I have also recently started collecting since the start of 9th. Taking my sweet ass time painting them all, as I have no friends locally to play with and Covid has all the LGS games shut down until further notice. I have been into 40k since Dawn of War back in 2004 (and I used to read some of the better Black Library Series). I guess I am looking into this as my dad hobby now that I am a bit older.
I am going Craftworld Eldar and have a little under a 1,000 points so far. Going to hold out on buying more to give me time to paint. And I am naively hoping that the first Xenos Codex of 2021 will be Craftworld.... and that they actually decide to go ahead and update all of the goddamn Finecast Models that the Eldar are still burdened with. Aspect Warriors are thematically cool, but most of them suck and their models are ancient, so not touching any of them.
I really hope GW gives some of the other Xenos races the Necrons treatment, with a huge range refresh. Tyranids and Craftworld at the very minimum could use it. And I know that stuff like the Tau Auxiliary races are from the early 2000s. They sure as fuck have the money now with the huge revenue influx they received over the course of 8th edition.