a oculus leaker said on reddit that people who got the 1-3 weeks email will be getting their rifts in the next week or two, and everyone else will be getting an estimated ship date on april 12th. We'll see. Also everyone will be getting free shipping, meh for those of us in Murica where it was only $30 anyways but great for foreigners, like australians are basically getting $130 fee waived.
I am more and more regretting buying an oculus over a vive, have a feeling the vive may be better but maybe just mixed feelings over how shitty the rift launch has been.
SteamVR seems to be working well with Oculus Rift (reverse is not true, Vive does not work with Oculus store)
How to get Oculus Rift working with SteamVR - YouTube
A dev's thoughts on Rift vs Vive: tl;dr Rift better slightly unless you can do room scale then Vive is better
FlyInside FSX Message Board View topic - The OFFICIAL should I get a Rift or Vive thread!