That's a Baneblade from the cover. You can find them cheaper at other web stores but this is the kit below. It's not a space marine tank but imperial guard. Maybe there's other tanks in the book?
Actually if you want to troll your husband this is from the 10mm game out of print (about 1 inch long)
GW Warhammer 40K Epic Imperial Guard Baneblade Super Heavy Tanks | eBay
The price is for a single Baneblade Super Heavy
$170 for a few bits of plastic, what the fuck?
Played a Kill Team Tournament at my LGS. Tossed a krak grenade at a Marine and landed this roll.
View attachment 495488
Fucking outstanding.
I don't recall ever seeing this explicitly addressed, however, it is well established that they 'pack up' all the biomass left over after scouring it including all of their own creatures that can't be moved. They don't really have a reason to leave a scout behind, they don't really 'care' about strategy in the same terms as other races.Maybe someone here might know. When the Tyranids are done with a world, and there is nothing biological left on the planet - do they just leave it entirely? or keep a scout there as surveillance?
Definitely not, they are rolling blue coal. If one cow makes enough methane to sink an iceberg, they are pooping a shitload. No one ever talks about the mountains of shit during the battles, because they eat it after.A carbon neutral race
Well they are made out to be THE existential threat. Chaos doesn't like them at all because they all cease to exist if life in the material universe goes away due to the psychic bonds between real space and the immaterium.I was thinking there might be a cuck type of strategy in the lore. As I'm under the assumption that terraforming planets is old news in the 40k universe. So basically abandon the planet, circle back around after theyve left and completely avoid the conflict. Since tyranids arent exactly checking back on desecrated worlds - seems as though if would be safe.
Everything Ive read so far just makes it sound like theyre the end all, be all, to the universe. Them and chaos, anyways.