Vermintide 2


<Silver Donator>
What's the fastest way to level up? For now I'm just running recruit quick plays, but id guess im at a 2/3 success rate and thats a lot of wasted time. figuring if there's a particularly quick map, soloing it might be faster.
Really depends. The fastest way is incredibly boring and tends to be running Empire at Flames on high difficulty(hard to do if it's your first char though since you don't have the requirements for higher diff) and failling as far as you can get, getting to the wine cellar is like 400xp in 2-3minutes. It's fast, but you're basically not playing the game. You can also macro failure on Into the Nest, not sure if the script is still around and still works, autohotkey basic script, basically you just run and drop down to your death at the start, gives like 100xp but takes a minute or so, good for leaving overnight. Should be this, might need tweaking.

Other than that just playing the game really. It can be rough at early power levels but once you have a comfortable amount you can easily constantly win even if your team is retarded.

You can play with bots, but you'll want to level bots if you want to play at higher difficulties. Bots use the host last played classes, with a priority system on which bot is picked so you always play with Kruber/Kerillian/Sienna/Bardin, unless you yourself play Saltz, so saltz you don't have to lvl for bots. Bots also favor healing items over tomes and never pick grims, so it can be a bitch, you can friendly fire them on higher difficulties to force them to pick tomes but with the nerfs to FF it's very costly ammo wise, the only decent way to get them to pick tomes is to carry nothing yourself so they don't pick healing but then they might just die cause they're not that great. So overall bot games are 1grim 3tomes in the best case, but often less tomes because of the shenanigans they go through, especially when the tomes are in weird spots where the bots get stuck(Athel Yenlui 3rd tome for example).

If you do play bots, recommend getting Sienna/Kruber to 12 for Unchained/Foot Knight, Bardin to 7 for Ironbreaker and Kerillian is good at Waystalker. Good to give them some gear(general rule for weapons, give them weapons with good armor piercing like halberd/glaive/mace/axes and ranged weapons with good single shot power like shotguns/rifles) and talents too so the higher the better. My bots are very strong because I have leveled all classes but unleveled they're not that great(still fine for recruit/veteran).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I'll just keep slogging for now. Feels so weird being level 10 and still using the 5 power freebie halberd.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah I'll just keep slogging for now. Feels so weird being level 10 and still using the 5 power freebie halberd.
Item power isn't that big as long as you keep some of the items up since it averages your items and then add your class lvl which is generally higher when lvling. You can also craft stuff when you want a big upgrade at once. It's worth keeping a trinket with curse resistance for grim reduced hp if you find one even if it's low lvl.

If you're playing Kruber mostly, there's a nice guide for Foot Knight that was posted yesterday with lots of details and a lot of nice gameplay in the background.

Foot Knight is generally considered top tier, Huntsman is also pretty good, Mercenary is generally considered the weakest of the 3 but it's not so bad with the 10% attackspeed team proc at 15 and the instant raise ult at 25.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Item power isn't that big as long as you keep some of the items up since it averages your items and then add your class lvl which is generally higher when lvling. You can also craft stuff when you want a big upgrade at once. It's worth keeping a trinket with curse resistance for grim reduced hp if you find one even if it's low lvl.

If you're playing Kruber mostly, there's a nice guide for Foot Knight that was posted yesterday with lots of details and a lot of nice gameplay in the background.

Foot Knight is generally considered top tier, Huntsman is also pretty good, Mercenary is generally considered the weakest of the 3 but it's not so bad with the 10% attackspeed team proc at 15 and the instant raise ult at 25.

Melee weapons: Halberd top tier, reset first swing with block for hordes, push attack+light attack for armored. Everything else is kinda meh, Warhammer and Executioner sword are useable but you'll want high attackspeed to compensate for how slow they are. Sword+shield is decent at lower difficulties.
Ranged weapons: Longbow and Blunderbuss/Handgun. Longbow is Huntsman only and is by far the best weapon, can damage anything even chaos warriors. Blunderbuss/Handgun is for other classes, Handgun has better more precise shot but unless you headshot it's not great on legend. Blunderbuss has spread so it sucks at long range but can one shot a lot of stuff at mid range.

I can agree with some of this but not all. I feel like my handgun use is a plus as I am able to snapshot better than a lot of Kerillians and Siennas.

That and I just got my 2nd red....



<Silver Donator>
I haven't really played handgun much, but supposedly on legend it stops one shotting a lot of stuff without headshots. If you have good aim though and can reliably get headshots often at range, it's definitely a great weapon. Generally speaking, unless your Sienna/Kerillian/Saltz are trash at taking out specials, you won't need to. Obviously in pubs, this can happen really depends. Blunderbuss just guarantees good results on stuff that's close enough even if you fuck up your aim and with requiring the least amount of time to switch back to meleeing and is great as long as you can rely on someone to deal with the rest. But handgun is perfectly fine, I guess I shouldn't have said "not great" and just "decent/good". It's more dependant on your FPS skills though so ymmv depending on how good you are.

Grats on the red though and it's a good weapon. Model is kinda eh. I got my 2nd red yesterday too, and actually got my 3rd in the same box, double reds. They were both trinkets, the one slot that I already had perfect rolled oranges for. RNG is great.
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<Silver Donator>
So can I start quick matching champ once I get 20 and get my temp health talent?
I mean in theory you can start before too and if you're good it's fine, unless playing Sienna then I wouldn't recommend it since you can't force vent nearly as well so it's pretty bad until 20.

I leveled a bunch of shit from 10 to 30 on champ, but not the first characters, had to get used to the game first.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm decent. Like 400 hours in the first one so the basics like staying near teammates are well drilled into me, and watching that foot knight video you linked made a massive difference. Hell just learning about the halberd's push/light combo for double head chops made a massive difference in how well I contribute by quickly killing elites, and the CC/boss stun from his career power is crazy. Planning to focus on Kruber first and then start bringing the other heroes up.


Avatar of War Slayer
the hp on kill is a godsend and would certainly make life easier on champ+

I think a few chars, like Footman kruber are so easy, that you probably can get away with not being 20 with relative ease. IB bardin is pretty solid as well in not taking damage, thus not needing the temp health. but, his offense is also much lower. (granted, that lower offense ALSO means lack of hero power, is probably less meaningful)


<Silver Donator>
Yeah foot knight feels pretty good for a "tank" because you can kill a lot of shit with good halberd usage and the low cd charge is great for controlling shit. On champion I could easily carry bads with halberd FK, it only sucked for boss damage and stormers spawning super far since I used blunderbuss(handgun would fix that).

What annoys me the most about pub Kruber FKs are the ones who "save their charges". Like shit is so short there's no reason to, just charge at stuff. Sure a single SV or chaos warrior isn't that much of a risk with nothing around, but why even bother and not charge it so you can just spam it while it's staggered. Too many people don't charge nearly often enough. It's super rare that you'll need your charge for an emergency anyway and generally only happens during horde spawns so you can plan ahead, if there's no horde around, might as well charge shit.

Leveling others is pretty good to get your power level up a bit faster at first though. Like doing 1-5 at least gives quite a few additional commendation boxes. Even 1-10 is fast.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Yeah, I charge the shit out of SV and Chaos Warriors to focus them down.

I also rather not carry grimmores so I can carry a conc pot to stun lock chaos spawns and rat ogres.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Is the damage reduction aura on foot knight really worth it? I find the handmaiden to just kind of be a better version of the foot knight. Stamina regen feels more useful than an extra shield, and being able to revive without any interruption can save runs sometimes. Her charge is the exact same skill as far as I can tell, and the glaive is just way, way better than the halberd?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was god awful at landing the second hit of the glaive's charged combo in the first game, so I assume I'm still terrible at it in VT2. FK can revive without interruption too, you start the revive then charge away.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I don't think that is unique to the handmaiden. I've seen it happen playing BW as well.


<Silver Donator>
Is the damage reduction aura on foot knight really worth it? I find the handmaiden to just kind of be a better version of the foot knight. Stamina regen feels more useful than an extra shield, and being able to revive without any interruption can save runs sometimes. Her charge is the exact same skill as far as I can tell, and the glaive is just way, way better than the halberd?
That damage reduction is kinda like whatever, it's nice to have but not a big deal. It does make Kruber himself a lot tankier than HM though, since you have 150health with 15% reduction, while HM is just 125hp with no reduction. Only tankier chars are like IB(150hp, 20%reduction, blocks a hit every 13secs, shit's stupid tanky) and Zealot (150hp, takes 50% less damage from everything virtually on legend).

The rez thing sucks on HM anyway, from what I understand it's either that you can rez without blocking or that it doesn't break when you run out of stamina, both of which suck regardless since HM rarely runs out of stam anyway and FK can easily rez while blocking by pushing stuff with ult or rez while ulting away. Same for HM really, this is a non passive that doesn't do anything.

Glaive isn't way way better than Halberd, it's pretty much the same. Halberd has more reach and doesn't lock you as long when attacking armored. It does less armored damage though by a fair bit, but not that much less over time, halberd antiarmor combo is a lot faster than Glaive's. Mostly glaive does more damage on light attacks, which is good for bosses or mowing down stuff without heavy attacks and glaive doesn't require stamina to do antiarmor and shit but they're fairly similar.

The huge difference is the HM dash has a very small hitbox, and while it kills slaverats you go through and does some damage to other stuff, it doesn't knockback everything the fuck out, including chaos warriors. It does give stealth and has an even lower cd, but being able to knock chaos warriors and bosses on their asses is a big deal to let your team deal with shit, while the dash on HM does nothing against these.

Now HM is still pretty neat, the invis makes her near unkillable and she can recover from wipes like crazy, plus she has longbow with additional ammo so she's very good at special killing, but I'd say Footknight is overall the better class for a tank role due to boss/cw stagger. Shit is just invaluable. I'd say she stands the comparison better against IB who has less going for him for example and is more the tanky tank while HM has a lot of offensive potential, but against FK who does both good damage and godlike control, it's hard to compare.

There is also the issue that HM in some ways is like a slightly different Waystalker, and you can do most of the things the HM does with WS while having a better ult for anti specials/boss damage/anti patrols(with a purple pot). You can't clutch as well if shit goes wrong due to not spammable invis, but you can kinda make sure shit doesn't go wrong better before that. You can still glaive fuckers and longbow other fuckers(with near infinite ammo this time) and while you don't have nearly the stam regen, it feels kinda redundant on glaive anyway since you won't be pushing that much in my experience, unlike say spear where you want to be pushing constantly for hordes since it's the only decent aoe, while glaive is like swing block swing block, with the push only be used for the actual push since it's otherwise basically the same as 2 LMBs in a row, but with a shittier hitbox on the first move.
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Avatar of War Slayer
in theory you would be balancing your party.

So, the question is also not just, is HM as good as Footknight, its, which is better, FK+waystalker, or HM+huntsman.

I totally carried a party vs halescourge with IB bardin yesterday. They were pretty bad, just a bag of cats running oft, constantly. Fed the sienna pots, so she had 2 during halescourge, tried to stay on top of her. Every time I would turn to kill, or block the poison for her, she would run to the other side of the room... and die. kerillian died repeatedly. lost her grim. sienna also had to get respawned.... Kruber died a few times, but didnt fully die iirc.
Meanwhile I never dropped below 80% life..


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I think Waystalker is overall the better group class. Her ult is just money when taking out specials and/or huge packs of stormvermin.

My ideal group would be FK Kruber, Slayer Bardin, WS Kerillan , Pyro Sienna.


<Silver Donator>
I did halescourge for the first time on legend today, the nerfs helps A LOT. Our team was Huntsman Kruber(did most of the damage that run, very good player, good eye for specials and shit and thank god because the rest wasn't so great), Handmaiden Kerillian, Witch Hunter Saltz and me on Slayer Bardin. I was bored of having to wait for people to fill games as Kerillian cause on legend I can never find games to join so figured I'd roll some gear quick on Slayer and try that a bit since I liked it a lot while lvling in champion, went better than expected, although I had to run after motherfucking specials when Kruber was overrun and my timing was off with the 2H hammer a bunch cause I haven't played it in forever. Both the HM and the WHC were out of ammo most of the run, low box/ammo spawns and they couldn't aim for shit/shot at stupid shit and the WHC was dead for most of the run.

Anyway even with this really suboptimal setup, we killed the boss pretty easily with the changes. That's basically 3melees+1ranged class, the Huntsman and HM had Str pots but no purple pot, I had a grim and the WHC had nothing since he was dead. I actually got A LOT of attacks in because he teleported nicely not too far from me while targetting other people and we fucked him up to like 25% by the time he went back up, which is very good. Then adds were a lot easier, just some maulers, no bullshit chaos warriors or zerkers and then finished him nicely. I was really surprised to see how easy it was this time compared to last time I did it(and got to the boss, often die to chaos spawns in the streets/buildings shit).

Also they announced an official stream tomorrow to talk about next patch(1.0.7) and the future(1.1 which I assume will come next week or early may, looks like early may is probably more likely since they have another patch inbetween). 1.1 I assume will have mod support, hope it has dedicated servers too. Not that I have had too many issues with servers but still.

Oh and on meta and stuff, I played with a conflag unchained yesterday on legend, did like 3runs and that shit was pretty OP. It basically aoe CC everything. Doesn't do crazy damage other than horde shit but we got a chaos patrol at some point and the chaos warriors were just "rooted", I picked them out one by one with glaive charged attack while bardin was taunting a bunch of shit and the other guy was dead. They just kept getting staggered by the Unchained, really cool. Can probably play anything else besides Unchained but what I liked is it felt a bit like a FK, super tanky motherfucker with tons of control. He did ok damage too with LMB. It's the first fucker with a conflag staff that I see actually making it look very good. Usually they're all trash. Has to be played very differently from usual Sienna though, it's definitely not a "get all the green circles" shit although you can get a lot of circles on hordes but was pretty cool.

Overall balance is in a pretty good spot, class wise. Hope they'll buff weapons vs armor across the board, make that .3 modifier on armored on most heavy attacks into .6 or .7 and a lot of weapons would be more viable, maybe not the best, but not hot trash like some of them are.
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