what Suineg set it to
I think you misread it then because ...I'd say it's a bit borderline, that line I bolded and underlined indicates that they are discriminating against Netflix traffic specifically which is very much against Net Neutrality. It's just the physical equivalent of packet shaping by refusing to open more ports. It's also creating a fast lane for Netflix that other video services may not have access too or be able to compete with. Somewhat amusingly it's not even a fast lane Netflix really seemingly wanted or needed, the ISP strong armed them into it.
To me that means Verizon said 'fuck you' to specific companies that were paid by Netflix as primary ISPs. That meanseveryone'straffic from those ISPs is bottle-necked. I mean this is shitty B2B, but it's no different than any other industry or how ISPs have run themselves since the beginning.But, here's the other interesting thing also shown in the Verizon diagram. This congestion only takes place between Verizon andnetwork providers chosen by Netflix. The providers that Netflix does not use do not experience the same problem. Why is that?
Here's my guess of how the Netflix situation unfolded: Netflix paid some X number of ISPs to be 'special' and have dedicated lines or cache services or WHATEVER to improve service. These ISPs have agreements with geographically adjacent ISPs. Well at some point the ISPs in between point A and point Z wanted their piece of the pie because now they're seeing a huge increase in traffic from those optimizations. Why is this? Well, without any tinkering, routers are going to send the packets on the shortest route. The best analogy I can give is pretend you have a 40 mph congested two lane state highway going 20 miles from point A to point Z. Then, a company builds a 75mph toll road 19.5 miles from point A to point Y and shitty backroad sitting between Y and Z all of a sudden now has insane traffic because someone optimized travel elsewhere. Now the town of people who own Y to Z want their piece of the pie too because all their infrastructure is getting used by all the people paying to use the new toll roads.