Waco pt2? Standoff in Nevada over cattle on BLM land


Unelected Mod
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */, dude really loves Putin.

On a serious note, anyone who has had to deal with the BLM probably has a lot of sympathy for this cattle-rancher, even if he should have just paid his fees.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
bro, show me on these matryoshka dolls where Putin touched you



Unelected Mod
bro, show me on these matryoshka dolls where Putin touched you
Bro, why do you say shit like this...

Araysar_sl said:
America is the biggest law breaker and finger wagger in the world for the last 70 years?
and then instantly side with the government in this case? Shouldn't you be on the side of the poor cattle-rancher, yet again being told to do something by the biggest lawbreaker in the last 70 years? Why the hypocrisy bro? Why is it that everyone else must listen to what the US government says, but not Putin?


Tranny Chaser
So if all the ranchers around there agreed the land should be Utah and Nevada's, instead of the federal government, I guess that would be fine with you right?
I wonder if any state has tried use imminent domain on land "owned" by the federal government.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Bro, why do you say shit like this...

and then instantly side with the government in this case? Shouldn't you be on the side of the poor cattle-rancher, yet again being told to do something by the biggest lawbreaker in the last 70 years? Why the hypocrisy bro? Why is it that everyone else must listen to what the US government says, but not Putin?
I mean do you realize there is a distinction between domestic and foreign policy? Or is it all just the same to you? This dumb hillbilly is a subject of US government. Putin, nor Russia isn't.


Unelected Mod
I mean do you realize there is a distinction between domestic and foreign policy? Or is it all just the same to you? This dumb hillbilly is a subject of US government. Putin, nor Russia isn't.
I'm just asking questions bro, trying to figure out where your hatred of america ends and your cheerleading begins. I mean, Dumar for example, he hates both pretty equally.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I'm just asking questions bro, trying to figure out where your hatred of america ends and your cheerleading begins. I mean, Dumar for example, he hates both pretty equally.
I'm glad you were able to admit that your line of questioning that was orchestrated specifically to trap me in some pathetic "gotcha" was poorly thought out and retarded, much like most of your posts.

P.S. I wonder when Putin is going to start repatriating all the Crimean gays back to Ukraine. That's one part of Crimea they can have back without any problems.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Jesus fucking christ. You retards never stop falling for Araysar's bullshit.

As I said before, I have dealt with the BLM and found them to be a bunch of head up ass bureaucrats, but I have a hard time seeing how this rancher has a case. It's a bummer if they shut down the land he has been leasing because the BLM owns most of Nevada and it will probably make it impossible for him to keep ranching, but you don't get to just say that the law doesn't apply to you.


Tranny Chaser
Yes, we all love having you act in such a way that makes the reasonable seem unreasonable and force us to choose the greater of two evils.

Someone should get you a show on cable news.


Trakanon Raider
Jesus fucking christ. You retards never stop falling for Araysar's bullshit.

As I said before, I have dealt with the BLM and found them to be a bunch of head up ass bureaucrats, but I have a hard time seeing how this rancher has a case. It's a bummer if they shut down the land he has been leasing because the BLM owns most of Nevada and it will probably make it impossible for him to keep ranching, but you don't get to just say that the law doesn't apply to you.
Or you just pay for damn grazing fees and move on. This all started because they changed a rule to protect an endangered species and he didn't like it, so he stopped paying for grazing rights and started stealing them.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
So technically this means that his cattle is grazing on land that belongs to all of us.


Ssraeszha Raider
Yep. This fucking redneck moron dipshit thinks he gets steal our land, and he's appealing to retarded conservative logic to get away with it. If this were a weekday, Rush would be in full force, and Merlin would be in total agreement with this clown.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Or you just pay for damn grazing fees and move on. This all started because they changed a rule to protect an endangered species and he didn't like it, so he stopped paying for grazing rights and started stealing them.
What rule did they change? Did they not kick him off the place entirely? I can't find any info that isn't slanted by political shit.

So technically this means that his cattle is grazing on land that belongs to all of us.
Cattle are grazing on the vast majority of BLM land. Most of us pay rent for it though.


Tranny Chaser
What rule did they change? Did they not kick him off the place entirely? I can't find any info that isn't slanted by political shit.
The Nevada Tortoise War Is A Right-Wing False Flag | Blog | Media Matters for America

At the center of the controversy -- according to right-wing media figures -- is the formerly endangered (and still threatened) desert tortoise. When Bundy's grazing rights were modified by BLM in 1993, it was in part to protect the species, which inhabits the same publicly-owned desert areas trodden by Bundy's cattle and was at the time on the brink of extinction.

That's where the connection to the tortoise ends, however. In 1993, Bundy began refusing to pay grazing fees required by the new rules. This led to an escalating series of reprisals from the judicial system that culminated in an order to confiscate Bundy's cattle in order to repay $1 million in fines and fees that over 20 years later remained unpaid. The current enforcement has less to do with protecting the tortoise, and more to do with Bundy's refusal to comply with the law or recognize the legitimacy of the federal government.


Musty Nester
You know... if the dude doesn't pay his grazing fees for20 yearsI don't have a huge problem with his herd being taken and sold/slaughtered in order to recoup the fees.

If anything this sounds like a federal agency being too lenient and then being forced into an extreme situation.

Overhead sucks, bro. But you gotta pay your rent.


Vyemm Raider
He's had 144 years to deed that land. Did he think it was going to be public forever? I'm sure the Indian tribe who lived there thought that land was theirs, too.

It's a little confusing the way I've seen it reported. It says he stopped paying grazing fees in protest of whatever the new rule was in 1993. So he was always paying something to use the land. But it doesn't really specify what the rule changed. A price hike? Access restrictions? No idea. As far as I can tell, the only thing he objects to is his checks going to the fed instead of to Nevada.

And the comments, my god, the comments. "It was HIS land and the gubmint took it away!" Absolutely no concept of what "public land" means.

Anyway, at some point the old man will die and they will reap millions from his estate from all of the fines and interest and his 14 kids will be looking for a new home. Well done, pops.