Skyrim VR playing as an archer with all of the graphical improvement mods and the armor and weapon mods, and dynamic weather is absolutely amazing.
The atmosphere, the dragon encounters, and the wide range of different abilities/skills/playstyles makes this almost a 10/10 for me. The improved destruction magic with expanded spell sets is also really cool and adds a ton to the magic aspect of the game.
Skyrim VR playing as an archer with all of the graphical improvement mods and the armor and weapon mods, and dynamic weather is absolutely amazing.
The atmosphere, the dragon encounters, and the wide range of different abilities/skills/playstyles makes this almost a 10/10 for me. The improved destruction magic with expanded spell sets is also really cool and adds a ton to the magic aspect of the game.
I always wanted to try Skyrim VR, and actually bought it on the last Steam Sale, but have no idea which mods are essential and just get overwhelmed. Any tips on which ones someone would need to get up and running and have fun?
I also have skyrim VR but never really touched it because mods are just.. daunting for my boomer brain. Are all mods compatible with VR? I wouldn't think so right?
I played a couple hours of Alyx this weekend and it's really in another league compared to everything else I have played. I was playing on a Quest 2 using Virtual Desktop to stream it from my PC. I was really impressed how well that works and it's completely wireless. Was a nice change from tangling up in my Vive.
Yes it’s daunting as Metalhead
put it but I figured it out after hours of scouring the web.Hopefully I can save you guys some time and get you playing SkyrimVR too! It’s truly an amazing experience if you got a decent computer. (Min Rec is GTX 1070)
There are no official mods for SkyrimVR. You must use mods for Skyrim special edition only. I repeat they must be for Skyrim special edition only. Base Skyrim is out of the question. Mods located @
Browse 104,309 mods for Skyrim Special Edition at Nexus Mods
First follow this video. You need to follow exactly as he says. Always do the vortex mod installer route when you can which is fucking easy mode. Only do manual mods if you know what your doing.
You will need the Skyrim VR version found here: Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE). This is what allows mods to work in VR. You will also need the Nexus mod official Vortex mod installer download found here : Vortex. These are both explained in the video.
After you set it up please go light on the mods. I strongly suggest starting with just 5 or less to test things out. Skyrim is a buggy game but if you do this right it will blow you away.
I’n using about 15-20 mods.
Releases · Odie/skyui-vr - Sky UI. This is probably the most important mod. If you played Skyrim modded already you probably know this. All you need to do is drop the zip file into your Vortex mod installer and it AUTO installs this shit for you.
Nexus mods: (choose the auto install method then enable the mod)
Ok this needs to be manual but the 3d sounds is a game changer. Just copy and paste into your main skyrim.exe folder and BOOM. Bad ass SOUND!
I got many more mods but just throwing these up for now so you guys have something to test out. Also if any conflicts happen just dick with the mod load order in Vortex and it will solve itself. (always let Paralax and Static mesh LOAD first if you have conflicts. Just put in "Load Parallax Before Big Titty Mod" etc.
Here is a few sites I used for recommendations of mods. Spoiled
Here are the 20 best Skyrim VR mods available in 2021. These must-have mods offer unique experiences in arguably the greatest gaming world.
Also under my documents go to SkyrimPrefs.ini and add this right below Display and SAVE :
It will get rid of MOST of the distant Mountain flickering and Z fighting ( The jagged lines bullshit which kills immersion)
I got lots more mods and tips so feel free to PM if you need help or post here. I'm currently drooling on myself staring at Azura's ass I mean statue in 4k enhanced detail.
Skyrim VR is currently only $18 on CDkeys. Very legit site and where I got mine.
Buy The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR for PC ✔️ Steam Key ✔️ Instant download ✔️ Fantastic price ✔️ Digital Download ✔️
I bought both FO4VR and skyrim VR from there. $18 bucks for Skyrim and $12 for fallout 4. ( I’m guessing fallout 4 with mods is very close to Alyx in terms of bad assery from the way everyone on the Vr Reddit’s talk about it aka a close 2nd to Alyx)
Anyone wondering how to increase the screen to fullsceeen (55 inch and up) for parties and audiences. It’s bad ass and makes the experience much better for the casual normies watching....
In previous versions of Revit / Autodesk Live, when using VR the monitor output would fill the entire screen. With the current version there is a roughly square aspect ratio with black bars on the left and right side Previous output Current output With VR, the output for each eye is 1080 x...
So we're having a huge party on the 24th and I'm going to have the quest 2 out for people to play with. I have a pretty big back yard that's level and wide open and would like to find a fun game for people to play where they can run around and all of us can laugh at them. Super Hot is the best idea I have for a game I already own. Any other recommendations for games that really work well in wide open spaces?
So we're having a huge party on the 24th and I'm going to have the quest 2 out for people to play with. I have a pretty big back yard that's level and wide open and would like to find a fun game for people to play where they can run around and all of us can laugh at them. Super Hot is the best idea I have for a game I already own. Any other recommendations for games that really work well in wide open spaces?