Warhammer 40,000 Novels



I find it fascinating that Gulliman would want Sanguinus to be the new Emperor. Of all the Primarchs, Gulliman was pretty much the only one to build a successful interstellar empire, and he did so long before the emperor found him. Gulliman screams Emperor v2.0 to me, not Sanguinus. I'm curious as to his reasons.
In Know No Fear, it details how none of the other primarchs really trust Guilliman because they always wonder what he's going to get out of working with them. He's also too cold and clinical, not charismatic like Horus and his approach to logistics and empire-building probably irks the others, who likely see him as trying to set up his own empire (which he is essentially). He's the most successful primarch, arguably, but only has 4 friends out of all of them: Ferrus, Dorn, Horus, and Sanguinius.

Sanguinius, on the other hand, is pretty much universally respected and admired by all the primarchs. Never in the whole of the HH books do you really see any primarch or anyone else for that matter disparage or insult Sanguinius, because he was just that charismatic, and also possibly the best warrior of them all. Guilliman would know this, he would know that if any other primarch could have been chosen as Warmaster, it would have been Sanguinius, and even Horus believed Sanguinius should be Warmaster.

No other primarch has true rivalries with the Blood Angels or any quarrel with Sanguinius, so he'd be the perfect unifying force should the Emperor fail, if for no other reason than his stature as a figurehead and symbol of greatness.


Vulkan Lives and Corax : Soulforge are "available" just as a heads up. Ton of Novellas "available" as well. I swear to god theblacklibrary.com is the most worthless fucking retail website in the world. Can't find shit for information there on upcoming releases and 95% of the time fucking lexicanum is more accurate and up to date on release dates.

Only about a third of the way through Vulkan lives but nothing to write home about so far.

Beef Supreme_sl

My friends find it heretical, but I very dearly wish to see the Primarchs come back. I know part of what makes them so interesting is that they, along with the Emperor (pre-HH Emperor) are so shrouded in mystery they become akin to the Olympian gods.

I would really like to see a second great crusade.


why you need Primarchs when you have already Draigo ? he carved his name into a Demon-Primarch heard for fuck sake and devastated nurgle forest just for fun

Primarchs are pussies


Draigo is lost in the warp.

Grey Knights are almost mini-Primarchs anyway.
Not even close really. At least from a lore standpoint since whatever the heresy era supplement they released was called put Fulgrims toughness at 6 or some other such ridiculous shit. 2nd edition Chaos codex has princes with stats above 10 and you can't do the same for the goddamn primachs? Anyways rant over. 109 Terminators v Angron (post heresy/prince...hood?) and 12 Bloodthirsters got their shit wrecked. The 13 that lived did so thanks only to deus ex machina. The only beings comparable to big names in lore are big names in lore.

Of course last time I followed table top rules I got the impression 500 points of Grey Knights could have killed The Emperor at his prime. So yeah, fuck it!

While I would also like to see the "surviving" primarchs brought into contemporary lore in some way it will never happen. Hints and allusions are all we will ever get. They are kind of the only thing left when it comes to mysteries and things left unresolved. If they brought them back there's nothing left to tease. Maybe if GW ever gets ready to close their doors we might see them come back for the last lore hurrah but not until then and I don't see that happening anytime soon. The hints here and there are probably more "fun" anyways ala lore verified healing of wounds while in a stasis field in Angel Exterminatus and the rumors of Gulliman slowly healing in his field etc.


Trakanon Raider
I like Abnett's books but I always feel that he needs another 100 pages to finish up his stories. Every single one feels rushed at the end.

The Eisenhorn books are great. Not by Abnett but the first two Last Chancers are also really good but the third (and last one) was pretty much garbage.

It's not really supported anymore but my friends and I loved Battlefleet Gothic as our tabletop game of choice. I had a Chaos fleet, one friend had an Imperial Guard fleet and another friend had a Dark Eldar fleet. Necrons were cool but way too overpowered. Nobody really dug the Tyrannids.


Riddle me this...
I'm liking the heresy era novels. Nice to see the White Scars get some love.


My friends find it heretical, but I very dearly wish to see the Primarchs come back. I know part of what makes them so interesting is that they, along with the Emperor (pre-HH Emperor) are so shrouded in mystery they become akin to the Olympian gods.

I would really like to see a second great crusade.
Will probably never happen simply for the fact that Games Workshop has time and time again refused to advance the story any further than it is currently, and kept left the universe in stasis. Most certainly has to do with selling miniatures.

Several loyalist Primarchs are speculated to return when the final apocalyptic battle for the Imperium comes about, essentially the end of mankind as we know it. Leman Russ ventured into the Eye of Terror to hunt the Thousand Sons and other traitors, vowing never to return until the end times. Same story essentially for Vulkan, Corax, and the Khan. It's speculated that Guilliman is slowly healing even in stasis, and the Lion is sleeping deep in The Rock. Essentially, the only Primarchs that are truly gone are Sanguinius, Dorn, and Ferrus Manus, who are all dead and there's not even speculation or hints that they'd come back. FFS Ferrus doesn't even have a head.

The Primarchs are so OP that it'd probably ruin the tabletop game, and if they were all back and fought the last battle, the 40k universe as we know it would be done.

That said, I think if they ever did actually advance the lore to this point, you'd see them all come back, the Astronomicon fail and the Emperor reincarnate. The Eldar as a species and will all die and birth a new god in the warp, and it'd essentially be the forces of order or those with faith in the Emperor vs. Chaos and aliens. However, they've set it up now where the true and gravest threat isn't Chaos, but the Tyranids, who are being drawn to Terra because of the Astronomicon. They can't keep all the factions relevant if they have the end battle as they've set it up now.


so, in essence, wh40k storyline is heading into a massive galaxywide royal rumble between Imperium with revived emperor and primarchs starting a new great crusade, the eldar god of death fucking shit up, necrons going around killing ppl from the 11th dimension, orks mounting a galaxywide WAAAGH!!, Chaos going for it for the 14th time, and the tyranid going full omnomnomnomnomnomnom ?

i like this plan


Games Workshop has been smart in that current 40k is a setting and not an overall storyline.

There has been speculation that the Horus Heresy series will last around 50 total novels before it finishes, which puts us around the halfway point. Black Library has said they want to start another massive series, such as the Fall of the Eldar. There has also been talk of a series focused on the Scouring.

Keep in mind Black Library and Games Workshop are set up for the long haul. WH40k fiction is enormously lucrative - Black Library is one of the most profitable GW divisions, if you dig into GW's financial reports. They are unlikely to rock the boat too much.

If you want to see a company that destroyed itself by advancing the storyline too far, take a look at White Wolf's original World of Darkness. It was one of the premiere roleplaying game lines in the world, and enormously successful. Vampire the Masquerade defined the gritty urban vampire archetype. For a number of reasons, one of which was advancing the storyline so far that it had to end, White Wolf basically shot itself in the foot. It has never been as successful or as popular as it was ten years ago.

Games Workshop is not going to make that same mistake.


Honestly, they don't even need to advance the plot to bring back Primarchs.
I finished Ahriman Exile by John French a couple of weeks ago, and liked it, specially since it was not what i expected.

You could write a trilogy just for Magnus and not change the lore.... i mean look at "Demon World"

I'd love to see a lot more of Angron, i found it awesome in some of the HH books to see how his brothers look at him.
The admiration (i'll even call it that) for his strength, their pity for a broken being, his past, his betrayal by the Emperor.
As a legion World Eaters have zero interest, but "how they became what they are", now that....

I've devoured 15-20 books and 200+ ebooks, and still crave more


Potato del Grande
They have powered up some of the xenos, such as Necrons... so a new crusade storyline could work with Tyranids ect fighting at full force.


did not read the new codex, but how they managed to powerup the necrons ? they pretty much were invincible already


Golden Squire
Idgaf about Eldar, so a heresy-like series holds no interest to me. I like the SM (even most of the poorly written ones) and IG setting books, and they tend to be the ones best written, contradiction I know.


They could make a 20 Book series about the craftworlds & the fall, that would be cool too.

I just finished "WE ARE ONE" and it is the most fucking epic 25 pages you will ever read in your entire life.
I always found the Alpha Legion very interesting, but we never see anything about them...
Except the little story about that geneseed theft & the reasons they turned, but this... this... this was Legendary !


Anyone checked out the new HH that's come out lately?

Scars Series: Fairly awesome.

Vulkan Lives: Abysmal piece of shit warranting the execution of Nick Kyme. Seriously, this thing is terrible. If you're some weird person who for whatever reason HATES Vulkan, then yeah this is your book.

A good 3/4ths of the material with Vulkan in it are just pages and pages full of descriptions of him getting brutally tortured. Seriously. Many, many chapters, devoted solely to torture and nothing else, and then a retardedly retarded reveal that snuff novel fuckass felt he should insert to justify/redeem his sadistic drivel.


Fuck scars till it's done. Unremembered Empire is available. 1/3rd to 1/2 done with it. Kinda impossible to comment without spoilers since its 100% new ground. Not sure if I like it or not but it's keeping me interested.