Virtual Reality


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You won't need anything more impressive than what can run a normal high definition 3d display, right?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, at 1080p, you won't need a "serious" anything to use them. That said, they still haven't even confirmed what resolution the production model will be at.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nobody knows what the specs are going to be on the consumer version but remember for you to see true 1080p in the Rift, you need 1080p per eye, because each eye is seeing it's own separate slightly different picture. They also want it to run at 60hz or higher and 60fps minimum, I think. All reasonable but I was talking more once you get into the realm of 4k displays and higher, or ideally 4k per eye. I would imagine running two 4k displays at 60hz or higher 60fps would take a lot of GPU horsepower.

Last night I tried two demos I hadn't run before. Alone in the Rift is a very simplistic horror game, you are running through the woods with a flashlight, you get to a decrepit log cabin and there is a bloody child inside. There are reaction videos of people trying it and screaming, freaking out, all kinds of stuff. It didn't do much for me but some of the sound effects were pretty creepy.

The second is called Titans of Space and was fairly mind blowing. It is a purely education astronomy lesson set to classical music. You are sitting in a pod on autopilot through our solar system, getting a view of the planets and moons, as well as a lesson in their scale when compared to our sun, as well as larger suns from other solar systems. It was the best thing I have seen yet.


FoH nuclear response team
Nobody knows what the specs are going to be on the consumer version but remember for you to see true 1080p in the Rift, you need 1080p per eye, because each eye is seeing it's own separate slightly different picture. They also want it to run at 60hz or higher and 60fps minimum, I think. All reasonable but I was talking more once you get into the realm of 4k displays and higher, or ideally 4k per eye. I would imagine running two 4k displays at 60hz or higher 60fps would take a lot of GPU horsepower.

Last night I tried two demos I hadn't run before. Alone in the Rift is a very simplistic horror game, you are running through the woods with a flashlight, you get to a decrepit log cabin and there is a bloody child inside. There are reaction videos of people trying it and screaming, freaking out, all kinds of stuff. It didn't do much for me but some of the sound effects were pretty creepy.

The second is called Titans of Space and was fairly mind blowing. It is a purely education astronomy lesson set to classical music. You are sitting in a pod on autopilot through our solar system, getting a view of the planets and moons, as well as a lesson in their scale when compared to our sun, as well as larger suns from other solar systems. It was the best thing I have seen yet.
That second one sounds really kickass.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I built a stand to store my Oculus hardware when not in use:




FoH nuclear response team
That's pretty cool. I have a friend working on some top secret headset stand for me, he won't tell me wtf it is though but I'm really thinking it's going to be storm trooper related.


Shit Gamer
Had a chance to try this out for a couple hours the other day, mind = blown. It was fantastic. I couldn't believe it, but when you put it on you literally are "in" the space. The dev unit had some limitations (low res), but it was shit that would obviously improve on release. The head tracking was flawless which made the experience totally immersive. I tried a lot of different demos, the most memorable of which was walking around these super high resolution 3D scans of naked people:

The experience is really hard to convey, but the feeling when you get up really close to one of the models in that demo is the most eerie feeling. Its like you have your face 3 inches from someone else in real life, you totally feel like you are invading their personal space, you really have to try it yourself to know what I mean. I couldn't believe this tech could evoke such a visceral response.

I also tried several games, the most optimized of which was HL2. Again its hard to describe, but the control scheme was a hybrid version of key board + mouse + head tracking. For the first 5 seconds it weirded me out, but after playing for 5mins I realized it was pretty amazing. I'm a pretty good FPS player but this system made me fucking amazing. All I had to do was look at people and it was insta headshot all over the place.

Anyway the videos/descriptions online don't do the experience justice, its really worth going out of your way to try it yourself if you have the chance. Like other tech popping up that sort of blends the physical and digital world I think in the long term gaming will be one of the most trivial applications, but in the short term I think its a great way to get new tech like this off the ground.

Only downside is the motion sickness issue. Out of 5 people I know who used it, 4 got pretty bad motion sickness (surprisingly I didn't have that problem, although walking in real life felt weird for a few minutes after a prolonged session with the headset). I'm not sure if the motion sickness thing is a technical problem that can be overcome, but I'm sure that's likely the primary limitations they are working on now as it was the only real deterrent to an otherwise amazing experience.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Supposedly the motion sickness is something that will improve over use of the unit and will also be reduced with faster response motion-tracking and higher response/res displays. I wish they would lock down the production specs and announce a release date though. Very excited for this!


I was able to try one of these yesterday, and was very impressed.

I ended up ordering a dev kit , even tho the low res display is by far its biggest flaw.
IMHO once they fix that low res display, it will be amazing.

Hawken was fun as shit


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
That video of the 3D naked people is amazing. I would love to try this, but as someone who had to stare at the floor for 90% of the Cloverfield movie in the theater and couldn't quite even get through it on a 40" TV, I'm afraid that the motion sickness thing is going to be an issue for me.


Its much more amazing in the Rift.Looks like you are standing right next to real people.

The Rift is wayyyy better then any 3D, its like you are in the game.
Half Life 2 is just amazing.

Really it only needs HD support, the head tracking is perfect.

Motion Sickness doesnt effect me, but I can see how that can be a huge issue with people.

I'm pretty sure the Porn Industry will jump on this, so may drive the tech to get even better.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Motion Sickness doesnt effect me, but I can see how that can be a huge issue with people.
How much time have you put into one game? Motion sickness doesn't effect me either but after playing any FPS in the rift for over 30 minutes or so, nausea sets in, and it keeps getting worse the longer you play. If you have put in a few hour plus gaming sessions with the Rift and HL2 and haven't felt sick, that is amazing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Had a chance to try this out for a couple hours the other day, mind = blown. It was fantastic. I couldn't believe it, but when you put it on you literally are "in" the space. The dev unit had some limitations (low res), but it was shit that would obviously improve on release. The head tracking was flawless which made the experience totally immersive. I tried a lot of different demos, the most memorable of which was walking around these super high resolution 3D scans of naked people:

The experience is really hard to convey, but the feeling when you get up really close to one of the models in that demo is the most eerie feeling. Its like you have your face 3 inches from someone else in real life, you totally feel like you are invading their personal space, you really have to try it yourself to know what I mean. I couldn't believe this tech could evoke such a visceral response.

I also tried several games, the most optimized of which was HL2. Again its hard to describe, but the control scheme was a hybrid version of key board + mouse + head tracking. For the first 5 seconds it weirded me out, but after playing for 5mins I realized it was pretty amazing. I'm a pretty good FPS player but this system made me fucking amazing. All I had to do was look at people and it was insta headshot all over the place.

Anyway the videos/descriptions online don't do the experience justice, its really worth going out of your way to try it yourself if you have the chance. Like other tech popping up that sort of blends the physical and digital world I think in the long term gaming will be one of the most trivial applications, but in the short term I think its a great way to get new tech like this off the ground.

Only downside is the motion sickness issue. Out of 5 people I know who used it, 4 got pretty bad motion sickness (surprisingly I didn't have that problem, although walking in real life felt weird for a few minutes after a prolonged session with the headset). I'm not sure if the motion sickness thing is a technical problem that can be overcome, but I'm sure that's likely the primary limitations they are working on now as it was the only real deterrent to an otherwise amazing experience.
Really glad to hear someone I know is a progamer give a good review on it. I'm pretty excited about the rift but I'm afraid that after playing it it will get too cumbersome and not worth it for typical play sessions.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
How much time have you put into one game? Motion sickness doesn't effect me either but after playing any FPS in the rift for over 30 minutes or so, nausea sets in, and it keeps getting worse the longer you play. If you have put in a few hour plus gaming sessions with the Rift and HL2 and haven't felt sick, that is amazing.
I've never gotten air/car/sea sick in my life, but for some reason shaky cam gets me every time. I got sick in both Cloverfield and the Blair Witch Project and occasionally playing games like Half Life.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
The only time I've ever gotten motion sickness was playing guitar hero. The moving fretboard burned itself into my vision like one of those optical illusions. I'd look away and I could still see that moving fretboard.


How much time have you put into one game? Motion sickness doesn't effect me either but after playing any FPS in the rift for over 30 minutes or so, nausea sets in, and it keeps getting worse the longer you play. If you have put in a few hour plus gaming sessions with the Rift and HL2 and haven't felt sick, that is amazing.
I bought one after it was demoed for us.

I'm actually playing through the HL2 campaign right now, so maybe 2 hours continuous just today. Only thing I feel when I take off the headset is a little disorientation for maybe a minute.
No motion sickness in game tho.

The only thing that seems weird is when HL2 stops for a second to load its next level, and the head tracking pauses. If I look around during that i'm like Woooah.


Really glad to hear someone I know is a progamer give a good review on it. I'm pretty excited about the rift but I'm afraid that after playing it it will get too cumbersome and not worth it for typical play sessions.
It's not really cumbersome at all. It's about annoying as wearing 3D glasses in a movie if you are not used to wearing glasses.

It be nice if it had wireless, but doesn't seem to be a problem. I never feel the cord.

This is hard to explain, but like a weird sci fi novel you get addicted to being in the rift. You kind of want to be playing all your games in the Rift because of how immersive it is.
Something you got to demo for yourself.

One other note is, the Rift doesn't perform like I thought it would. I imagine it turning when my head turned, which not only would be slow as shit compared to a mouse/kb, but would cause head fatigue.

The KB/mouse, gamepad still works the same. You still move at superhuman speeds. It just allows you to look around all the time, and the objects seem real especially when you get right on top of them.
It's the way 3d should be imho.


Any glasses wearers try out the dev kit of the Rift? I'm curious how the experience went for people who wear glasses.


So after a couple days with this I now know why Carmack joined the Oculus team.

Played through Half Life 2, and I have never played a game that felt that real. I wish I had the HD beta display, and it would work with the newer games.
Just picked up Strike Suit Zero, which is pretty much a Xwing versus Tie fighter, and it puts you right into a massive space fight.

Also Demoed a movie that was filmed in 360, so when you are in the rift you are pretty much inside of whatever space that filmed.
It's pretty shocking.

I can see so many possibilities for this in the future when our infrastructure gets better, and battery life on electronics last a very long time.

Imagine a super light weight 360 camera that someone was broadcasting as they walk around. You could pretty much possess there body with this type of VR, and
Gaming will be out of this world.

At first I thought it was a gimmick, but now I see how obsolete TVs are now.
A game like Beyond Two Souls would have been insane on the rift.

I'm not sure how they will combat motion sickness for everyone, tho. The out of body thing will always be tough to deal with.
Maybe people will come up with designer drugs for users to stay in the Rift longer.

It sounds like Sci Fi, but this shit is starting now.
If you have a good computer, I highly suggest getting a Rift. Even if you have to buy another one when the HD comes out its still worth it.