holy shit, dat carnage. what the hell happened to the french in the next 1000 years to make them the butt of every surrender monkey joke.
Nothing. The surrender jokes stem from the same unrealistic perception of war that has people say things like "Russia got it's ass kicked in Afghanistan" or "The U.S. got it's ass kicked in Vietnam"---While both these countries technically withdrew from these wars, if you study them, the armies there won almost every engagement, and rarely gave ground (The few times they did it was less than 24 hours before they butchered their opponents). They left not because they "lost" but because it gets expensive killing people after a while, and people back home get pissed. Same reason why the U.S. "beat" Britain or Rome "beat" Hannibal in the second Punic war (They did technically, in Africa but not in Italy).
France had a series of
unproductivewars (Or difficult to quantify the productivity from--like gaining a treaty or a trade route). People take that to mean they "didn't win"--in reality, they usually DID win on the battle field but they just didn't have the means to finish the job or acquire territory from it (Because of a huge complex list of reasons--same ones you see today). So their "wins" go down in history as neutral, or not significant, the same way, you could say, somehow the U.S. got its "ass kicked" in Iraq (Which many people say)--even though we occupied the country for a decade and moved through it with impunity (I'm not trying to stroke America's dick here--just illustrating, through something we would understand, that it's VERY hard to get a perception that you "won" a war in the modern world where information flows so freely and people can see how unproductive they are. Even when you militarily dominate your enemy, which the French did often.).
Meanwhile, due to the nature of Europe, many of their losses end up with a partial loss of french territory (Temporarily); these of course people latch on to as pure, unadulterated losses--especially Americans since many here don't really "get" how ridiculously difficult it was for a country to survive in Europe, with dozens of enemies everywhere. In short, many people judge France by the standards of super powers who have borders or land types which are
fareasier to defend.
All those things, combined with the somewhat humiliating (legitimately) loss of WW2? And you get the surrender monkey joke. It's as silly as most jokes about people built off of single anecdotes that aren't true. In reality, the French have had one of THE most fertile pieces of land in Europe, which is why everyone from Rome, to the Francs (Germans) wanted it before France was a thing. And for the last 1
thousandyears, they've essentially held that land except for small periods where they had to concede some ground (But usually got it back within a single generation)...Which, in short means the French are some savage mother fuckers who have remained king of their hill despite
many, manychallengers.