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Bit of Octarius & Nachmund Terrain on that board.
I need to finish my Octarius so I can indoctrinate and build my cult for playing Kill Team.
Chaos cult is dominating that last I checked
Bit of Octarius & Nachmund Terrain on that board.
I need to finish my Octarius so I can indoctrinate and build my cult for playing Kill Team.
Chaos Cult took another nerf this last balance data slate. We won't be as dominate as we have been in the past, but still a good kill team.Chaos cult is dominating that last I checked
YaBit of Octarius & Nachmund Terrain on that board.
I need to finish my Octarius so I can indoctrinate and build my cult for playing Kill Team.
You just got me to read Perturabo slamming Fulgrims face into a table, what a guy.Better? Not really, but I think he is interesting. Perturabo was written as a great engineer, a tinkerer, a great tactician and a strategist, but he slowly devolved into neurotic and paranoid behavior's by the end of the Heresy.
The drop site massacre is where Vulkan was nuked. Not really a duel since I don't think Perturabo even left his encampment. That was the point of betrayal since Perturabo was still pretending to be a loyalist, and they started mowing down the Salamanders, Iron Hands and Raven Guard has they were retreating toward them, thinking that they were still on the same side. They were already on the brink of collapse when they were betrayed by the Iron Warriors, Night Lords and Alpha legion.
At the siege of Terra, he did a great job of wearing down Rogal Dorn, but he did so by having more resources while Rogal was cut off from supplies and reinforcements. Rogal is doing a delaying action, and he knows it. The confrontation was the pinnacle of their rivalry. Perturabo a master of siegecraft and Rogal a master of defense. Perturabo could have finished the job, but Horus made him mad and he left. After that, there wasn't much strategy needed since Perturabo had broken their defenses already.
Like most of the other traitor Primarchs it comes down to daddy issues combined with the devil whipsering in their ears. Perturabo felt under appreciated by big E for all the hard tasks he got during the crusade. Tasks he was given because he was the best at siegecraft. Only to get fucked even harder by the other traitor primarchs and Horus when he went traitor. Read up on what Fulgrim did to him right after the heresy began.
ouchWhat about the legacy factions?
Rob: A few of the factions from the previous Warhammer Fantasy Battle game will not feature in Warhammer: The Old World – this is in terms of game rules, model ranges, and the ongoing background narrative. These ‘Legacy’ factions will however get free, downloadable army lists so people can try out the new system using their older model collections. More about this in the coming weeks, though please note that they won’t be considered legal for tournaments, and won’t receive ongoing support.
If you want to come on this long-term journey with us, the factions in the Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes books are the ones to collect and play – and we want to be pretty clear about that.
Lol wut.
lol yeah my two main armies and Chaos DwarfsNo Skaven or Dark Elves. What the shit?!?
After watching a bunch of videos now that the NDA is up, my suspicions are correct regarding TOW. The core rules seem great (though magic seems dumb to me), but the production and packaging and decisions around supporting the game are early 2000s GW bullshit. I realize that they must be hedging their bets on the overall effort for the sake of testing the waters, but they have done so in a way that basically guarantees its failure.
WHFB went away mostly because it was under-supported during a critical period where it needed to be modernized and better decisions had to be made about the universe as a whole. I don't even really hate AoS as a game, so much as I hate that AoS consumed the setting and it also received the support WHFB should have been receiving all along.
With that said, I think this is a hard pass for me right now and that's from someone who really likes the rank and flank style gameplay. While they made overtures to the idea that they would offer less support for certain factions, the fact that they have permanently squatted anything that still exists in AoS nominally means that this is not a passion project, it's the normal GW specialist games bullshit that means it will have to so wildly overperform to stay in support. Additionally, they confirmed the scale creep and basing stuff (which we all know) which means that best case, they will remake all the core army ranges over time and buying in now is a huge risk. We know they are at least somewhat working on Kislev and Cathay, but they're selling 30+ year old models today for 2023 prices and that just doesn't sit well.
All these factors mean the launch stuff will sell out and be pushed as a huge success, and there will still be only 2 guys who come in once a month to play a game of it at the local store. If it limps along to a 2nd edition and full plastic lines on a rabid fanbase like HH, maybe then I'll consider it.
Yup, I'm annoyed. But, I still might by the rule book and play with the stuff we had between 1990 and 2005.
I don’t trust them and never will. After decades of their BS that’s just the way it is. But, I will keep an eye on things and see if the system catches on and gets proper support in a year, or maybe two. I’m in no rush.Yea I got rid of most of my WHFB stuff around 7th so unfortunately I'd have to reinvest in this. I am still sad this isn't a 12-15mm warmaster 2.0 though. 40k was the first GW game I got into, but those giant old battle scenes of WHFB in WD were amazing and while I never really had single big 4k+ point armies like they had on the centerfolds I still have huge nostalgia from those scenes before the LOTR trilogy came out (possibly the only time a movie has truly done cavalry justice).
So I'm not sure how many people are in my position of having a history with the game and a piqued interest but not having existing armies ready to do and also a bit gun-shy over how GW has fucked over non-40k games in the past. I have a bunch of these Bret kits still from my original 5th ed box (so less mold lines) and I'm disinclined to now spend 5x as much to purchase more in 2024. Trying to keep out skaven,DE and lizardmen which still have models available (generally) because something something keep AOS separate is a huge red flag to me. Skaven are one of the most iconic races in WHFB, and anything with purchase in the general GW playerbase is more inclined to draw them to the system and be active. Losing any possible players by excluding them during a critical relaunch phase is a retard move.
I wish it weren't this way, and perhaps with a few less dumbass decisions they could have swayed me to try it, but at this point I don't see how this will thrive. I hope it does and they unfuck this over time, but I am not counting on it. At best I see this being a struggle session game where they constantly print resource books and you can never buy parts of armies you want for them because the production capacity is kneecapped.
Oh well.