VR Gaming - Oculus Rift, Playstation VR, HTC Vive

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Potato del Grande
Skyrim for PSVR update 1.02 is now available. will be receiving a new update soon

Please find the full list of patch notes below including fixes and new features.

Thank you to everyone who’s been providing feedback. If you experience any issues or have additional feedback to provide, let us know by posting in a comment here, sending me a PM, or post in our official forums

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR Update 1.02


  • Added smooth rotation option with PS Move controllers
  • Added rotation speed for smooth rotation
  • Added option for crosshairs when using PS Move controllers for spells

  • Removed the auto-unsheathing when raising your shield hand when weapons are sheathed.
  • Fixed an issue with 2-handed weapons in left hand mode
  • Made adjustments to blocking and bashing so that it now works correctly with 2-handed weapons and 1-handed weapons with no secondary weapon equipped
  • Improved feedback for blocking
  • Improved feedback for getting staggered
  • Improvements to Eagle Eye
  • Improvements to setting targets for summon spells
  • Fixed an issue where your follower or other NPCs would block UI
  • Fixed an issue where the training menu would not be in the right place
  • Improved directional power attacks
  • Stats menu will update without having to restart the game
  • Other bug fixes and minor improvements
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So my kids were playing with bridge crew taking the headset on and off and flipping it all around...

The psVR does NOT like that, after everything was tilted to the right... any "VR" mode, all "2d" menus were level... starfleet star emblem loading screen - straight and level, pop into start screen asteroid shuttle scene and "press your controller button" screen - tilted..

So annoying.

Apparently the gyros just need some "gentle" flipping around - but while tracking.. Stick your finger over the prox sensor so it thinks it's "on" and wave it gently around up and down, around back and forth upside down etc. Etc.

I only did it once and it helped when it Re settled on "level" - I need to do the procedure again and hope it settles it back on point.
  • 1Picard
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hold down the Options button for a couple seconds to re-level the UI. And make sure the camera is perfectly level even if whatever it's sitting on isn't.

You really should RTFM(s), and run through the setup wizard stuff if you haven't yet. And even that doesn't cover everything; there's a couple things inside the PS4 settings menu under devices that I didn't see mentioned. You can calibrate the camera by showing it your DS4, Moves, and all the lights on the VR. You can also set the IPD if your eyes aren't spaced exactly 63mm (the adult average I guess) apart.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I set the IDP, it increased from default 2.5 to 3- sure looks a weeeee bit better.

Its still jacked up- and everything is tilted, I have unplugged and reset everything.

I did every PSVR setting under the expanded devices menu - did the camera reconfig - showed it my headset front top, bottom, back, sides etc. did every setting available - and everything is still tilted - once it goes into "VR" its all tilted again and slowly and surely slides....to the right and sitting perfectly still I have to hold the recenter button constantly- and even then- it still is tilted and it thinks my move controllers are not were they are - they track fine, I can look around "fine" even with the tilt- but everything is off.

I may just take the thing and exchange it at Target, they got the bundle back in stock so its a matter of getting them to exchange vs return and make me rebuy (100$ discount...lost...they like to try and pull this shit)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Tried a few more reddit remedy and no dice, many people say it's a recent software update. Many also claim when calling sony they say there should be a patch soon (tm) - this was posted yesterday.

I am doing a complete wipe and reinitialization of the ps4 and starting over completely - if it still acts stupid... its getting returned...and will see from there.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Must be software...

after the complete PS4 pro wipe / initialization or whatever its called - reloaded/logged in, reloaded and updated games then replugged in the camera and psvr components - move controllers etc.

now everything is working as it should

played a short solo bridge crew, got me and my crew blowned the fuk up >_< haha
  • 1Solidarity
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Just wait until you play with Daezuel Daezuel and I. (We have to set a date yet) and I call red alert when Daezuel spills his beer.
  • 1Worf
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Anyone have personal experience with DoomVR? The reviews are pretty mixed and the footage I've seen makes the movement mechanics look kind of garbage. I'm hoping this is something they can patch or people are just being finicky. I was really looking forward to this :/


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Anyone have personal experience with DoomVR? The reviews are pretty mixed and the footage I've seen makes the movement mechanics look kind of garbage. I'm hoping this is something they can patch or people are just being finicky. I was really looking forward to this :/

I would say the movement is one of the biggest gripes. It was the same way with Skyrim until they patched in free-movement. People want to be able to experience full movement in these games, and developers can easily counteract any motion sickness that may come about (As in Skyrim) - so without movement, it's like a theme park shooter - and it puts off a lot of doom fans. (I have not played it but spoke to folks who have)
  • 1Solidarity
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Potato del Grande
Skyrims movement was fine even before the patch, it's just better now. The moves do help with motion sickness over the ds4 from what I've seen in Skyrim. I've probably put in +50 hours so far (would have to check) and primarily using the moves after going back and forth the first couple of days.

Had to up the difficulty to Legendary because I'm a mother fucking bad ass with a conjured bow.

Doom has some questionable choices like the gun glued to your face if you're using the Aim controller, an obvious last minute addition that wasn't planned for. It does, however, appear the Aim controller is the way to go with that game. The movement mode with moves is retarded from what I've seen. I assume they'll be patching the game to improve it.

That said, from the streams I've watched, I bet it looks amazing in the headset and is probably a whole lot of fun with the Aim gun. I'm just way too engrossed with Skyrim VR to play anything else atm, but I'll buy Doom once it's been patched to be better for sure.

Devs are seriously overthinking the locomotion options in these games. Sure, teleporting helps with VR noob sickness, but very few people from what I've read and seen prefer those controls over free movement. It's a waste of dev time imo.


Potato del Grande
also, wow, psvr about to take over

Tis the Season to Play: New December Deals for PS4 Pro and PlayStation VR Systems

PlayStation VR Gran Turismo Sport Bundle
$199.99 (MSRP) // Regular price: $299.99 (MSRP)

This bundle includes a PS VR system, a PS Camera, a copy of GT Sport, and the new PS VR demo disc. The world’s first racing experience to be built from the ground up now heightens the experience further by transporting gamers straight into the driver’s seat in virtual reality. Experience thrilling one-on-one racing with select cars in the dedicated VR Drive mode in Arcade Mode.

PlayStation VR DOOM VFR Bundle
$299.99 (MSRP) // Regular Price: $399.99 (MSRP)

This bundle includes a PS VR headset, a PlayStation Camera, a copy of Doom VFR and the new PS VR demo disc. DOOM VFR brings the fast-paced gameplay fans of the series love to VR. Lay waste to an army of demons as you explore and interact with new areas of the UAC facility on Mars, and Hell itself, from an entirely new perspective.

PlayStation VR The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR Bundle
$349.99 (MSRP) // Regular Price: $449.99 (MSRP)

This bundle includes a PS VR system, a PS Camera, two PlayStation Move controllers, a copy of Skyrim VR and the new PS VR demo disc. Skyrim VR is perfect for longtime fans of the game who want to check out Skyrim’s epic world in virtual reality, or for the curious gamer looking to virtually dip their toes in Tamriel for the very first time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thinking about returning mine, if Amazon will allow it (since I opened the Skyrim case). The more I play Skyrim, the more I think I'd rather just be playing it on PC with mods...or some other game entirely. I hate the idea of missing out on playing The Inpatient in January, but I think maybe VR just isn't for me. Going to give RE7 a try before I make my decision though, in case it's just Skyrim I don't like.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
As this is a general VR thread

PSVR has brought a top notch VR exp into tons of peoples home at a "reasonable" cost - with the 200$ PS4 and 200$ headset * damn nice! the GT bundle for 200!

The PSVR is IMO more comfortable to wear and put on than Rift and HTC, and way-way-way more room for glasses. The forehead mount is much better than the straps on the other two for me.

The computer requirements for even starting VR are still out of scope for many who just want or know they will be causal VR-gamers, PSVR is the path.

As I have only played bridge crew on rift and psvr for comparison, they look and feel the same - the rift controllers however are significantly better than the PS Moves, but the moves are not bad.

STEAM offers a bigger selection and better sales - however ebay can get you some of the PSVR games cheap(er) than retail, I got bridge crew new for 23$

The issue with permanent 3d mode screen tilt that I was only able to resolve via a complete system restore however is unacceptable - its software (imo thats good, its not that the headset gyros are getting stuck or whatever) - Sony needs to fix that with the influx these semi-permanent price cuts on PSVR will bring.

Visually, the PSVR for me looks better in terms of center-screen "large" pixle - I have mentioned this before, so I wont go on anymore about it.

VR is not for everyone, it does take a few short and get longer game play sessions to start getting your legs - the more you play, the faster you get engrossed into VR and the better the exp will be- your brain starts to almost instantly auto adjust your peripheral to "not see" the black, but I have glasses so that's always a trick my eyes can adjust to easy - and yes peripheral vision is tested every year for degradation and I am always good - but who knows long term VR affects / effects on vision.
  • 1Solidarity
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Potato del Grande
You playing on a regular ps4? Crazy, I fucking love it and I didn't really enjoy OG Skyrim. There are sooooo many great games besides Skyrim though. Superhot, Rush of Blood, Farpoint, Rigs, Thumper, Bridge Crew, Wayward Sky, Statik, Rez, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, I Expect you to Die, Tethered, Starblood Arena, Dino Frontier, Raw Data, and so many more coming and that I haven't tried.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Me? PS4 Pro because I am a basic bitch and the Target 15% of all (sans switch!) Monday deal got me in the nipples and I exchanged the unopened ps4 I got for early Christmas from ma-in-law (paied for by Target cards so I had to stay at Target, or I would have done the BBuy destiny 2 and 50$ off pro deal)

Also I didn't have "enhance" or whatever mode on before - so only after my reinstall did I turn that mode on, so I haven't had much time to see if that helps Skyrim as I only tested a short bridge crew solo session after the refresh - I just installed Skyrim disk so it would update, haven't played...wonder if my safe file somehow clowd-ed itself and its still there, oh well only made it to the first "city" to find that dudes black smith relative and got sent to the city ... I wonder if I could have just killed him on the road.


Potato del Grande
Nah Vorph. I've seen reviews from the guy that was streaming the day before launch and he says its a significant difference.

Also Vorph Vorph I'd seriously recommend giving the moves a longer go if you haven't, I feel like the game is quite a bit more immersive and fun with them even while seated. I also turned down the brightness in game to make dungeons properly dark, seems to improve the colors a bit too. (have all the comfort BS turned off)

Of course make sure you've set your IPD and shit like that as well. (Im sure you have?)

I guess I'd also say that I played Skyrim at launch for a good amount of time and got too powerful and bored and never quite finished it. I've dabbled with fully loaded pc mods much later but could never get very far because I just didn't enjoy it. So I just finished Dawnguard for the first time in VR and god damn was it amazing. (bugs withstanding)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I have a Pro. I've got the IPD set right now, that fixed the rainbow/moire effect on text I was having a problem with the first day.

Part of the problem I had with Skyrim is that I started out with destruction, having forgotten what utter trash those spells are without SPERG. If I get back into it, I'll probably just start over and play a spellblade with a couple dead thralls. I've never finished the DLCs either, or even got far enough to play around with stalhrim gear. Stalhrim longsword enchanted with frost and chaos is supposed to be good times, without being so ridiculously OP as a stealth archer using a daedric bow that can one-shot anything in the game even on legendary.


Potato del Grande
Yeah, my build is a fucking mess but conjuring + archery is super OP with the moves. I have like 51 destruction as well but rarely use it anymore. Don't use stealth at all either.

I do think I'll do another playthrough with an axe/sword/shield though to change shit up.

If you haven't finished Dawnguard before I recommend it, it's far better than most of the regular game. I started it before level 20 I think.


Potato del Grande
Now that the move has smooth turn, is that the preferred way to play?
Was my preferred way before and still is yes. May take some time to get used to it, but honestly the immersion is just better being able to move your hands around. Plus using a bow with them is awesome.