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Trakanon Raider
anyone else getting this?

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain google.com by aspmx.l.google.com. [2607:f8b0:400d:c04::1a].

The error that the other server returned was:
550-5.2.1 The user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate that
550-5.2.1 prevents additional messages from being delivered. For more
550-5.2.1 information, please visit
550 5.2.1'The Gmail user you are trying to contact is receiving mail at a rate...' - Gmail Help96si8867063qgb.91 - gsmtp


Trakanon Raider
Got it as well, took about 4 trys. I'm guessing they saw the traffic and increased the limit to that email box. But thanks for posting this OP!