

El Presidente
ask yourself this, who are the most popular MCU characters? Cap and Tony. who directed the best MCU films? The Russo brothers. none of those guys are in phase 4.

the nerds on youtube are all saying that the big reveal is that Scarlet Witch is being taken over by the Darkhold and will do anything to get her "children" back. which brings in Chthon. so Doctor Strange2 will be about saving her from his hold and of course a big showdown at the end.
James Gunn directed the best MCU movie
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Vyemm Raider
It was not bad, but i had higher expectations.

I liked the Vision fight and assume new white vision will use the now released burred memories to be good guy vision again.
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Molten Core Raider
I was really thinking it was going to be Mephisto not some bootleg version of Cthulu. Is China against showing the devil or something because if so send Godzilla in.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Great Value Cthulu would be the safest international choice. China's government gets its shit in a twist when there are bones and skeletons, demons aren't that far a stretch.


Potato del Grande
They need to get Doom into this shit and done correct as a recurring mastermind villain. Also, Galactus done correctly. Then Secret Wars.
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Millie's Staff Member
21st century and people are still worried about witchcraft. That's worse than being an adult and believing in Santa Claus.
well, people are gonna believe what they believe, i cant fault anyone for that. who am i to say they're wrong. i dont like it when they go beyond that and force others to believe what they believe. you do you and leave me alone.
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Tranny Chaser
Apparently they were working right up to the wire on post production. This is part of why the episode run lengths were not known as they didn't have a final cut of the finale until after episode 7 aired!

One casualty of this was the Senor Scratchy scene in the finale that they filmed but cut and didn't do the FX for. Basically Monica, Ralph, Darcy and the kids go to get the Darkhold from Agatha's basement and come across Senor Scratchy who goes through a big American Werewolf in London transformation sequence into a hulking demon and chases them around. It didn't fit in with the overall vibe for the finale so they cut it but it may show up as a deleted scene at some point.

Noteable in that is the idea that Ralph is not a bad guy though they don't say if he still has his speed at that point.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Only read back a page. Didn’t Feige say he didn’t want the shows to have major reveals to avoid alienating movie only watchers?

I viewed these as answers to “what was Iron Man doing when Hydra/Shield was chasing captain America?” type questions. I wasn’t really disappointed but just kinda meh overall. Much like Age of Ultron, the best part was the two robots philosophizing. Overall, I really do think the MCU is going to suffer a post-Thanos letdown even if they still had Cap and Tony running around. More so without. I really like Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch but they just don’t have the charisma to carry the movies the way RDJ and, in his own stick in the mud way for Cap, Chris Evans did.

Couple things wife and I noticed - did the negative response from Monica indicate a souring in general on Brie Larson/Captain Marvel? Nobody likes her.

They sure gave Wanda a non-woke, 1950’s woman dream for life. No strong womyn shit. I hadn’t looked but wonder if the Internet hated that.

As others said, why did White Vision leave? Maybe he had a reason to be revealed...

Cthon? Ugh. I really hope they can stick the landing with Galactus and Silver Surfer assuming the do that. Outside of Thanos, those are my two favorite cosmic entities.
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Tranny Chaser
Saw an interesting theory that Ralph Bohner is a triple fake -- that we are meant to think 'oh God it's Pietro but then go 'oh it's just some dude that Agatha charmed' but it may really be Pietro and that he is the witness in protection that Jimmy Woo was coming to check on. The logic being that nothing in Agatha's powerset indicates she's capable of giving someone superpowers plus the notable lack of resolution with the witness business.

The one time Jimmy references Pietro is right as they are breaking away from Hayward during the Halloween episode and Monica notices him on the monitor and asks 'who is that?' to which Jimmy says 'Wanda's brother came to town' to which Darcy adds 'wearing the wrong face'. At this point in the story Monica Jimmy and Darcy are together pretty much all the time though Darcy is alone when she and the viewers first see Pietro. So presumably if Jimmy had been watching the episode then Monica would have as well only her question makes it clear she hasn't.

Of course that doesn't explain why Jimmy wouldn't volunteer this information as it would be relevant to the situation. Though he is a very by-the-books kinda dude and if it was explained that alternate universes were a need-to-know sort of thing he might well keep that to himself.

Bottom line is that the people writing all this are themselves fans and just as clever as the people watching which provides opportunities like this.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Bottom line is that the people writing all this are themselves fans and just as clever as the people watching which provides opportunities like this.

This entire series was written by women and we know they dont give a shit about comics.

This is why this show is shit.
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Molten Core Raider
Only read back a page. Didn’t Feige say he didn’t want the shows to have major reveals to avoid alienating movie only watchers?

I think the idea in the production sense of the MCU is that they'll do self contained stories with elements that overarch the entire universe which gives them the "grounded" feeling within the MCU as a whole. Which does leaves some sort of disjointedness when those extra elements are around at times, think Antman and the Avengers compound/Falcon, and sprinkle a little bit of Edgar Wright leaving the director chair from said movie. It's the same reason they slam easter eggs at us semi-regularly too. I just can't see them leaving this formula.. ever? other than that, I don't know what Feige said other than post-snap, and pre-snap and/or cosmic level threat and earth level threat as the driving plot to their movies(and shows?) supposedly, rather than Phases. I just think they want to use these shows as a form to expand the universe to give the first string heroes more fleshed out plots to go off of, and expanding stories on secondary heroes that line the pocket of the disney plus subs and appease the fans of said secondary heroes(the cries of black widow and hawk eye fans).. i'll be surprised if they put blockbuster characters front manning any of these shows; hence the long standoff with Black Widow and being a streamed movie, or theatre movie. Granted, I feel like X-Men probably would work better in show format given how much of it there is. At the end of the day, they're going to try to entice you to want to view any, and all of their product because it is $$.. if you skip it now, maybe something later will reference it, like Vision reappearance in a plot line or something. I think that's the common sentiment with AoU where there is a lot of "Ohhh" since the end of Endgame.

In this case, Monica and SWORD feel like nearly a like a non-factor given its a Wanda and Vision show but it sets up "further questions" of SWORD involvement/motive, and kinda expands SWORD operation since I think our only time knowing SWORD is through a stinger at the end of Spiderman. Which I guess is 8mo's after end game snap, and Wandavision is uhh, 1 week? idk. It's going to allows us to jump straight into a -confirmed- Secret Invasion mini series with SLJ and I guess Rambaeu returning.. rather than having to set it up. I'm sure we will have more things sprinkled about it. Technically Falc/WS and Black Widow were suppose to be way before Wandavision.

I do feel like Captain Marvel was purposefully crafted to be insufferable. Not particularly Brie, thats a case on its own, but in movie appearance she seems to be written as so; the whole holier than thou justicar bullshit. It just seems too off to be muh woman empowerments, granted that is compared to my personal experience/convo with these type. The one friend I have who continuously reads comics explained to me that even her comic version is insufferable. Could be me giving them too much credit to Didney/Fiege, but i'm pretty sure we are gonna get a Rogue sapping her powers moment.. and that'll be the end of Brie.

The Pietro tripefake sounds like a desperate reach for Evan Peters fans.
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