienna, it can mean my team was actually kinda shit.


I’ve noticed the temp health thing too - temp health ticking away almost certainly counts as damage taken.

I usually have top specials as waystalker, but a good sienna kicks my ass in melting hordes and ranged dmg. And a good bounty hunter melts bosses.

If anyone wants to group up add me on steam. I have a steady group of rl friends and we’re cruising through veteran atm and about to push into champ. It’s hard to always get 4 people on at a time so we could always use someone to fill in.


Trump's Staff
I’ve noticed the temp health thing too - temp health ticking away almost certainly counts as damage taken.

I usually have top specials as waystalker, but a good sienna kicks my ass in melting hordes and ranged dmg. And a good bounty hunter melts bosses.

If anyone wants to group up add me on steam. I have a steady group of rl friends and we’re cruising through veteran atm and about to push into champ. It’s hard to always get 4 people on at a time so we could always use someone to fill in.

Link your steam URL here. Makes it very easy to just go to the profile page and Add Friend.

Steam Community :: Brikker


Trump's Staff
They need to do something about a Host disconnecting making you lose everything for a match. Every time that happens it just makes me want to stop playing.


Trakanon Raider
They need to do something about a Host disconnecting making you lose everything for a match. Every time that happens it just makes me want to stop playing.
If I remember right, the first game had the same issue which makes me wonder if there is no easy fix for it.
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Molten Core Raider
They need to do something about a Host disconnecting making you lose everything for a match. Every time that happens it just makes me want to stop playing.

I think they said they're adding dedicated servers within a month.
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<Silver Donator>
It will get fixed when they release dedicated servers support, so there's no real reason for them to work on another fix and delay that.

I fucking hate map RNG. Today I got Halescourge 5times and Skittergate 3times, out of like a dozen of games. These maps fucking suck in pubs. Skittergate is a fucking pain in the ass with the 5000adds spawning which include fucking plague monks and shielded stormvermins for some reason while fuckface teleports around and you have to have someone attacking him at all time or he's lobbing lightning up your ass constantly and that's after the whole rat ogre shit too, so annoying.

And Halescourge unblockable fast moving projectiles are super bullshit, the hitbox is weird as fuck on them and sometimes they're spread sometimes not and he'll randomly teleport on your ass and lock you as a target so you have basically no chance to dodge him, fucking piece of shit. At least the adds are a lot more controlled, they only spawn when he's doing "nothing", aka throwing the CC flies at people which isn't that bad but goddamn that shit's annoying cause you die in like 3hits from the green ghosts shit. Oh and randomly at the end you get some fucking specials spawning out of the room and moving in? Fucking Globedier and his Ratgun buddy shooting through the fucking walls and shit and oh eh Chaos warrior in there too.

I think I'll just leave at the start of these maps they're not worth it, I cleared Halescourge once and everything else we wiped on the boss even though the rest of the run was simple enough. But like that fucking map RNG, how the fuck does this happen really.


Trakanon Raider
Lol map RNG has nothing on twitch man. Completed a wicked twitch run on Halescourge last night, almost finished The War Camp. But halfway through the boss twitch chat spawned 5 chaos warriors + trash on us lol.