Warhammer 40k


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Holy fuck. That sentence I wrote looks retarded. Cool to hear though.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This isn't shocking. They don't want other videos competing with theirs. Also, it's the internet and everyone turns everything in to porn.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well then they better get cracking on the official porn. For Warhammer+++
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
looks like GW went full homo

at least they had enough brain cells to hire the Astartes guy a few months back

This has been in the pipeline for a while now.

GW took in a lot of animators while forcing them to delete all their videos and content. From what some creators have said, GW's position was essentially either 1) join us and you can continue making monies under our banner, but you'll need to delete your old content first, or 2) stay independent, but we'll then pursue demonetizing all of your revenue streams and taking legal action to force you to delete your content regardless.

Sodaz tried to play with GW, but then he felt like GW only brought him along to silence him and to get him to delete his content, but then GW stopped contacting him, all while he got a fuckton of flak and hate from the community for 'caving' to GW. So he decided to never do anything 40K related, ever again, and is going to try doing other projects. RIP

absolutelynothing's update on all of this made me LOL. In his case though, it seems like he's voluntarily accepting their demands, in the case of refusing their terms to work with them, and demonetizing everything so he can keep making stuff on his own w/o being harassed by GW in the future.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They've never, ever made brilliant business decisions and have alienated their fan base in different ways, for decades. Now I hear they are bringing back Warhammer Fantasy, despite making a massive deal out of its death years ago saying how much better Age of Sigmar was.

Dumb in the past. Dumb now. Dumb tomorrow.
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Buzzfeed Editor
At least it helps solidify not buying anything for the upcoming kill team etc. Rip childhood.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They've never, ever made brilliant business decisions and have alienated their fan base in different ways, for decades. Now I hear they are bringing back Warhammer Fantasy, despite making a massive deal out of its death years ago saying how much better Age of Sigmar was.

Dumb in the past. Dumb now. Dumb tomorrow.
Warhammer Fantasy coming back is just like WoW classic. People are excited to pay for nostalgic shit that has been improved and will force themselves to enjoy a subpar product just to wear that fedora.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's not even that Age of Sigmar is that bad.

It's that End Times was a fucking terrible story and a really shitty way to end WHFB. Like they even managed to take concepts that should have been really fucking cool (such as Tyrion succumbing to the curse of Aenarion and Malekith actually being the rightful Phoenix King) and just utterly flubbed them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I like AoS but have only played it like a dozen times or so. It is far superior to Warhammer Fantasy.

The story for all GW games is always awful so I guess I didn't get that jaded by it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I really enjoy playing Ogors even though they're pretty mediocre/bad. I am less salty about the double-turn thing than when I started, as there's definitely a lot of play to it, both in game and in list-building. It's nice that there's weird gameplay twists that make some units significantly better (or worse) than their warscroll/datasheet would mathematically imply.


Trakanon Raider
Age of Sigmar is a god damn blast. The Fantasy world and units were really cool though and they shit the bed at the end. I could see a lot of what led to AoS being capable of being incorporated into the Fantasy world pretty easily. But anyway, here we are.

GW does a really fantastic job of alienating its fans which is crazy because they put a lot of effort in the community aspect of their marketing. It just seems the business strategist portion of the business is disconnected from the Product and Marketing groups.


<Bronze Donator>
Age of Sigmar is a god damn blast. The Fantasy world and units were really cool though and they shit the bed at the end. I could see a lot of what led to AoS being capable of being incorporated into the Fantasy world pretty easily. But anyway, here we are.

GW does a really fantastic job of alienating its fans which is crazy because they put a lot of effort in the community aspect of their marketing. It just seems the business strategist portion of the business is disconnected from the Product and Marketing groups.
You looking forward to a Kevin Smith WK40k Cartoon? I hear Horus is going to be the hero.
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah and I hope he's tan enough that people question if they're shoehorning in minorities in the 40k universe.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
pWAAGHress update.

Didn't quite get everything painted in time for the event, but plugging away at dudes, and finished the copters. Army's still more grey than I'd like, but I really enjoy assembly, and only somewhat enjoy painting. Got the Ork Hot Tubs busy stripping some awful enamel stuff I tried out.

Managed to snag one of the Beastsnagga Army boxes, but feel kind of silly grabbing more plastic while I still have a lot to finish with the main body of the army (20 warbikers I probably would have assembled before now if I'd known the make-over they'd get in the codex).

"A boy a day until golden demon" looking like a mighty long road at this point, eh?


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Blackwing Lair Raider
pWAAGHress update.

Didn't quite get everything painted in time for the event, but plugging away at dudes, and finished the copters. Army's still more grey than I'd like, but I really enjoy assembly, and only somewhat enjoy painting. Got the Ork Hot Tubs busy stripping some awful enamel stuff I tried out.

Managed to snag one of the Beastsnagga Army boxes, but feel kind of silly grabbing more plastic while I still have a lot to finish with the main body of the army (20 warbikers I probably would have assembled before now if I'd known the make-over they'd get in the codex).

"A boy a day until golden demon" looking like a mighty long road at this point, eh?
That's a whole lotta Waaassgh you got there. That stompa a kit or did you hand make that?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's the kit, I'm paranoid about kitbashing (I know, weird for an ork player), got the kit as part of a facebook lot with some unpainted boyz.

I think the only kitbashed thing I have atm is the leftover "Deff Dread" from when I was a kid, that yellow space marine dreadnought with killa kan arms glued on. When I was a kid I got into the game, but the local shops wouldn't let me play on their tables because my stuff was a hodge-podge and not up to painting standards, which is probably why I'm leery of kitbashing over 20 years later.

I've still got a pile of metal eldar and orks I never finished painting/assembling, that I grabbed with store credit from magic/L5R tournaments.

I think I've literally got 4000-5000 points in finecast/metal Craftworlds sitting in a big cardboard box that I'll probably never actually build/paint but can't be arsed to sell. I fiddled with some of the Wraiths last year since I like those models, but the rest of the line doesn't really rev my engines anymore.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I choose to believe


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Vyemm Raider
Just getting started. Always loved the lore but never had the time to get into it. I have so many questions though:

Also lol I'm going into this without a lot of money; it actually works out because I have 2 kids and 2 jobs, but my primary job has me traveling around the country Mon-Fri. This means I only have 1-2 nights on weekends to assemble and paint. By the time I get the models done in a month or two, I'll have enough to buy something else to add.

1. Faction choice: I chose Imperial Guard for versatility? (I also like the aesthetics and lore; regular men and women holding the line in a galaxy full of horrors). I only bought the 10 Cadian shock troops to practice assembly/painting, but what else should I get to make a well-rounded army? (I was thinking Leman Russ, Heavy Weapons squad, more troops, then assassins). I want to get a 1000 point army that lets me have a shot at winning regardless of what army I'm facing (if possible).

2. The only place that is public right now is the GW store, which means no 3rd party minis. I figure I'll buy first party to start, network a bit, and then expand and buy cheaper 3rd party once I get to know other local groups that don't care. I estimate that by the time that happens I will be bitter towards GW about all the money they've taken from me, and will just buy a few token things here or there to support the local GW guy (he's a decent person), while secretly hoping his bosses get kidnapped by the Dark Eldar. (This is normal, right?).

3. Any other good ways to get 1st/3rd party stuff cheaper? I see a lot of bits on ebay. Are older armies affordable, or more expensive due to being out of production and hard to find?

4. Does the game really have wild swings of balance, or is most of the bitching from people that buy OP armies, or just aren't very good because they can't adapt (but I also get spending a lot of money on an army to have it get nerfed).

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just getting started. Always loved the lore but never had the time to get into it. I have so many questions though:

Also lol I'm going into this without a lot of money; it actually works out because I have 2 kids and 2 jobs, but my primary job has me traveling around the country Mon-Fri. This means I only have 1-2 nights on weekends to assemble and paint. By the time I get the models done in a month or two, I'll have enough to buy something else to add.

1. Faction choice: I chose Imperial Guard for versatility? (I also like the aesthetics and lore; regular men and women holding the line in a galaxy full of horrors). I only bought the 10 Cadian shock troops to practice assembly/painting, but what else should I get to make a well-rounded army? (I was thinking Leman Russ, Heavy Weapons squad, more troops, then assassins). I want to get a 1000 point army that lets me have a shot at winning regardless of what army I'm facing (if possible).

2. The only place that is public right now is the GW store, which means no 3rd party minis. I figure I'll buy first party to start, network a bit, and then expand and buy cheaper 3rd party once I get to know other local groups that don't care. I estimate that by the time that happens I will be bitter towards GW about all the money they've taken from me, and will just buy a few token things here or there to support the local GW guy (he's a decent person), while secretly hoping his bosses get kidnapped by the Dark Eldar. (This is normal, right?).

3. Any other good ways to get 1st/3rd party stuff cheaper? I see a lot of bits on ebay. Are older armies affordable, or more expensive due to being out of production and hard to find?

4. Does the game really have wild swings of balance, or is most of the bitching from people that buy OP armies, or just aren't very good because they can't adapt (but I also get spending a lot of money on an army to have it get nerfed).

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1) The Guard have always required more minis than other factions (except Ork and Tyranids) to be viable so you really won't be able to get by with a low model count. That's something for Gray Knights or Custodians. Unfortunately, GW has progressively reduced model point costs across each successive edition of the game so that more models are needed to field an army (they want sales, obviously).

The strength of the guard are the tanks. Infantry hold objectives for them, but rarely do much killing. You really will need 4-6 tanks; Leman Russ, Earth Shakers, Chimeras. Some characters to call in orders.

2) eBay

3) eBay. You should be able to (used to be able to, years ago when I played) to get brand new, unopened boxes for half price.

4) Yes, but it's usually because GW doesn't - or can't - release updated codex for every army. So, as the months and years pass and new army codex come out, each one is more powerful than the last. Plus, the cynic in me thinks they also do that so the sexy new updated army sells more stuff
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