Vicodin, Cigarettes, and My Fake Tits - from the diary of the Megan Fox of Ohio

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I don't think anyone's saying it's easy. What people are saying, in fact, is that it's NOT easy but it needs to be done anyway.
Sorry, that wasn't how I meant it to come across.

What I meant was, "Look everyone here is telling you to do the same thing, you should listen to them and do it even if it seems hard!"

Shit, that's evidence enough. If everyone on this board agrees about something, then it's pretty much guaranteed to be true by divine providence or something.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Shitty situation.

No offense, but going by what you described in your post, the bulk of your family seem like worthless pieces of shit and judging by the treatment you received as a child you don't owe them one damn thing.

I'll just echo what everyone else in this thread has said: get out and think of your son.

If money is really tight you could probably find a battered women's shelter to stay in for a month. If you're lucky, in that time you're gone your brother would go through with his suicide threats and your problem would be solved.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Ravv..... Get out. I never understand why people stay in these situations and continue to help their siblings / spouses or whatever. I understand in your case it's fear. But I have a friend whose sibling is exactly the same way... just a complete fuckup in general, and my friend is always trying to help him. He never ever gets any thanks at all when he helps the fuckup; in fact, sometimes the fuckup brother then just treats my friend even WORSE after he's hooked up with help, whether it be money or whatever else. This fuckup also does the same thing with suicide threats all the time, always threatens he will kill himself, and always tells my friend "I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it man. And it's gonna be YOUR fault. This is all going to be YOUR fault man." Dude is just fucking malicious and insane.

Doesn't matter if its your brother. If my own sibling had done all this to me, they would be less than nothing to me. You need to get out before the harm is done to your son.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
You're living one of the worst episodes of Intervention I've ever "seen", Ravv.

Your brother needs to be cut off.


Vyemm Raider
Like everyone has said. Get out. Go to the place you said you found. Don't tell your family where you are going and forget they exist. They obviously only care for themselves(both your mother and brother). Do it now. Not 6 hours from now, not tomorrow, not next week do it now. For the safety of you and your child.


Look, I know the answer is "get out" - I moved to California over ten years ago to get away from my family. According to my therapist, my sanity was kept in a black box of sorts (she had a long reason, but I'll spare you the shenanigans). I went to therapy because I was afraid I'd turn crazy like him, like it would happen sooner or later. To this day I'm thankful I was left on my own, because I'm pretty sure it saved my life. What they did for him didn't help him, it made him worse.

A few things --

He was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and Bi-polar Disorder about 12-13 years ago and did do fairly well on medication. I know some of the reasons why he is fucked up in the head, as well as why he has so much anger towards me. None of that matters, however, because I know he will never change because he doesn't want to, and he sees nothing wrong with how he is. He seems to feel entitled to everything.

I'm doing the best I can given the circumstances. It costs money to do stuff. I can't ask someone to waive a down payment because my brother is a raging lunatic (that would be awesome though). Anytime he shows signs of anger, we get out before it gets bad. I've had no choice several times and had to get us a hotel to be safe. My son has been staying in my room with me, and stays with his friends on the weekends.

The police here are completely worthless, and I now realize why so many women and men in abusive relationships end up dead. They don't appear to want to do anything unless/until someone has been injured. Even my son called the cops, and told the cop that he was going to stab my brother if he came after me again. The cop acted as if it were no big deal that this little boy told him he would murder this guy if he had to. I've called every place you can think of to get help getting him out, and no-one can get him out and keep him out, which has been the main problem. I knew if I called the cops and they didn't arrest him, it would be even worse.

Last week my brother cried and begged for a last chance. Told me he didn't mean what he said, that I shouldn't be afraid of him, he wouldn't hurt me, blah blah. He's been trying to control his anger but he can't. It's only been somewhat ok the past week because he has drugs from the money he stole from me.

To clarify, I have NOT been caring for him for ten years. I cut him out of my life when I left. He called numerous times for money. The last time he said he was in a hotel and starving. He wanted me to wire him money. I sent a pizza and soda to the hotel instead (I will not let him starve), and he was furious. I knew he wasn't hungry, and wanted drug money. He called me a few times from jail, sent a couple of letters, and that is the extent of our relationship after I moved away. I was blindsided when I moved back. Mom met a new guy, and this dude has no clue about her past, her son, and all in between. She abandoned her old life (dumped it on me), and moved in with this dude.

I drove for three days, and was thrilled to finally get here, take a bath, lay down in a bed and sleep. I showed up to about 15 people, 10 of them nodding off from heroin use. One girl was out cold with a mouth full of cheetos, standing up in the middle of the room. It's crazy what these heroin people do, they're all like fucking flamingos. He had basically turned this home into a party house. I changed that fast, and no-one is allowed to come here - ever.

I told my brother he had 2 weeks to find a job or he's going to be homeless because I talked to mom and I think the best thing to do is to just sell the house. He needs to find somewhere to live, and he will not be living with me.

I do feel sad for him. I feel so guilty when he cries. The thought of him being homeless, especially in the winter, really upsets me. I know this is his fault, he has made these choices on his own to put himself in this position. Mom thinks the fix to it all is me taking him to get welfare insurance (it has a name but I forgot what it is), and he gets therapy. Therapy won't fix him. He needs to be admitted somewhere for a long time and put on really strong psycho-people medication.

I'm doing the best I can to get out as fast as possible. That's all that I can do.

OH, I called Indiana. They said they will arrest him...if he's ever in Indiana.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
if your mom is giving you grief about not taking care of him... what on EARTH do you think she's actually trying to say? "please take care of him because if you don't, i'll feel guilty about having to turn him away and i'd rather you deal with those emotions instead of me."

best advice is to give him an ultimatum and stick with it. if he threatens to kill himself? call CPEP. if he keeps stealing your money/cigarettes, whatever... tell him you're going to kick him out and then do it. it's going to suck. but you either keep letting him stay how he is or you do your part to end it. remmeber, YOU are enabling him just as much as everyone else when you say, "please don't do this!" but then don't give him any repurcussions. /shrug


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I wouldn't do that. You don't want confrontation with someone who has mental issues and a history of aggression and violence.

I really hope you get out of there soon. We have all either seen things in our lives or read stories about horrible things happening in these kinds of situations.


A Mod Real Quick
My mom is a major drug addict. Weird shit too, like crazy headache medicine mixed with jugs of wine. She pulls stuff like this all the time. She has attempted to commit suicide 3 or 4 times now.. I mean it's at the point where it's almost like the boy who cried wolf. You know, you get the call in the middle of the night and you're like "yeah yeah, I'll be at the hospital in a little bit I just need to beat this boss." Reading what I just wrote makes me feel like a terrible person, but it's the honest truth.

Listen, the point is, drug addicts pull this shit because they can. If we took away my mom's drugs and gave her ultimatums, she just would attempt to commit suicide. How serious were her attempts? Last time she had less than 5% chance to live. She came out, swore she was good, got back in the house and right back on the drugs. She does it for attention and as a threat to us. It's slightly different than your situation, but you can see how their minds work. Maybe your brother isn't exactly like my mom, more like an abusive husband, but I can see the similarities.

There comes a time when you need to tuck your balls in your pants, put on your boots, and walk out. My entire family needed to walk out on my mom for her to change. I moved out after the last attempt, and I was a broke college student. I literally had nowhere to go, but I had to do it. If I stayed there, I would've been dragged back through the shit and had a miserable life. My sister did the same thing. My brother still lives there, because he is afraid if he leaves she will kill herself. As much as we love her, if that's the choice she is going to make and she's not willing to accept anyones help then what can we do? We can't babysit her, she's an adult just like your brother.

You say that you can't afford a lot of stuff, can you afford a cheap apartment? It doesn't have to be a permanent residence, but you need to get out. The only way your brother is EVER going to change is when he has to be on his own. At the end of the day, when all he has are his thoughts, then he will change. And maybe he won't change, but that's his choice. You aren't responsible for him, and your mom sounds like a bitch. She sounds like the typical grass is greener type of person that finds a new man and dumps the family baggage.

Also had this issue with one of my aunts that stayed at our house for a couple months. Crazy on drugs. Found her one night at 3AM trying to light some wood in our kitchen on fire naked. If my stepdad never had woken up to go to work we would have all surely died. It all ended when she fell down the stairs and knocked me over, it took all the restraint in the world for me to restrain a punch that surely would disintegrate her entire body and instead call the cops. They picked her up on all sorts of warrants and I haven't seen her since; 10 years ago.

My post was rambling, felt the need to express myself. Good luck with whatever you do.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
As someone who has dealt with family being complete shitheads his entire life, I have to say...

Finally getting to the point where I honestly do not care what happens to said shitheads has been the most liberating feeling ever. And I'll be even happier once my sister moves out of my house (as a result of same shitheads) so that I no longer even have to talk to anyone about it.

I know it's not as easy as just "stop talking to them" because that didn't work for about a decade. But man, the weight that was lifted when I did...


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Rav_sl said:
He knows I'm afraid of him and abuses it even more. I have to buy his cigarettes or he steals mine.

But seriously, just drop him. Or take a trip to Indiana.


He's never attempted suicide, only empty threats. Once I was so mad I screamed, "FUCKING DO IT THEN, I DON'T CARE!" -- People who are truly suicidal are dead or came close. He uses the threat to get things. I know it's bullshit, but there's the 1% chance he may do it, and I would not be able to live with myself. Last time I went off, told him he was a selfish prick if he killed himself. I try to think of the few times he's been a normal brother, and I can't remember them anymore. I'm not sure they ever existed.

I'm getting a great deal on the place I'm moving to. I'm paying the price of an apartment for a house, and will still be in the same school district. I think I should be able to swing it in two more paychecks. So it's not a long time away. I'm making small payments to the pawn shop, and only need to give them another 180 and I'll have everything back. I can't believe those places haven't been shut down, I'm sure at least half of the shit they have is stolen. Freakin' jerks.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
it doesn't matter of its just a threat. Treat it like its not. take him to cpep and they will keep him for at least the night.

There are a ton of issues and none of them are easy to deal with, but the important part is to not hold your emotions hostage. Dont feel bad because youve wished he DID commit suicide. Dont feel bad because how you feel. Theres nothing wrong with that. Just focus on what your need to do for yourself and your kid.


I know it's bullshit, but there's the 1% chance he may do it, and I would not be able to live with myself.
What is the % chance that your son gets hurt/mentally damaged by the environment? I bet it's a fuck of a lot more than 1%. How on earth is that a better outcome?


As much as you would like to believe and as uncomfortable as it is for me to say, you must keep something in in mind when dealing with your brother: You cannot make any deals with him and expect him to honor them.

Someone self medicating like that can't be trusted to uphold anything really. Just keep that in mind.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't totally get this. Your mother gave you a house? Does she still own it, in her name, or in yours? Is it paid for? You came out and realized your brother was there, your mom didn't tell you this?

If its your house in your name, you might be able to have him thrown out by the police. If he's not on a lease or anything I don't think you even need to wait out an eviction process. Then (or maybe even before would be better) go to court and get a judge to issue a protective order (peace order, restraining order...whatever they call it there) against him.

This all really puts the dog rescue stuff in sharper focus. Its like Clarice trying to make the lambs stop screaming.
The best thing that can happen to your brother is to get arrested for drugs, that will get him dried out, counseled and a good chance at a psych eval. Next time he goes out to score, an anonymous call to the cops with a license plate number is all it would take. Cops love that shit. Don't ever admit to anyone you dropped the dime, let nature take it's course.


I'm mostly just a lurker around here but I'll chip in yet another voice; you need to just cut ties and get out of that house/situation.

My dad's sister suffers from some schizo mental issues, thankfully nothing violent, and her mother always protected her and refused to get her treatment so eventually my father and uncle got tired of dealing with the shit-storms she would create and cut ties for the most part. It's been a significant improvement on their mental health since they did and they aren't having to deal with crazy shit like her calling the cops on them because of some crazy conspiracy theory she made up in her head.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I'm going to have to agree with everyone else and say you need to cut him the fuck off and get away from him. Do whatever it takes.

If what was happening was just a result of the drug use, it would be different, there might be some chance of getting him help (although still not at the expense of your own safety). But since this has been going on since he was a child, it sounds like something well above and beyond substance abuse and the behavioral issues it can cause. Deep seated psychiatric disorders like what it sounds like he's suffering aren't something you can solve with a few trips to rehab or NA or whatever. It sounds like the medication was helping, but that doesn't mean much if he refuses to remain compliant with treatment.

While wanting to aid your brother is admirable, you shouldn't risk your own safety to do it. It's hard, but it sounds like you've already gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to trying to help him. You shouldn't feel guilty or ashamed for stepping back and taking care of you and yours now.
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