Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus


Tranny Chaser
So I saw this on Steam right before turkey-day and decided to check it out :

Its a tactics strategy game with some degree of progression, similar to Xcom but less robust, in how you level up your Tech Priests and what missions you choose to take on. There's an overall game 'timer' that runs which rewards you for being efficient in your missions and trying to delay the waking of the entire Necron forces, but from what I've seen you'd have to be REALLY bad in order for this timer to actually cause you any overall grief.

Game is decently challenging for the first 5-6 missions but the scaling is such that once you figure out how to outfit your Tech Priests and manage the generation of action points in mission you are gonna be well nigh unstoppable. Even so I feel I've gotten my money's worth out of the thing at the $30 price point.