Vermintide 2


<Silver Donator>
Shade ult is very good already with the changes to the cooldown a few patches ago. It's actually broken as fuck on beta patch but I assume they'll nerf that back down. I mostly play Shade nowadays and honestly it works fine, but it does help that I can handle hordes on my own and can do bosses more or less on my own if needed too, other than fucking spawn of chaos, I always get fucked by his retarded charging attack hitbox.

I guess they could change it to a duration but they'd need to adjust the damage down a lot. I'm not sure what it'd do though, you'd do the same damage, or less if it's a boss and it moves away after the first hit.

Oh btw don't pick 75% backstab, it's actually 25%, as in it's lower than no talent/the other 2 talents. Angle is pretty good, it's almost 180° but I still prefer getting ammo back, so I can shoot specials without running out of ammo. I use longbow too for ammo efficiency, crossbow feels like a trap to me, shit just eats through ammo way too quick and really doesn't do anything better than longbow other than wasting ammo on a boss for some reason.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd highly recommend switching to dual swords as they are at least pretty good at hordes

Thanks for the recommendation, shit was light night and day for my survivability on hordes. Now I just chew through them without trouble. I can see how the glaive is probably still overall superior from using it while running as waywatcher, but it feels right to be dual-wielding as shade. I refuse to use longbow though, repeater too fun!

Been experimenting with rapier/repeater bounty hunter when I realized that the ammo return on crit property basically gives him infinite ammo if you aren't retarded. Obviously rapier leaves a lot to be desired against armor, but it handles hordes so well compared to axe or falchion and it's rare to be in a game where armored units aren't being mowed down at range by handguns/longbows anyway. If I was rolling in a premade or knew my group was smart enough to turtle up against hordes I'd feel confident enough to use the axe, but when everyone kinda splits apart and I have to deal with big chunks of slaves/zombies on my own, the axe just doesn't get the job done even with the cleave buff.


Avatar of War Slayer
I find rapier solid vs armor. it has a very controlable armor piercing stab. easy headshots, and it just deals damage to armor in the first place.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So everyone is 30 and champs are pretty easy as long as I'm not doing something dumb like continually trying to make the flail work despite doing terribly every time i use it. Would love to start cutting my teeth on legend with some forum folks. Steam profile is vsammiel


FoH nuclear response team
So everyone is 30 and champs are pretty easy as long as I'm not doing something dumb like continually trying to make the flail work despite doing terribly every time i use it. Would love to start cutting my teeth on legend with some forum folks. Steam profile is vsammiel

Sigmar bless this ravaged neck tumor!


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
PUG'ing legendary is very very rough.

I am down for a legend run or two with people from the boards.

IMO the church defense run is the easiest out of all of them.

Help me Eidal Eidal , you are my only hope.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Just made it through a Fort Brax run with a pug.

Readied up for the next one and then crashed and lost the group.



<Silver Donator>
God almighty you weren't kidding, this is a thousand times worse than pugging cataclysm was. Most legend pugs I've joined wipe within sight of the initial spawn location.
Depends on location/time I think. I've had decent enough results with legend pubs, I wanna say about 50% winrate. Some days it's just terrible though, some days it's good. Champion is like 90% winrate though so there's definitely a big jump. Good thing about fails is as you said, a lot of time you'll know if the group is bad right away. People often die in the first horde spawn, especially on certain fucky maps. Like Into the Grain, I actually never finished this one in a pub after like 100+games played, generally wipe in the very first farm. It was one of the 3maps I hadn't completed on legend, ran it solo with HM to clear it. I think I still need Empire in Flames, which is annoying to solo(pushing and clicking on the cart is annoying when there's a boss and a dozen of chaos warriors around).


Mr. Poopybutthole
Reduced the Finesse coefficient to 1, down from 2, on the heavy attacks off Executioner Sword and the Glaives. This reduces the damage of headshots and critical attacks on these weapons' heavy attacks.

Is this fake news or a crushing nerf?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Is this fake news or a crushing nerf?
it appears so. pretty big nerf.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 :: Vermintide 2 - Patch 1.0.8

Known issues
  • A graphical glitch occurs when Skaven Clanrats are set on fire. Instead of burning up and turning black - their armor disappears. This will be resolved in a hotfix.

  • Fixed an issue where bots would rapidly pass healing items back and forth between each other.
  • Fixed an issue where a bot would not give an item to a player.
  • Added difficulty reaction times for opportunity targets - specials which have not attacked yet.
  • Fixed a spot on Halescourge, where bots had trouble jumping between two rooftops.
  • Fixed an issue on Righteous Stand where bots would fail to rescue hanging players near the temple of Sigmar.
  • Fixed an issue where bots would keep attempting - and failing, to use healing items when an item with the "Natural Bond" was equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where bots would chase after a Packmaster that was dragging a player, and would have problems switching to a melee weapon when close to the enemy.
  • Fixed an issue where bots were unaffected by the Sudden Death effect from Deeds.
  • Changed so that bots now consider total enemy threat value instead of enemy count when evaluating distance to keep from melee follow position. This essentially means that small packs of dangerous enemies (e.g. Chaos Warrior) will now cause the bots to stay closer.
  • Fixed some instances where bots would run away and chase enemies that had teleported out of sight.
  • Fixed so that bot Saltzpyre can perform heavy chain attacks using the Flail.
  • Increased the range at which bots can shoot at to 22.5 meters, up from 15.
  • Bots will now vent overcharge when it is safe to do so.
  • Improved bot Sienna's staff weapons. She will now fire the beam on Beam Staff for longer periods of time and can use the charged attack of Beam Staff and Fireball Staff when there are obstructing enemies nearby. She will also fires her Bolt Staff rapid fire attacks at a greater pace.

  • Fixed missing voice lines on Fort Brachsenbrücke, Athel Yenlui, Convocation of Decay, Skittergate, and Halescourge.
  • Added new combat music when fighting the Rat Ogre.
  • Added new voice lines for all heroes.
  • Banter and curses between heroes should now play a little less frequently.
  • Fixed an issue where the crafting sound gets stuck when another player requests a mission vote.
  • Added an extra headshot sound for melee weapons.
  • Fixed Drakefire Pistols only playing overcharge sounds from the right pistol.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the repeater pistol's charged shot sound effect to play on the first shot for repeating handgun's first charged shot, it also played the wrong animation on the repeating handgun's first shot.
  • Fixed an issue with where the spawning sound for Gutter Runners wouldn't play when certain music was active.
  • Fixed some issues where some Stormvermin sounds wouldn't play.
  • Fixed an issue where sound effects from aggroed enemies could persist even though the enemy was dead or far away.

  • Comprehensive optimization for all graphics, which affects all meshes, and textures, and other game assets. This will yield a performance increase on all systems.
  • The GPU memory consumption has been reduced by up to 500MB, depending on quality settings. This should show a significant increase on GPUs with less than 4GBs of RAM, if they hit their VRAM limit.
  • The main memory consumption has been reduced by up to 350MB.
  • We've made a substantial amount of quality of life changes to visual effects on many of the weapons. Most notably was the issue on a Veteran quality Runed Flame Staff, where its jet of flame pointed sideways.
  • Removed the "Medium" option from the Ambient Light Quality settings due to incrorrect PBR-lighting.
  • Removed the "Off" option from the Volumetric Light settings due to lighting deviation was too big to the other options. Replaced it with a cheap "Lowest" option.
  • Added a setting for Auto Exposure Speed which enables adjusting the convergence time of auto exposure.
  • Fixed issues with particle effects not appearing correctly on lower graphics settings.

  • Fixed mismatching descriptions and names for the Beam Staff "Dreiberg's Disintegrator", the Longbows "Glade Guardian's Nastirrath" and "Death Reign".
  • Fixed the issue where the 2-handed weapon idle animations for Ironbreaker Bardin and Slayer Bardin were switched. Slayer will now be correctly riled up, and Ironbreaker is correctly chill.
  • Fixed an issue on Slayer Bardin where the animation for Dual Axes would return to a one handed idle animation when switching weapons while holding block.
  • Fixed issue where Blacksmith's Handgun and Blacksmith's Blunderbuss displayed the incorrect icons.
  • Reduced the Finesse coefficient to 1, down from 2, on the heavy attacks off Executioner Sword and the Glaives. This reduces the damage of headshots and critical attacks on these weapons' heavy attacks.
  • Increased stagger on Great Axes to 0.5, up from 0.3. And increased their armor penetration to 0.75, up from 0.5.
  • Increased the damage on Dual Daggers and Dual Swords heavy stab attacks to 0.25 damage, up from 0.2 and increased their armor penetration to 0.5, up from 0.25.
  • Players will now be more mobile with one-handed swords. Increased the mobility multiplier to 0.75, up from 0.5.
  • Tuned the spread and turnaround on Kruber's Longbow.
  • Fixed an issue where the trait "Proxy" wouldn't work for clients. Proxy should now correctly apply its effect to the nearest ally.

  • Unchained Sienna can now use Living Bomb during its Overcharge explosion to prevent the explosion and clear overheat.
  • Fixed an issue where Unchained Sienna's Career Perk "Unstable Strength" wouldn't increase damage and stagger values based on overcharge, only the amount of targets hit.
  • Changes to Huntsman Kruber's Thrill of the Hunt: Reduced the reload speed increase after headshot to 20%, down from 35%. Increased duration to 5 seconds, up from 2.
    After version 1.0.5 we've noticed an unintended behaviour involving the handgun and a set of talent setups which allowed the Huntsman to fire at an alarming rate. This didn't work all that great in practice and therefore we've decided to reduce the effect of Thrill of the Hunt to reduce the effectiveness of this combination in particular. To balance these changes, we have increased the duration of the buff which should allow for more leniency when using the handgun in particular, allowing weaving headshots with bodyshots and still maintaining the increased reload speed buff.
  • Added a new icon for Huntsman Kruber's Career Perk "Call out Weakness", which is his critical strike chance aura. This previously used the same icon as the talent "Makin' it look easy" which caused some confusion.
  • Fixed an issue with Slayer Bardin's talent "Stunty Saviour" - its movement speed increase will now properly be applied only when Bardin is the last player standing.
  • Fixed an issue with Slayer Bardin's Career Skill "Leap". Bardin should now slide less on upward slopes and stairs, but still be able to clear small protruding obstacles.
  • Changed the behavior of Career Skills which the hero dashes or lunges, to put the hero in a dodging state during its duration. This affects how well the enemies' attack track the hero. This affects Foot Knight Kruber, Zealot Saltzpyre, and Handmaiden Kerillian.
  • Fixed issues with certain Career Skills doing damage to players and props, i.e. Witch Hunter Captain Saltzpyre won't scream loud enough to shatter glass or ignite explosive barrels anymore, and Ranger Veteran Bardin won't kill himself with his smoke bomb.
  • Fixed an issue where the aiming animation could get stuck while holding down the activation key for Career Skills, while being grabbed by a Lifeleech or Chaos Spawn.

  • Reduced height of the running sweep attacks of Maulers, by 50% - the attack came in a bit too high. Also increased the height of their standing sweep attacks, was a bit too low.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bile Troll could get stuck near ledges in certain situations.
  • When the Bile Troll is downed, and generating - its head is raised a bit to allow for easier headshots while it is vulnerable.
  • Added a waiting period for Fanatics and Marauders when they are waiting for an opportunity to attack. This should make them more stable when crowding around a player.
  • "Fanatics will no longer do running attacks when they charge at you, only attacks as they move around.
    They have had the range on their moving attacks reduced - and also, the damage trigger window for their attack animations has been adjusted to more clearly show when an attack would hit a player."
  • Increase the initial skulk time of Lifeleeches.
  • Enemies wielding a shield will not block while they are falling.
  • Fixed an issue where shield-wielding Stormvermin would play the wrong animation when their guard is opened up.
  • Fixed issue that were causing the running slam attacks of Rat Ogres and Chaos Spawns, to push away heroes behind and to the sides of the boss instead of only those in its path.

  • All levels have had a proper work over. Locations where players have been reported getting stuck have been fixed. Collisions for structures and environments have been adjusted to make Ratling Gunners less likely to fire through them. Spawn points for patrols and hordes have been tweaked to lessen the chance of enemies spawning in plain sight.
  • Added guaranteed health and ammo drops before fighting Spinemanglr.
  • Fixed an issue where players wouldn't respawn in the arena during the fight with Spinemanglr.
  • Added objective markers on Festering Ground, to make it easer to find that last Buboe you didn't pop.
  • Fixed an issue on Skittergate where Gatekeeper Naglfahr could be interrupted while transforming into Blessed Gatekeeper. Also, we changed his appearance a little to make him more distinct from Bödvarr. Check him out, he looks cool.
  • The Skittergate Generators were being destroyed too easily, so we doubled their hitpoints. And made them invulnerable to ranged damage.
  • Added more chests and crates to Fort Brachsenbrücke, to improve the chances of getting loot dice.
  • Fixed an issue on The War Camp where a Stormfiend boss could get stuck under water, being unable to attack.
  • Fixed a progression blocking issue in the prologue if the player didn't pick up the bow.
  • The summoning pool in Convocation of Decay, no longer deals damage. It will add fatigue, reducing stamina shields.

  • Many quality of life improvements to playing with gamepads.
  • Lohner and Olesya's talk-interacts are now correctly labelled.
  • Fixed an issue where hot-joining players who took the place of a downed bot were given 100% permanent health instead of 100% temporary health, causing them to possibly get stuck in a downed state forever.
  • Fixed a rare crash in the launcher.
  • Fixed a crash when a client explodes a warpfire thrower tank.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the Bile Troll changed targets while being far away from the players.
  • Fixed a crash for clients when standing in an active Waystone Portal in the Keep and the host quits the game.
  • Fixed a crash when transitioning into a leaping state from anything else than a standing or walking state, i.e. Slayer Bardin's Career Skill.
  • Damage calculations should now correctly apply melee power boosts effects from talents and traits to training dummies. Also, talents and traits should now trigger properly.
  • Fixed a crash if you picked up an barrel or training dummy during the animation for Ranger Veteran Bardin's Career Skill.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if a vote was completed when the game session had been torn down.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when attacking a Stormfiend in the back.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when damaging a training dummy while someone picked it up.
  • Fixed a softlock issue when trying to close Hero Selection after having changed heroes.
  • Improved word wrapping for Chinese localization.
  • Fixed issues with Saltzpyres and Kerillian's Repeating Crossbows having ammo floating in the air after inspecting your hero.
  • Fixed an issue where the health bars for bosses weren't being displayed for clients, unless the boss was tagged by another player.
  • Changed the visual appearance of lamp oil fire to not look so two-dimensional when viewed from above.
  • Fixed an issue with Twitch Mode that, while respawning, would hide the voting UI.
  • Fixed missing blood and armor impact effects when Ratling Gunners hit other enemies.
  • Players now automatically block while reviving or rescuring other players. Blocking before reviving was always something players could do, we just made this automatic.
  • Opening Hero Selection will no longer be available during matchmaking.
  • We now use a font which supports non-latin characters to display player names.


Mr. Poopybutthole
it appears so. pretty big nerf.

Can't speak to the glaive but a big nerf to the charged attack on the ex sword makes it pretty much unusable when the halberd and even the 2h hammer exist. I mean I can provisionally understand a glaive nerf because it was so far ahead of Kerillian's other weapons, although based on those 'buffs' they don't seem to understand why dual daggers are bad in the first place. There was no reason to nerf the ex sword.


<Silver Donator>
They did some changes from beta to live and the patch is somehow fucking worse. Exe sword nerf was absolutely not needed when the weapon was only barely on par with Halberd, and generally harder to use(needed to actually aim, slower swings for horde, smaller reach).

The glaive nerf is kinda bad but eh, glaive nerfs were going to happen. Still does good armor damage. The dual weapon buffs are nice but don't change all that much. So overall Kerillian melee options are just overall worse, they didn't buff all the other underperforming weapons, and Kruber is mostly unchanged because they nerfed the 2nd best weapon instead of the best one.

On top of that, they went through with the damage cap removal.

But because they're a bunch of fucking monkeys, they nerfed the Shade ult a lot, it does way less damage compared to beta, and it has the same nerfs it had on beta, which is it only hits a single instance of damage, so you can't cleave with it and you can't dual wield double hit with it, making single target weapons much much better. The result is even with the glaive 2nd hit, it does pretty shitty damage for a 1min damage only ult.

Now you might say, well that's not too bad, why are they a bunch of fucking monkeys? Because these fucking monkeys didn't nerf the Huntsman ult which was just as fucking bad. So Huntsman still kills bosses in 5seconds like on beta. Good fucking job Fatshark. It's not like it wasn't reported dozens of times, along with videos showing how fucking retarded BOTH ults were with damage uncapped. And yet they managed to fuck it up and only nerf one ult. And they nerfed it too much too. At least they fixed double ulting giving 0reload to handgun.

Good thing I stopped playing last week, I'll be back later once they release some DLC/content and try to balance this mess a little better.
Last edited:


Mr. Poopybutthole
They did some changes from beta to live and the patch is somehow fucking worse. Exe sword nerf was absolutely not needed when the weapon was only barely on par with Halberd, and generally harder to use(needed to actually aim, slower swings for horde, smaller reach).

The glaive nerf is kinda bad but eh, glaive nerfs were going to happen. Still does good armor damage. The dual weapon buffs are nice but don't change all that much. So overall Kerillian melee options are just overall worse, they didn't buff all the other underperforming weapons, and Kruber is mostly unchanged because they nerfed the 2nd best weapon instead of the best one.

On top of that, they went through with the damage cap removal.

But because they're a bunch of fucking monkeys, they nerfed the Shade ult a lot, it does way less damage compared to beta, and it has the same nerfs it had on beta, which is it only hits a single instance of damage, so you can't cleave with it and you can't dual wield double hit with it, making single target weapons much much better. The result is even with the glaive 2nd hit, it does pretty shitty damage for a 1min damage only ult.

Now you might say, well that's not too bad, why are they a bunch of fucking monkeys? Because these fucking monkeys didn't nerf the Huntsman ult which was just as fucking bad. So Huntsman still kills bosses in 5seconds like on beta. Good fucking job Fatshark. It's not like it wasn't reported dozens of times, along with videos showing how fucking retarded BOTH ults were with damage uncapped. And yet they managed to fuck it up and only nerf one ult. And they nerfed it too much too. At least they fixed double ulting giving 0reload to handgun.

Good thing I stopped playing last week, I'll be back later once they release some DLC/content and try to balance this mess a little better.

I'm unfamiliar with huntsman's career skill aside from the now nerfed machinegun double ult stack, is the career skill really that powerful just on it's own, compared to how incredibly useful valiant charge is throughout an entire mission? The funniest thing about the exe sword nerf is that it destroyed the only area where I feel it genuinely outshined the halberd, jousting with patrols. Much easier to charge, step up and swing, then back out than it is to try and properly time a push-double head chop with the halberd, but now there's so much less payoff even if you do manage to land the headshot.

I've pretty much been sticking to waystalker when I play Kerillian anyway, having infinite ammo so you can constantly prune elites/SV before they get into melee range is just so valuable. What's funny is that I'm surprisingly good at chaining headshots with a longbow but I have this alarming tendency to just completely whiff shots with a handgun, which is completely crazy since the handgun is a direct fire weapon and I actually have to judge the arc of the arrow with a longbow. Think I already said this but the changes to dual daggers prove they don't have the foggiest clue what makes daggers unusable in the first place. The only way they could make daggers viable with as incredibly useless as they are against hordes is if they absolutely shredded armor, something ridiculous like 100% armor damage even on light attacks or something.


<Silver Donator>
Huntsman ult after this patch is definitely worth losing charge. From what I understand it one shot bodyshot CWs with the handgun, so you can kill a chaos patrol in one ult(which is a huge fucking deal) and most of a stormvermin patrol pretty easily too(remember handgun ignores shields if you zoom in, so you can kill these fuckers like they're normal stormvermins). They can delete bosses very quickly in a huge burst from range. That makes the need for a stagger fairly limited, since generally the only thing you'd want to stagger are bosses and patrols/large packs of elites, which the huntsman can just delete instead of control. Granted, there's still some situations where FK is going to be better but Huntsman was already pretty good and the changes(including the 1.0.7 handgun buffs) make it really good.

I played mostly Shade lately because I liked the playstyle and it was different enough from Waystalker but in this state I'd probably go back to Waystalker too, it's a safer pick.


Mr. Poopybutthole
fucking lol @ one-shotting CWs to the body. I totally forgot about ignoring shields while you're zoomed. I dunno, seems like more of the same shit from the first one, poorly thought out changes that strongly suggest they don't really know much about their own game.