so where is Agatha's familiar? Senor Scratchy not exist either? they didnt even really resolve why she wanted SW's powers other than she wanted it. they missed an opportunity here to have her teach SW her magic. "oh boy what do i do now, i assume you're going to have me arrested? herp derp." "oh no i will make you a nosy neighbor til i need you" i thought it was interesting that she allowed those kids to be killed in their sleep, though technically they never existed. they established now that Scarlet Witch has Vision's mind Stone essence in her head just waiting for a suitable vessel to deposit it in, or white Vision will turn into that Vision anyway? i also guess Monica (lol, thats a funny name, Monica, Mo nica) is getting taken up to see Fury for further instructions? oh and it was pretty presumptuous to assume everyone knows what the fuck a Darkhold is.