Vicodin, Cigarettes, and My Fake Tits - from the diary of the Megan Fox of Ohio

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Neither I did read your post, but I can guess that I could pretty much be him, being a drug addict and possibly a psychotic, I might even have AIDS...
So, I would deal with him as I dealed with myself.
1. Tell him he is important and "chosen", I do this to myself and it makes a world of difference, one cannot fail when the world depends on you, no matter what.
2. He is probably deathly scared of being a failure, but really is just deathly scared of lonelyness i.e. death, convince him there is no death, 2nd law of thermodynamics, shit like that.
3. Start violently beating him if he steps out of line, fuck! Even psychotic drug addicts has to show some fucking manners.
4. Make him realize he is different, out there, make him feel as if this is O.K. You are who you are, teach him the quote; when the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro, by Hunter S Thompson, this will make him count the days until shit gets so fucked up he might be useful in some way.
5. Get him hooked to wild conspiracy theories, which all are true, trust me. These will feed his will to change things and maybe just drive him into a pseudonormal life.

This is what I did. My life has improved thousandfolds! There are alot of us out there, we are just very antisocial and scared of being who we really are, the wicked shamans of old, those who you fed, only to keep yourself safe.

Lots of luck!


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Neither I did read your post, but I can guess that I could pretty much be him, being a drug addict and possibly a psychotic, I might even have AIDS...
So, I would deal with him as I dealed with myself.
1. Tell him he is important and "chosen", I do this to myself and it makes a world of difference, one cannot fail when the world depends on you, no matter what.
2. He is probably deathly scared of being a failure, but really is just deathly scared of lonelyness i.e. death, convince him there is no death, 2nd law of thermodynamics, shit like that.
3. Start violently beating him if he steps out of line, fuck! Even psychotic drug addicts has to show some fucking manners.
4. Make him realize he is different, out there, make him feel as if this is O.K. You are who you are, teach him the quote; when the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro, by Hunter S Thompson, this will make him count the days until shit gets so fucked up he might be useful in some way.
5. Get him hooked to wild conspiracy theories, which all are true, trust me. These will feed his will to change things and maybe just drive him into a pseudonormal life.

This is what I did. My life has improved thousandfolds! There are alot of us out there, we are just very antisocial and scared of being who we really are, the wicked shamans of old, those who you fed, only to keep yourself safe.

Lots of luck!
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not :|


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Neither I did read your post, but I can guess that I could pretty much be him, being a drug addict and possibly a psychotic, I might even have AIDS...
So, I would deal with him as I dealed with myself.
1. Tell him he is important and "chosen", I do this to myself and it makes a world of difference, one cannot fail when the world depends on you, no matter what.
2. He is probably deathly scared of being a failure, but really is just deathly scared of lonelyness i.e. death, convince him there is no death, 2nd law of thermodynamics, shit like that.
3. Start violently beating him if he steps out of line, fuck! Even psychotic drug addicts has to show some fucking manners.
4. Make him realize he is different, out there, make him feel as if this is O.K. You are who you are, teach him the quote; when the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro, by Hunter S Thompson, this will make him count the days until shit gets so fucked up he might be useful in some way.
5. Get him hooked to wild conspiracy theories, which all are true, trust me. These will feed his will to change things and maybe just drive him into a pseudonormal life.

This is what I did. My life has improved thousandfolds! There are alot of us out there, we are just very antisocial and scared of being who we really are, the wicked shamans of old, those who you fed, only to keep yourself safe.

Lots of luck!
Who I heard reading this....Thank you veddy much.



Neither I did read your post, but I can guess that I could pretty much be him, being a drug addict and possibly a psychotic, I might even have AIDS...
So, I would deal with him as I dealed with myself.
1. Tell him he is important and "chosen", I do this to myself and it makes a world of difference, one cannot fail when the world depends on you, no matter what.
2. He is probably deathly scared of being a failure, but really is just deathly scared of lonelyness i.e. death, convince him there is no death, 2nd law of thermodynamics, shit like that.
3. Start violently beating him if he steps out of line, fuck! Even psychotic drug addicts has to show some fucking manners.
4. Make him realize he is different, out there, make him feel as if this is O.K. You are who you are, teach him the quote; when the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro, by Hunter S Thompson, this will make him count the days until shit gets so fucked up he might be useful in some way.
5. Get him hooked to wild conspiracy theories, which all are true, trust me. These will feed his will to change things and maybe just drive him into a pseudonormal life.

This is what I did. My life has improved thousandfolds! There are alot of us out there, we are just very antisocial and scared of being who we really are, the wicked shamans of old, those who you fed, only to keep yourself safe.

Lots of luck!
...the fuck? You have to be joking.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Hey, you have to admit that his 5th post was a lot better than all the retarded "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" the rest of the lurkers are doing!


And now my Watch has ended...
Wow Ravven. Your family is just as fucked up as mine. And the only way I have been able to deal with them is to have as little contact as possible. Good luck, Rav.


I put him in jail. He basically robbed me blind, even taking our food, but he was kind enough to leave me with a busted lip so the cops were finally forced to do their fucking jobs. Don't know how we're going to eat until I get paid again, or how I'm covering the bills. But I don't particularly give a shit because we can both sleep without freaking the fuck out anytime we hear a noise in the house.

So yeah, that's about it.


... probably should move to Indiana. Hopefully you didn't tell any family members where you're moving. Be pretty fucked up if you did, you'd just be moving into a similar situation if your brother finds out where you live.


Shit Lord Supreme

If any of you have one of these people in your family, you're not alone!

TL;DR: My brother is a drug addict and kind of psychotic, I don't know what I'm hoping to accomplish and know no-one can help, so I guess I'm venting or something.

Edit: Forgot I didn't change the font back (I couldn't see the default on my tablet)
My older brother is a sociopath. I won't share a thing about it, I thought about talking about it before but it's a stupid idea. I just know that your brain is retarded if you still feel sympathy for anyone who is actively trying to ruin your life.

Martydom and enabling is what got the sociopath this far, your own personal quest to be a "good" person will fail you miserably.


how did you not get your money back if they caught him...
I doubt he took it to open up a savings account. Chances are it went up his nose or in his arm. It does me no good to try and figure out where it went, it's just money and I can work more to replace it. Picked up a third job in order to do that faster.
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